What AREN"T the Jews behind?
What AREN"T the Jews behind?
Wholesome values.
White genocide
one of these things is not like the other
Found the kike.
CD Projekt Red.
Strength and Conditioning programs
Me. I hope.
> afraid to look
>svalbard and jan mayen
>R A R E
The 10 universal dimensions.
>pro tip: we are currently in the 4th
dinosaurs would have unironically made much better care takers of the planet and a sentient race of sapient dinosaurs would have been much less degenerate than homo sapiens.
>*Teleports behind you*
>*Steals your flag*
Eh, nothing personal, kid
The civilization of Egypt before the Hyksos came and stole their sacred knowledge then called themselves Jews
The jews are supposed to be behind the gate and fence
Nascar and the classier European Nascar
Camping (ironic since they wander)
Ron Paul
Silk Road (rip)
GK Chesteron
CS Lewis
Joe Rogan (why his normie podcast blew up desu)
Das Boot
David Irving
I’m not behind anything, personally.
T. Jew normie.
I recommend privately listing everything you can think of the Juice aren't behind, including people and works of culture. And find things related to those things and focus on them. This is a truly refreshing and enlightening exercise to vacuum your depression from juice.
they wander in the same way city cucks like to travel
on safe clean roads from one metropolitan area to another with processed foods and hate in their hearts
I really like to hike and camp, actually, and I’m like 75% ethnic Jew.
favorite trails? gear brands? whats your loadout like? longest trip and location would be interesting too.
i finally switched over to this nifty collapse bivy after realizing i could never get anyone off their ass to come with. osprey cause poorfag. califag, muir trail is ruined by yuppies just as he predicted
40 years east of egypt
Rotary engines
an uninterrupted chain of best posts, it's a good day on Sup Forums
National Bolshevism. Stalin purged them and the Jews
the jews feared him
nice proxy schlomo
his loadout was the mana dew of yahweh
the acts involved with universal bisexuality and homosexuality. but not any of those words they invented themselves. and they definitely ARE behind "heterosexuality"
Are you that norwegian fag that says pedophilia is ok in pizzagate threads?
There’s a pretty big wilderness near here called Algonquin Park but mostly I meander around the smaller parks and trails of Eastern Ontario.
Longest duration was three nights, longest distance idk maybe like 40 Kms over two days.
Needless to say most Jews don’t go for outdoor sports is not the same as saying none do.
The state of my foreskin
i'm restoring
Free and independent people.
>as Kennedy wanted
It is the biggest redpill to swallow for poll, realize whites are committing white genocide