Home grown

washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2018/01/16/too-old-for-daca-a-michigan-father-is-deported-after-three-decades-in-the-u- s/?utm_term=.8b024554d12d#
>With two immigration agents hovering nearby, Jorge Garcia pulled his family close for one final hug near security gates at Detroit Metropolitan Airport. His wife and 15-year-old daughter sobbed in his arms. His 12-year-old son stood stoically.
Meet Jorge Jr. He and thousands of others like him will be plotting their revenge on this country. When the chickens come home to roost, make sure you give proper due to our knuckle dragger-in-chief.

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We did it boys!!!!

But his home country isn't a shit hole so he'll be just fine. Why not take his family back to that paradise?

>plotting their revenge
Better just never enforce any laws. We wouldn't want to anger anyone.

>lives in Detroit

wherever he's being deported to it's probably better than THAT shithole. he'll be great.

good get the fuck out of my state you goddamn illegal

As a situation like this might be the ugly side of deporting illegals...I am always much more sympathetic to seeing homeless, US veterans that are being forgotten, while a red carpet is being rolled out for illegals so they can vote for anti-american democrats.

If he was married, why didn't he just use his marriage to stay? His anchor children? None of that works anymore? That's wonderful news.


No he had ample opportunity over three decades, fucking spic was too lazy to get real citizenship. He just wanted to abuse our system.

TIL that Democrats believe that if you break the law for 30 years, you should get to stay because of their sobs.

>Deport father who's working and supporting family
>Family now looses bread-winner, will probably now have to go on welfare on my tax dollars
>Kids will now grow up without a father figure, are now statistically more prone to crime and drug addiction.

Well Gee. That really fixed the problem.

>illegal deported

What felony did he commit?

You're right. We should have deported them all for conspiring to holding an illegal alien.

>Deporting US citizens

Doesn't work that way. Deport them to where? They aren't a citizen of any other country.

The fact is he spent 30 years in the US and didn't even start the process to become a citizen, this is his fault.

Canada is gladly taking in shitskins these days thanks to its cuck-in-chief.


>break laws
>get caught
>decide this justifies revenge
>it actually justifies immigration law proving that criminals who enter illegally are undesirable elements willing to commit further crimes

This. What the fuck is their problem, and he outs himself too baka

There really isn't a way for that. Plus i'm sure most poor people have 1000's of dollars lying around for immigration lawyers.

I'm not saying amnesty, i'm just being pragmatic. Deporting is going to cause more damage to us tax payers than not.

If you're an adult who makes a choice to come here illegally, absolutely you should be deported. I also believe the 14th should be modified to get rid of "anchor babies" But I believe that we need a pragmatic solutions to the existing issue of children brought here who had no control over it. And deport them all is not a pragmatic solution to that.

>Meet Jorge Jr. He and thousands of others like him will be plotting their revenge on this country. When the chickens come home to roost, make sure you give proper due to our knuckle dragger-in-chief.

Previous administrations created this precedent. Blame them, not the enforcer.


He's known this was coming for *how* long? And he *Still* didn't apply for a green card?

I think he can fuck off with the tears and his family is better off without him

14th was written for the children of freed slaves, not foreigners squatting and shitting out a kid on our soil.

He was here how long not applying for a green card is his own fault.

Everybody in detroit is jealous he got a free ticket out

Immigrants being deported it's according to the laws, the issue is that this meassures are being utilized to cover for the incompetence of the administration.

He's deceiving you, by giving you what you think you want, but in reality he just deports the mexicans he can find, those are usually the ones going to school or working.

This won't reduce crime, on the contrary.

ILLEGAL immigrants are breaking the law by merely being in the country, so by kicking them out the crime rate goes down

Except crime rates are down you nigger

Oh no a picture of trump looking down and appearing sad unrelated to the article
Guess I’m with her now