How fucked are you?
How fucked are you?
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Not at all. I never went to UNI.
Went straight into working.
I'm not. I'm a wage cuck that managed to pay off everything I have by 40 and still manage to send my son to private school while contributing 8% of my wages to my retirement.
>managed to pay off everything
Even your house?
200k total but I'll be a doctor in less than 8 months so ill pay it off.
uni's free lmaooooooo
is it that uncommon to pay of your house in that time? in that case why the fuck would you buy a house at that scale?
I never had any debts my whole life.
At 16 I dropped out of High school so I could go to work now I'm 39 retired.
Dropped out of school 2 years into my Comp Sci degree. Started working. Paid off my debt in 1 year by living at home.
Now my friends are all graduating and I’m making the same as them without a degree and without debt.
>is it that uncommon to pay of your house in that time?
Yeah. A real house anyways that's anywhere from 160k upwards.
If he's talking about some townhome in a shitty area that costs like 60-80k possibly I'll believe it. In that case he needs to be realistic and call it a townhome. If that's the case he's not as accomplished as he thinks he is. Still pretty impressive though (if it's true).
Yup I paid two extra payments a year to pay less to the interest jew.
I can't wait until you fucks are replaced by robots. Try not to kill too many people.
So how much is your house (how much did you pay for it)?. When did you start making payments on it?.
I regret college constantly.
Only 30% of Americans have a bachelor's or higher, and a small subset of that are STEM degrees, yet they are nearly useless. It makes no sense desu. Most people just drop the fuck out or never go.
I paid $120k in 1999 and it is probably worth about $220k now. 4/2 with a detached garage, a pool and not a very big lot in a subdivision. Nothing extravagant. My dad paid off his $250k house in 7 years by putting all extra money towards lowering the principal.
I'm at Uni right now, but I have a job and am currently getting 90% of my shit paid for on academic scholarship so I'm decidedly NOT fucked.
>Complaining about student debt
Nigga if you can't afford college then don't go to college. You do have a choice. It's either that or shut the fuck up about how much it costs.
Now that is some privileged whining. You are given the choice to go to a college, something people work years to to acheive, are given a student loan despite having no means yet to pay it and then you whine about the fact that you have to pay a part of the expenses of going to college.
I defaulted, and gambled the DoED would sell my debt to a collections agency, which they did. Then I just waited seven years, and my credit score is now perfect again.
>tfw 30K in debt just gone
>tfw didn't pay a fucking red cent
I used practically every penny I made working at a kitchen company to get a pilots license.
I'm 23 no debt shitty car but I reckon it's worth it
I didn't go into debt to get some meaningless lib arts degree because I'm not a massive retard.
All those people are an example of Darwinism at it's finest.
30k and stressed about it
I'm not, my parents actually planned ahead for it. I will pay it forward by setting up my kids for success and no debt as well.
Not fucked because going to uni allowed me to get a high paying job so I can pay it off in a few years.
Not at all. I got a M.Arch degree from the Soviet professors for free.
>in debt after college
Well maybe you should have studied a trade that will guarantee work, like a lawyer, doctor or engineer. Instead most choose a humanities basket weaving course, then wonder why they cant get a job.
>seven years and my credit score is now perfect again
That sounds great, but it's not accurate.
Most sciences are dogshit for employability, most engineering disciplines are wildly over-saturated, and business is always the most awarded degree year after year.
I changed my name to Greek Government and the EU sent me a cheque for eight billion euro.
So my university is mostly paid off.
Nice try fgt but you use bankruptcy laws on student loans, your credit score would not have recovered, the mark would be permanent, so we know this is a LARP.
Not fucked. Hard to find a job even in STEM but I worked my way through college so 0 debt.
0 debt. No education though. At least I can get a job at a warehouse without being considered "overqualified".
going to a top 20 law school for less than $10k in tuition costs. that's $10k total, not per year.
my family isn't "rich" but we take care of each other. my parents pay my rent and it's fully understood i'm going to take care of them into old age, plus i might have to do some free legal work for the family business.
i'm pretty much set if you ask me.
>want high quality education
>don't want to pay for it
Not fucked at all because I attended useful classes in college and got right into the workforce.
It was also never lower than 680 the whole time I was in default. I got good fixed rates on cars and a house. It literally had no impact on my life at all.
I have no idea why capable white people pay their student loans. Did you you earn an SAT/ACT score in or above th 75th percentile? Then you've earned a free university education. I got a fucking 34 on my ACT. Did I get a single fucking penny of scholarship money? Nope. That all went to blacks and women and other fucking imbeciles that default, don't graduate, or get degrees in Negroid Studies or Vagina Studies. Higher education in the US is bullshit, stacked against people who can actually think and do (white men) in favor of everyone else. I'm not subsidizing that system.
You're a fucking literal monkey and retard. To start, I never fucking said I declared bankruptcy. I didn't have to, you fucking black Arab retard. I simply didn't pay on the gamble that—as I've already fucking mentioned—the DoED/Great Lakes Higher Ed. would sell the debt to a collections agency. They don't always. If they don't, they will hound you forever and try to garnish wages and taxes and they might get their money and they might not, which is why they sometimes (about half the time, actually) take a haircut by selling the principal to some collections agency, who have absolutely no leverage if you refuse to pay. I told the fucking collections parasite that this was my plan all along, and I would never pay him a thin dime, that I'd just wait out the seven-year recovery period. And I did.
I win.
My university went broke, I studied there cause it was the university in my small town and I was working at the time, all the debts I had with them were unfair as fuck, cause I was paying during my entire time there, monthly.
So a good guy came and burned my debts.
Not at all, studied in America and sold my uncle's stuff while on campus, paid tution and bought a car. Thanks for the business.
not because I picked a major that will be able to pay for those loans easily because college is an investment and not a fucking right.
We dont need more sociology professors so why the fuck would you get a degree in it when you wont be able to find a job?
tldr: intellectual darwinism at work.
Pay it off with scholarships or invest your time in worthwhile skills that dont need degrees (web-dev, programming, etc.)
Never went to collage
I graduated in 2006 with zero debts. Feels good to be a gen Y.
>if anyone wants to be a code monkey with pajeets all their life
Thinking they’ll ever get their money unless I get a good job. In 20-30 years student loan debt will be the biggest platform for all running politicians
48 Y.O burger
live in Indiana
250k house paid off
small condo in FL paid off
small house in Ukraine
1,100,000 in 401k & investments
175k cash
car, truck, motorcycle & various other toys paid off
Beholden to no Human Cock-Sucker.
Really just stacking cash. at 55 or so we're gonna spend more time in Ukraine.
>How fucked are you?
Never went to college. US Navy instead. 5 years and out. Made $109k last year, family owns it's business.
Only debt is Mortgage. Comfy as fuck.
No debt, only investments, investments which have almost doubled since Trump came into office. Pretty stoked.
Wow no one has debts in america amazing.
Go back to bed Dad
None, I got paid to go to university #gibill
Does that cause difficulties with advancing in the workplace? I am personally contemplating the necessity of attending uni.
More likely those fucks will be commanding some of the robots through a telepresence interface before they're all replaced
I go to uni for free, so maybe $1000 total in anxillery fees and books
None scholarships+grants+work study+community college= debt free
>my son
I have paid my debt down by about $25k. Still pretty fucked but the number is smaller and decreasing each month.
Not at all. I never went to college. I was smart enough to work only union jobs.
Approx 50k, but I make 110k as a advisory engineer for construction/fire/ventilation/water.
I'm not in debt at all and I have 4 degrees including an MBA and MIS. Instead of being a retard, I went to community college for free on a local scholarship. Got dual AAS'. Started literally in the mail room at a big company that offered tuition reimbursement for undergrad. Took advantage of that shit. Got promoted, new position allowed me to get 75% reimbursement for grad... Did a dual major then. Got promoted, finished up my 2 year slave requirement to not leave uni-funding corporation. Immediately bailed after serving 2 years for current well paying job. Paid off the miniscule 25% in 1 year. Long story short. Don't be a dipshit. Lots of companies will hire you for an entry level job and you can go to school on their dime while making money at the same time. You will almost be guaranteed a promotion and your employer will have a shit load of respect for you for doing it. Yes it is hard to work full time and go to school nights, weekends, online, etc. But it beats the hell out of the alternative. Plus, I think it is easier to pick a major after you are already out in the workforce and get an idea of what you like, what careers look stable/growth oriented, etc. Vs. being a retarded teenager trying to map out your entire future on the front end to the tune of 100k in debt. Also... If you think anyone gives a shit about brick and mortar education vs. non-traditional schools... NOPE. not unless we're talking about some ivy league school. Otherwise, employers pretty much look at a degree like a check box on an obnoxious HR requirement form. They are looking for the most driven and most proven... Professionally, candidate. They give a fuck all about where you got your retarded diploma from.
None, because I'm not a retard who got high-interest jew loans to go into Queer studies.
I'm 26, one year into a 15 year mortgage, $230k, and I'll be making lots of extra additional early payments. I'll have my house paid off before I'm 40.
only about 20 thousand... my first payment is actually due tomorrow... it has begun...
1 Trillion dollar debt (US) = crime against the people...
>28 yo, white, male, NYC
>$105k salary + bonus + commission + car incl. my freelance work
>travel internationally for work a lot
>qt3.14 24 yo French gf with great job
>live together in apartment in BK, split rent and everything
>no debt on both sides
Life is pretty comfy somehow, though sometimes I want off this ride.
I'm not. Served 6.5 years in the Army and attended college on the GI Bill.
>0 debt
how does tuition grant works in other countries though?
Im European so im not fucked
Can the bubble even pop? The debt just gets sold to private collectors
I am studying computer engineering. Looks like the hardware industry will increase by 10% annually based on projections. I will have some debt but I should be fine. Hardware engineers are making bank with late career salaries around $150,000
If I don't go to uni do I miss out on social oppurtunity? I'm considering apprenticeships solely because I just need money right now
But you are up there next to Estonia. You need to band together in the Estonia/Latvia/Lithuania broship and keep the dirty browns out.
The Jews want to divide you. Stand together and stand strong. You will be the last bastion of whiteness in the world.
yes. but you always miss out on something no matter what, so pick whatever you wanna do.
only debt i have is my car payment (~8.5k left)
i have more than that in my bank account right now, but i don't pay it off to keep my credit good.
didn't go to college.
Went to college for one year. Pulled the plug didn't want to acquire more debt to fund an overpriced education to not get a job in an overstated job market. Picked up a trade. Invested in crpyto. Have a net worth of over $500k at 26/yo while my "educated" peers are $100k in debt working at Starbucks.
100k is like middle class in NY. Do you shop at the ShopRite or WholeFoods user.
Uni costs me 25€/year, as long as I pass all my subjects
Oooh weee mah net worth is in crypto we are all sooo impressed.
Not at all. I am actually making money off of university grants.
What's the matter? Sad you're missing out on our generations wealth redistribution bubble? It's ok, just wait 20 years until the next one comes around.
My dad makes 70k a year and helped me in school. Gonna graduate with 0 debt and a bachelors in cs from a school where 80% of kids get hired before they graduate.
Never had a debt in my life, 45, semi retired in the country no nigs, no greasers. I'm well thanks.
my college is literally free here in cali lmao
Here's a redpill about student loans: The only way Obama's adminstration was capable of sustaining the government's profit off of student loans was by instituting income-based repayment programs.
Now you have a situation where a huge proportion of borrowers are only paying the minimum amount they have to according to their income, which is shit, because the economy is still shit.
Pic related shows why the student loan bubble has already popped. The flow of student debt into the government has decreased since 2010, despite the fact that the amount of money owed has never been higher. This downward trend will not reverse unless the wealth of the 1% is redistributed.
American students will never pay off their loans. It simply cannot happen with current economic conditions. The banks will feast on the interest until the bubble pops and all of their Student Loan Backed Securities explode. Cue 2007. Trump will bail out the banks. #MAGA.
It does and it will. If you can get scholarship and a full ride by all means. But if you had difficulties in grade school and need time to improve or prepare, it's worth taking 3-5 years to work and save or go into the military.
That'll give you a minor edge over many college grads just starting out, but it won't get you far long term.
I graduated with 48k in private but I pay 1.8k a month so it's going at a good rate
If you're in America that is.
Exactly. You should all be getting ready for the big crash. This will lead to an inevitable housing market plummet. Buy those properties up at a discount when you get the opportunity
There's no money to bail out the banks this time. It's gonna be ugly.
You’re right. 100k is middle class here but we make 175k between the two of us. We also pay $2,900 for a small, but nice apartment in Brooklyn - it’s comfy with a nice view.
We shop at Trader Joe’s for basic stuff, so pretty affordable and go to local market and places for meats, seafood and and fresh veggies. We budget $600 a month on groceries for the both of us. Expensive? Yes. But healthy comes at a premium. But it’s not hard when we split everything evenly and making about $10k net between the two of us monthly.
Also having the car is nice as we get out for the weekend. Work gave me a brand new Audi A4 so we take it out every other weekend to get away from the hustle. Renting out our place pays for our getaways.
I worked my way through collage. I put each semester on my credit card and payed it off before the next semester. I started college funds for my kids when they were born with 2,000 each. My wife and I put money in their funds each month automatically. Their BS will be payed for no matter what college they go to. Their masters on the other hand will be up to them.
>graduate college in 2013
>started own business to pay for tuition in 2012, still doing that
>never use degree
>no debt left, $15k in bank
It's a mixed kind of feeling. I started medical school but quit because I don't actually want to work with patients and find medicine mind-numbing. I wish I would have known before I got a degree in biology, kek
>GI bill
Clearly not
>Debts ranging from 26k to 74k
74k is a large amount of money, but with a decent job you can pay off 26k in two years easily if you live frugally.
Based. The things people can do in voluntary communities are immense. It makes so many things so much cheaper and easier. People could cut out the childcare and elderly care jew in one stroke by just having your parents look after your children, something most of them would gladly do for fun, especially if it means they don't have to wither and die alone in old people gulag.
lmao poorfags without a trustfund