This is what being BTFO looks like

The Hijab Hoax failed, everyone is turning on him. Appoval rating way down - he's cracking up. He can't even speak right anymore.


Other urls found in this thread:

>Appoval rating

Once again, the PM is an unelected position. Canada is not a democracy. His ratings mean nothing.

>His ratings mean nothing
so this.. is the power of shilling.

>hijab incident a hoax
>trudeau doubles down anyway

tfw I don't even know what is real anymore

Think of the poor Muslims who might receive hate for this innocent prank!

You don't know shit about our country stop embarrassing yourself and gtfo.

>Leaf post
Checks out

She only made up the story because she was scared of all the racist whities around her at her school. whities need to leave Canada for superior browns. t. Trudeau

>Eu flag
>Our country
People like you are what makes Canada a laughingstock here on Sup Forums
Hang yourself.


I want to see his statement today after the hoax has been exposed.
>tfw Muslims are now using Jewish intelligence tricks

that's photoshopped. here's what scheer really looks like


fuckin memeflaggot

Trudeau is a mess
Kill list
>Northern Gateway
>Canada East
>Petronas export terminal
>Aggressive carbon tax
>Khader payout
>Reintegrating ISIS
>Putting refugees before the homeless Canadian

I don't think it was a hoax per-say.

Think about it, why would an 11 year old girl lie, and keep a lie up for that long? Then you look at the mother, her face totally covered.

I'm willing to bet that this little girl simply didn't want to wear her hijab, but if barbarian of a father found out he would beat her silly. So she came up with a story to try and get a little bit of freedom for her "totally not oppressive religion of peace".

mfw she's forced to wear the full veil to hide the bruises her father is going to give her. Any man who makes their child wear the hijab should lose their child at least and be locked the fuck up.

>especially against young women of racialized backgrounds
>racialized backgrounds

can someone translate leaf for me?

I think the mom put her up to it. I think it's a hoax egregious enough that even the Toronto Star is questioning it. Take a look at this headline:

he's evil. statistically speaking he is producing casualties that otherwise wouldn't exist.

His Budget cover cost 16 chemotherapy treatments - look at it like that.

MFW the father of last years subway hijab fake hate crime shaved his daughters head for bringing shame (for dating a negro, not even for lying) and the libs said nothing





Perhaps it was her husbands idea and her parents really had no idea.

Anyone non white woman
It's a stupid term

>Anyone non white woman
lmao you fool half the retarded women support those terms

the canadian msm has been really eating shit lately. total mockingbird media.

nothing but narrative management.


I'm seeing spirals goys.

looks like ryerson?

What country is that exactly ?I like the smirk on the kids face like he knows its all bullshit

>the filthy EU shitposter is a leaf

Day of the rake, when?

his mom probably talks so much shit he's probably used to it

Clinton cunts m8, somewhere in the USA


Why is his demeanor so JUST.
In all his failings I've never seen it so present on his face. Except for that schooling he got in Parliament for the returning Jihadis.

>Why is his demeanor so JUST
>JUSTin Trudeau

he knew deep down he was playing a part in some amateur hour bullshit.

canadian deep state really dropped the ball on this one. narrative fell apart like pile of feathers in the wind.

It's 1984 tier double speak for any one that's not white. Even though white is also a race, they use it to confuse and brainwash idiots. Just like the term "reverse racism".

I'd believe that.

It isn't a hoax, it actually happened.

I like to think Trudeau is just putting on act, same as Merkel. Merkel even said "Diversity is a failure" a few years ago. These people are too smart to be oblivious to what's happening, but they're being held hostage

it happened in your mind

Millions of Americans might die, but think of the poor Muslims who might get their feelings hurt! Is this guy Jewish?

Going to canada to kill me some arabs, gooks, and niggers. Wish me luck guys.

He's joking

>Trudeau is told the hijab cutting incident was a hoax, and that he shouldn't have made a statement instantly about it without it being verified
Jesus christ

don't kill our gooks. They actually contribute!

You don't know Norm Macdonald? Shameful desu

That's Norm Macdonald. He's a deft troll.

>Peace sign in the background
This looks so manufactured it's sickening

Fuuuuuck islam is so based.

Trudeau was the PM for a Clinton presidency, he's flailing and lost under Trump.

Canada really needs to take its own destiny back into its hands and balkanize. Ontario and Quebec rule the country, the East gets shit on, the West gets shit on, and the North gets shit on.

canada is under gobalist control. the propaganda is nk tier. look at how they tried to frame this narrative...

Don't forget the collusion with CBC. The story was published within two hours of the incident.

They wouldn't be so enduring if they were ignorant. These people are well looked after. It baffles me how they can do these things, maybe they really are the ultimate useful idiots. The skeletons these people have in their closets...

Everytime I see a new piece of morbid degeneracy I think about this. Everything you saw in 2017/18 was designed to be unveiled during the Clinton presidency. Who knows how far they intended to push things?

he is a weak man

It's an improvement.

meant for

Why hasnt anybody killed this guy yet I dont understand.

>that lisp at ~0:19
lmao, the memes are true

I think even his supporters would agree that he has an extremely feminine way of speaking. Or actually, they would probably say "What IS a "feminine" way of speaking???" and get triggered..

he hiss like snek.

Calm down, were all just leaves here.

Wew, confirmed

That's because Libs are lying about their support of social "justice." For them, getting revenge on "the evil white males who ruin everything," is the real goal. That is why they love Forced Integration, as long as they don't have to live near it, love faggots but never say much about non whites hating them, etc. Hypocrisy is the defining characteristic of the white Liberal and his Jewish Masters.

Based, mucho respect.

These people are not canadians. They should be deported.


you guys are pretty powerful

Holy shit he is officially losing it.

Looks like he was up all night doing coke

>Implying people actually vote for their MP

In paper we vote for our MP but really people vote based off the party leader.
Although I do agree with you that it would be more appropriate to say "Liberal's approval rating way down."

have you guys ever tried talking to a girl with a full burqa on, you can't relate to them at all, it's hard to see a personality through a bedsheet

It is mind warping. I watched one of those Lisa Ling North Korea documentaries and watched the citizens go crazy over their "Dear Leader." White self haters have a similar level of devotion to anything that hurts white people who want to live in a white community. The worship of Holy Diversity is the white west's version of Dear Leader worship.

Oh dear I hope no Muslims are victims of real hate crimes as a result of this fake hate crime

>It is mind warping
it's scary how detached from reality people can become - but it costs a fortune to fuck them up this bad.

Hopefully the wealth strings can be cut. I think that they already are. got that feeling.

Why do 4/7 of those women wear glasses? Is that indicative of short-sightedness in leftists, or simply a fashion thing?

How are Canadians reacting to this hoax? Is it being talked about in the media?

living in sweden, i can tell you ratings mean nothing when the average white has an attention span of several months at most then the mind goes blank(retarded) again

>Once again, the PM is an unelected position. Canada is not a democracy. His ratings mean nothing.

We have ridings, we vote for an MP to represent our riding, that MP can represent a party or be an independent, that MP then support a PM.

If enough of the MPs Canadians send to the Parliament don't support the PM then he's gone.

By the default, the PM is the leader of the Party with the most elected MPs, but if the MPs sees that their leader / PM suck, they can toss him out and select a new PM among the elected MP or they risk losing their spot in the next election.

I like our system better than America's.

they probably saw them advertisd in a magazine or some tv character wore them. women are retarded,

Every fucking media outlet published it at the same time kike.

If you can't tell that he is saying this ironically, then you don't know Norm.

>memory holed
Did you hear what drumpf is up to?
>a lot of Quebec provincial politicians announced not seeking re-election today
CAQ right wing rising?
Fake news awards related?


The Defintiion of Bluepilled reality playing out in real time.
Instead of getting upset by what actually happened, they create an imaginary scenario where in the future racist do racist things and get mad at the racist for doing racist things in their imagination.

>I like our system better than America's.

because you are a leaf retard

check out these digits

This video perfectly encapsulates why the left can't meme. Rather than just having a laugh about killing ISIS they have to try and distance themselves from it and virtue signal.

HOMESCHOOL with no cable and internet is the future.

Mine family landed in Canada from Hong Kong in the 90s, we had an Christian Aunt who moved with her husband to Canada ages ago but they have a teenage son, and it was before Canada became degenerate. We were children in TDSB, public school, and within a few years our parents noticed that our schools were brainwashing us but by then it was too late.

Next to land was my Uncle and his family, they work long hours and are under a lot of financial stress so they could live in Markham and send their kids to PRIVATE school.

Then my cousin, the son of of my Aunt who first immigrated, he took the big money from his downtown job and moved his new family up to STOUFFVILLE, even further North than Markham, to escape the tides of diversity. This time, not only are his kids in private school, but his wife also stays home so she could keep a better eye on them.

When it's my turn and my cousin's turn to have children, we are probably going to have to homeschool. I mean, when I was growing up, I already went to Mandarin/Chinese class on Saturday morning and a Chinese language MATH class on Saturday afternoon - the stuff taught at school just wasn't enough.

Posters all over the subway lately promotes this show called The Runaways, negro buck front and center with asian female by his side, we're DONE, bye bye.

>Let Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver decide who wins the elections
>It's really about Toronto, whoever wins Toronto wins the country

Yeah sure is better than the states retard

Canada's team could win silver at the mental gymnastics olympics. (Hillary supporters would get gold)

Power is more locally concentrated in ridings, it's harder for (((them))) to take over.

Either Norm is joking or he's been secretly lmbotomized.

This guy is such an idealistic fraud.

I really hope you canucks come to your senses and vote him him out next election.

>it's harder for (((them))) to take over
lmao you retard canada is already taken over owned bought and sold by Jews you dumb goy

>I like our system better than America's
He says while cuckdeau is his leader, and Trump is mine

>Either Norm is joking
He's a comedian, gee ya think?

even though norm is joking I have heard of multiple cases where people have had twitters posts made that they didn't write.

Twiter is fucking people around in many ways. Faith goldy's twitter page hasn't been loading properly. they are jamming people