Ok you fags I wanna know was this a good thing or a bad thing?
Ok you fags I wanna know was this a good thing or a bad thing?
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Worst deal of the century, possibly ever.
Fuck Paris and their accord
And fuck your climate
Good for US bad for all other faggy countries
Doomsday cultists on suicide watch.
good for people who have coal related jobs.
Bad for the environment
Neutral for anybody else
Bad for Trump because he's making every leader reject him.
The treaty would've forced US to pay billions to the UN through carbon taxes.
or that's the word around here
The agreement is just a media stunt for the environmental issues.
There's no mechanism for punishing individual countries which break the terms and the emission limits are too high for china and india.
Trump could have stayed in the agreement while ignoring him and would have probably avoided the media backlash.
neutral for anyone not living in an environment?
Good. The Paris accord is about wealth redistribution to fund development of the 3rd world for the benefit of globalist financial interests, not climate change.
Good thing global warming being real or not it was just a big globalist scheme to siphon money out of western countries
EU and UN shitters will have to bankroll their own whims instead of just living off 'Muricas teat as usual.
Also not hindering our own industry just so some foreign interest that despises us anyway can stay competitive.
Please see Dow Jones.
>Bad for Trump because he's making every leader reject him.
oh noooooo that sucks...
Good. Read it.
It literally does jack shit.
Like one paragraph worth of text talked about climate change and all that's was was to try and keep warming under 2 C. By whatever means you see fit. And there is no punishment if you don't.
The rest of it obligated us to give billions to countries like Russia and North Korea to help the develop along environmentally friendly lines and to take in X million "climate migrants".
It was a fucking sham.
Its a good thing it was just a big money redistribution crapshoot with no binding anything ..well except that the us gives millions away lol
Wait, why are the Christians on suicide watch?
This right here. And if the past is a good indication of what will happen in the future, the US specifically will end up footing the full bill while other countries in the agreement pay little to nothing.
They all voted against us on the Jerusalem thing, did they think there wouldn't be consequences?
I actually hadn't read it, I just figured it was one more step towards a carbon tax, and another step towards a one world government.
>let's solve GLOBAL warming by moving it to China and India.
Even if global warming was a problem, these retards are obviously not trying to solve it
The Paris deal: Shithole countries profited, We give money, Europe and the Russians pay nothing. Even if the AGW claim wasn't an idiotic lie, this deal doesn't lower CO2 by a single molecule.
Pumping money into "climate accords" will accomplish nothing.
Now that money stays here, in the USA, for gibmedats.
The paris accord is a scam used to milk money from virtue signalling retards
His reaons may be stupid but the Paris accord is bad for the enviroment and will cause even more climate change.
Fuckin lunatics...yeah, my volkswagon caused the mini ice age
3 of these are just straight taxpayers have to give their money away. The others kill jobs.
Ready for the best response for this ever?????
Bad for third world, doesn't let third world develop in the natural way industrialization does. Aka using coal to start out.
Also bad for first world countries because if you read it, I think it was part 6 or 7 that says "first world countries are required to financially help third world countries, and while third world countries are encouraged to document what they spend money on, they are not required to do so"
You're welcome!
Someone Who Read The Damn Thing.
I would encourage you to go read it! It's not too horrible. :)
>Still believes in anthtropromorphic climate change
It has a net neutrality or meet negative effect on the climate while the USA was to subsidize everyone else's environmental garbage.
If you want it so bad, you fucking pay for China and India's problems. We are perfectly fine letting these country's live in unannotated markets until they eat themselves alive.
And how was the USA's money supposed to solve the works environment problems? What part of that deal made everything all better?
The himeys are
It's a non-thing.
To start, it's the Paris Agreement, not the Paris Accords, which ended the Vietnam War.
But, to the point: it has no enforcement mechanism, so it doesn't mean anything. It's like passing a law while also not having any police or judges to uphold it on top of there being no fucking penalty for breaking it even if you did. So the choice he had was optics: do something that'll appease the base (withdraw), or do something that won't appease them and will also not gain him any traction with the left while also not meaning anything (remain). So he made the choice that was best for him politically and also causes no real harm in the world.
No, none of that is accurate or a thing in any way.
You are LITERALLY fucking mentally retarded.
Can you spoon-feed the class a link to the document?
>"first world countries are required to financially help third world countries, and while third world countries are encouraged to document what they spend money on, they are not required to do so"
And considering China was considered a third world country in the deal, which would then be given financial help from the US, while China is a serious economic competitor to the US, its obvious that Donald Trump wanted to leave.
Fuck all the biased journalists who never mentioned this part. I haven't seen one journalist try to mention it. Not a single one. Journalism truly is dead.
Good thing. It's a non binding agreement that just fleeces money from the u.s.
It's just unnecessary. The US can control its own emmissions it shouldnt have to partner with a bunch of other countries
yeah, climate change personified as a person, what's so hard to understand about that you shitlord ?
They're being paid NOT to mention it. What they don't say, is sometimes louder than what they do.
Like how not a single journo has tried to answer why we're taking people from shitholes over objectively better candidates.
When does that mean anything to me?
It also says absolutely nothing like that. It in fact says exactly the fucking the opposite. The fag you're replying to did not read it.
One of the more basic premises that the international community has held to going back to Rio was that nigger countries have the "right" to pollute because colonialism, but that white ones are obligated to impose emissions standards because we've been industrialized longer.
It looked wrong but feels right. Anthropic is probably better.
Good argument btw
>Bad for Trump because he's making every leader reject him.
As if every leader was on his side before he pulled out.
It is totally a good thing because this climate circle is basically to check that every country has balance of industry so that no one may dominate the other. If you talk about environmental shits like food production and deforestation, industry is not the main problem it is the population that needs to be decrease especially in india, africa and china
So those circles in the third image are meant to represent how much emissions come from those areas, yet it's completely inaccurate
China's circle alone would be twice that of North America if this was accurate
Lose the meme flag. Your looking real jewish right now
It's anthropogenic, you fucking monkey idiot Argentine.
>muh not an argument that i'm a fucking retard who doesn't know shit about anything
>muh debates
>muh sargon
>muh not an argument
It's hilarious when you fucking fedoraed children think that fag reply means anything. You're a retard. If you can't understand the difference between anthropogenic and anthropomorphic (anthropic is also wholly incorrect), you don't get to talk. It's not like you transposed two letters in an otherwise cogent statement. It's that you fucking don't know anything, you black nigger ape.
I think that we can all agree that to some effect people who pedal global warming to be true pedal propaganda to say that the polar ice caps are melting more than they are freezing.
Find two or more real space pictures of the ice caps receding. Hopefully during the same season but I won't make it to hard.
There are many other hoaxes that would be a waste of time debating children and neckbeards on Sup Forums but I think this one will be fun.
Pic related, how much ice do you think froze back during winter? kek
Ouchies. I get it, I'm stupid. Why does that upset you? Being wrong can be embarrassing, like disclosing my smaller vocabulary, but you've got a real problem: when you don't have an argument, you resort to frothy attacks on an internet stranger with shit vocabulary. What gives, guy-who-keeps-calling-me-the-latest-goy-nickname?
I don't know where you copied and pasted that from but that's a fucking win. Holy shit.