hey aussies how does it feel knowing that your "great" land now belongs to me, my family and my ancestors, australia is not a white country, it is a CHINESE country and it ALWAYS will be, australia is china's playground, not your "country" oh and guess what you amerimutts, you are next, BIG CHINA NUMBER 1, CHINA OWNS AUSTRALIA AND THE WORLD SOOON
Other urls found in this thread:
your white women are made for the big asian cock, i hate the "colour" "white" but i like to fuck your women anyway
>asian cock
white "people" are just slaves for the chinese and they dont even know!
>big asian cock
I spent 17 years teaching throughout China Japan Korea Cambodia and Thailand. Ive been to more than a few saunas and I've got some bad news for you if you believe this m8.
it is proven scientifically that chinese have the biggest cock, enjoy your small 5 incher whiteboy
>i spent 17 years looking at cock
this is why you whiteys are faggot, china owns your land we fuck your women coz ur cock is to small, we think white women ugly but we fuck them anyway coz they want our big chinese cock allot
This is the most Australian post I've seen all day tbqh.
He's too funny to be Chinese
But her passport says she was born in Brazil?
stay away from our woman nigger, chinese hate BLACK MORE THEN WE HATE WHITE! NIGGER
Oh no whatever shall the Desolate Wasteland where we sent all our Criminals ever do....
>the joke
>your head
i am chinese, but in this PATHETIC "country" i can be australian, please everyone come to australia and be australian its so easy to be "australian" and it mean more slaves for massive china
True Aussies welcome you!
Lol you are not Chinese, dude go back to theresistance you cuckold.
it's pretty funny how the best "bants" non-whites can come up with is basically
> hur we turn country into shithoel
and literally nobody's surprised
Stupid chink manlets. You don't own shit
Joking aside, it is kind of surreal to think that there is currently a power struggle for political and demographic control of Australia going on that will intensify in the coming decades.
It's like something out of a dystopian novel.
based BLM flag asian poster
australia is not even "country" it is property for china
Australia it self is like something out of a dystopian novel.
But yeah thats the Western World for you, we've given up and just put a gun in our own mouths
Good one mate, make sure your Rice lays enough seeds.
I'm coming next year in Melbourne.
Not yet.
low effort troll. 2/10
>power struggle for political and demographic control
Thats america friend. Stop projecting your country's bullshit
More poo the better in Australia.
It may if people don't vote for Pauline
i honest feel bad for you nigger, chinese woman hate black people so much, find a white women they are very very very easy and property
Don't get cocky Nigger, I'm there to study.
I'd anyday live in my own glorious nation than a Chink shithole.
And the non chinks are all inbred half abo bogans high on gasoline fumes.
What makes white women so special? Who wouldn't want a loli?
>India vs. China
>maximum comfy
Always wanted to know; does it feel bad seeing all your women getting fucked by white guys while knowing that Australian women find you little changs repulsive? kek ;^)
Anything is better than an american desu
Is this an r_asianmasculinity raid?
First lose to Emu's then lose out to China.
Can't make this up.
Asianmasculinity are all americans.
Are the Emus going to beat back the Chinese and Liberate Australia
>>India vs. China
>>maximum comfy
Pajeet and Chink throwing shit at one another like monkey's
Get the popcorn ready.
didn't get into IIT?
> chinese woman hate black people so muc
How can chinks see anything with those slants on their faces?
Worry about your muslim problem first
hah! they only fuck you for money and then whiteboy fall in love but real her and her family hate u and only use you for money! chinese get lots of white pussy everyday you white "woman" hit on me and i say no ugly white cum slut fuck
>looking at dicks in the sauna
As long as its not niggas or muslims im OK with it. Chinese chicks are hot anyway.
Australian English > American
>Proven scientifically
Kek, prove it with a timestamp, rice-user
So funny how folks say this is my land.... Like you have been or will be around for 20 billion years.. you don't own shit! You will decay and turn into worm poop as the next guy stands atop your grave proclaiming they own the land you once claimed is your own. It's stupid. The ONLY thing in life you own is your own thoughts. If you think women of any color only think about Chinese cock your thoughts are infantile. So your no bigger a threat than the worm that will feed upon your decay... You own nothing... Another issue I have is Chinese products have the worst reputation on earth for being Substandard. In the states it's the 1st thing folks think about when purchasing goods. So if you cannot even produce everyday products with integrity. What makes you think you can RULE the whole of the world. Little old Britain overtook China with little effort centuries ago. Your not a threat to anyone just have oversized egos. Which also makes you appear weak...
t. proud parasite
I study Business.
Still, I don't deny I wouldn't have made it into IITs.
Oh the irony when a Chinese man thinks he is above a Jew! You must have missed the last 800 years of history. Or your educational system is Substandard. Get into your place maker of dollar store goods!
why are u gay
>big asian cock
I dont think the chinks have what it takes to figth the Emu legions,i give them 30 years before they fuck off from all the bullshit,though yearly killing roos migth make them happy
Cause he loves the cock, why is there anything wrong with it?
Chinese are the nigger of asia
go eat a burger you fat american
You need to back in loo you stinky poo.
>big asian cock
you control by jew! atleast my people are ruled by my people! not a jews! go suck jew cock!
The fuckers have figured out that a white person will do anything and trade anything for money, especially Americans. When they take back Taiwan in a couple years, it's on.
Don't hire Chinese, don't teach the Chinese, do not give them anything. Be warned.
>chinese get lots of white pussy everyday you white "woman" hit on me and i say no ugly white cum slut fuck
bro, who do you think your convincing with that lol? anybody can just go out onto the street and look. What they will see is hordes of little chinese girls with white guys and poor little asian dudes have to pick up the scraps of their own race. Must suck man
>chink bring bants
>wypipol: MUH DIK
Wypipol confirmed nigger status in the upper echelon of race
Two words
All it takes is a national interest argument and you lose every square inch, every financial instrument, everything.
God save the Queen.
boycotts don't really work
Nobody wants to live in Faggyland fuckin disgusting chink turd. You having an audacity to even talk to me boils my floor you fuckin inferior race.
go shit in street brown nigger, big china > small india
Long may she reign (At Least long enough for Charles to fuck off and die)
Fight streetshitters fight.
small india has more shit then massive china so therefor india is allot more shit "people"
>big china > small India
Stop telling me how big of a turd you are. (big Chinese Shithole> India very clean) hell yeah, you overpopulated garbage of a stinky gutter oil dweller.
I'll pinch your nipples and poke your eyes with my dick you fucking faggot.
One has a choice, exercise that choice. They are not friends.
Everyone wants a bigger profit so they'll outsource it.
>my country is slightly less fucked than yours!!!
Only chinese i see are in restaurants cooking me food.
Also chinese people are kinda like insects so i have to admit i dont fear you at all.
Also never seen a chinese guy with a white girl, usually its a chinese girl and they are talking their shit tier language.
>China have massive cock!
God I love these LARP threads. Really makes you think who's really behind it... Army? State dept.?
Texas fag here m8, that's what I woulda said about spics 10 years ago, good luck with your insects
>I'll pinch your nipples and poke your eyes with my dick you fucking faggot.
sup baby, show bobs
Yes, in control by GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE!
Now compare this to insect-people???
Larping or genuine I only care about two things
- Are you an Australian citizen?
- Are you loyal to the Commonwealth and the Queen above all others?
Yes to both of those and you're an Aussie.
How is the aussie white woman? Are they racemixers like in the US?
> God's chosen people
um... sorry to break this to you
When someone claims to be chosen by the god they also invented, it's horse shit