Did any of you make the Libertarian -> Nationalist transition?

Did any of you make the Libertarian -> Nationalist transition?
How did it happen?

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Many libertarians moved over when they begrudgingly realized that mindlessly repeating (Sargon style) that it's all about "muh values" become meaningless when you bring in lots of people who'll just vote you out in a generation and steamroll you demographically.

Personally, I think there are a lot of idiots out there still acting like we're going to build a statue of them or something when they just refuse to see facts and go "haha! doesn't matter! muh constitution!".

Enjoy turning into Zimbabwe then, Mr. Big Brain Centrist.

I realized that people are social creatures who move as a flock, that the Jews were the sheep dogs, and the shepard was gonna slaughter all the sheep and have dog for dinner.
In that case, letting the sheep have "liberty" was against my interest, because the sheep would carry me over the cliff.

> When Communist China buys all the real estate and now your rent finances an authoritarian state

It happened because watching what happened to Europe and not wanting that to happen to America.

I am centrist with my views, relating to Ben Shapiro's politics. Am I accepted here?

i did the opposite, after some reading, it was so fucking obvious and logical the libertarian prevalence over other ideologies

I read Hoppe.

Mass Effect Andromeda. Only then did I learn the ugly truth.

libertarianism is retarded

Lurk moar

Buddy i'm a centrist.

Centrists realize that the left and right can be right or wrong about certain things. There's a grey area on many issues and i don't like to jump to extreme positions. Besides both on the far left// far right preach bigotry and hatred.

It's not so hard, at the heart of libertarianism is the idea of a person being better than others

Lurking since 2014. I've been here a little while.

Quints of truth. I'm with him.


Back away boys we have a radical centrist on our hands.

white males win the strength competitions fag

>Rick and Morty memes
you must have a really high IQ

I aint your buddy, leaf nigger

This type of Shilling has no real effect on Libertarians. We are the antithesis of statist and we're not going to fall for order out of Chaos and let are ideologies be corrupted by Nazism as a solution to something as simple as retaining our right to discriminate. The right to discriminate is much more easily fought for and won and much more effective been trying to genocide and entire multitude of races. Stop recruiting it's not fucking working.

Correction: libertarians are retarded.
Hoppeans are ascendant.


In reality at Best you've made us racist which is fine most of us already were which is why you found some ease and agreeability

I was Libertarian for about 5 minutes realized it was a retarded ideology then went Natsoc

kill yourself shill rat

If you couldn't recognize how the anarcho capitalist system of ethics would permit the unchecked aggression against communist/statist agents then you simply didn't take the concepts to their logical conclusions. Democracy the God that Failed itself explained how degenerates would be handled in an anarcho capitalist society. The same structure that would protect the natural rights and their conclusions from aggression would likewise justify aggression against those agents in society which would infringe upon them. The freedom of association would permit physical exclusion from all those in society that acted negatively towards the society. The good of the collective is first secured in the rights of the individual. The rights of the individual are then used by the individual to support and promote the rights of the groups he voluntarily subscribes to.

I was a nationalist before I was an anarcho capitalist. Everything I became a nationalist for was answered for in the anarcho capitalist system.

>implying you cannot have a combination of both.

Depending where you are, you can have both. Libertarian leanings on issues while putting your host country first. Can do both if your country is constitutionally based.

I used to be nationalist, then I became ancap because I realised that government will always work to undermine the values of the nation and democracy will always make the shit rise to the top because people hold misguided beliefs and the law of aggregation does not work in politics because of that so the only way for a nation to survive indefinitely is for it to consist of voluntary alliances between private property owners.

For the doubters note that a voluntary social organization between private property owners solves the following problems completely:
- immigration: all land is owned and to move somewhere you need an invitation.
- Welfare: no taxes -> no coercive welfare. All welfare is in the form of either voluntary payments or insurance payments.
- Degeneracy: You are free to do whatever but you cannot make others bear the consequences.
- Forced Integration: You have full freedom of association. No one can force you to live around people you don't want to live around.

It's part of growing up. Rothbard used to be a gullible open-borders cuck until he saw first-hand how mass immigration rapes cultures and then went through mental gymnastics to justify closed borders.

Most libertarians are basically just autistic liberals with the same type of nigger cock fetish. But it gets hilarious when the Ancaps try to appease ethnicity and culture within their retarded system, like Hoppe does.
>"adurrhurr the brownies wouldn't come if there wasn't a welfare state ahurr"
>invites 5000 niggers into his business because they work for subhuman wages
>haha you're free to move somewhere else if you don't like it ;^) oh wait they're everywhere and are outbreeding us

Unironically I thought of something like What's the point of disarming the state you live in if every other state remains in place? state power is inefficient compared to some idealized free market situation, sure, but I don't want to live in a world where only Communist China is exerting state power

unfortunately the world is full of tangoes and unilateral disarmament is retarded in all scenarios

pic related is 100% cringe

I made the transition. It's easy. Once you realize that people need guidance in their life, and lolarianism is just about "feeling good", it was over for me.

How would the right to discriminate be mental gymnastics? If the majority of homeowners are white and don't want to sell to minorities guess who doesn't get a home? What property owner do you know that would rent to a minority if they had a choice not to? Again the right to discriminate is a god-given right under the Ninth Amendment here in America. The ability to fight for that it's far more realistic than trying to scrap the Constitution entirely redo government have a revolution and genocide or Exile every minority. If you think libertarianism is idealistic lazy and childish and Nazism isn't you are too retarded to argue with. Founding fathers libertarianism is sufficient to solve every problem we have as a country. It would solve a lot of your problems in Germany as well. Socialism doesn't work nationalistic or otherwise because of its idealism and its ability to be undermined by altruistic fucked hard to let in a bunch of minorities. I would say that it can't be undermined by minorities specifically national socialism and yet look at you. At best it is temporary.

>invites 5000 niggers into his business
Are they gonna sleep in his business?

Why would any rational business owner pay for the movement and housing of 5000 niggers in a zone where property is expensive instead of simply moving his business to a country with low property prices and an endless supply of niggers?

Also who in their right minds wouldn't adopt a clause in the contract of his white ethnostate that any inhabitant will be ejected from the state if he or she invites over non-whites to his or her property for permanent residence?

You didn't think this through very well did you?

Borders? Did you ever even read Hoppe or Rothbardstein? The typical idea of borders in this context is based around public land owned by the state. Open borders vs closed borders in this regards is really a consideration because all property should be private. Therefore borders are open only to those the land owners want on their property.

When you make the transition but not the one they hoped for...

This only happened to meme lolberterarians. Anyone who has actually read Rothbardberg or especially Hoppe already knows what must be done

pretty much half this board was lolberg in 2008 with nazi sympathies and a lot of the lolbergs have gone the full white nationalist route or ancap route. for me i realized the ideas of muh nap and civil liberties is something that only whites really care about and without us their will be nobody to uphold and defend these ideas

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons.

I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Then why isn't it being done? Because it's unrealistic childish and novel. The subversion to the cause would be enormous and insurmountable. And that's only if you could ever get it on the books. Legalizing institutional discrimination under the 9th amendment in the US would be much more feasible than dismantling the government through Revolution and instituting Nazism. You people are retarded if you think recruiting on Sup Forums will even further budge your ends

libertarianism and nationalism aren't mutually exclusive. they are compatible

Fuck no

Half the board is still libertarians. We just agree on racism. We still have two means to the same ends. Literally nothing has changed except the memes. Libertarians use the right to discriminate ... You use genocide. Which do you think can or will actually happen? Stop being retarded. We will never be socialists or statists. Nothing is new under the sun and the globalist tactics being used like problem solution ordo ab Chao bullshit didn't work on us when bush was doing it and won't work now when a bunch of storm fags are doing it.

Where do you cross party lines?

>opening up your nation's market to foreign companies

See my political compass.

So as a nationalist you wouldn't sell to other countries either? How does nationalism preclude capitalism again? Oh right ... You're a Nazi.

> Selings products is the same as selling the means of production
> hurr durr nazi

“How did it happen?”

>I grew up

Ya but that's not going to work. Libertarians are consumed with self reliance. We will sooner fight for the individual right to discriminate against the buyers of our property than to risk our life and limb to fight a war that could easily be fought by making the land unsuitable for guests.

nice strawman kiddo. i never advocated for genocide. Look into the teachings of Commander Rockwell.

>tfw not intelligent enough to understand this post

Moved from a town to a city.

Went from 'just some bad apples' to 'make a list of everyone named muhammed, deport them and all of their family'

>the yellow part is piss
>the black is shit

Yes after I graduated high school and constantly got BTFO in economic debates by college leftists, I changed my position much further to the left on those issues. They always failed to best me in debates on race realism and social conservatism though, thus I still hold those positions.

But it's illegal to discriminate now, dumb dumb.

Own an apartment building with 4 units? You'd better have at least one nig family, or else have a good lawyer

"But that's statism."

Welcome to reality.

Those terms are not separate. You can be both libertarian on government but nationalist in your views. Since America was founded as a libertarian country you can't be a real nationalist without being libertarian.

Yea. It was a combo of refugee crisis and realizing that a libertarian society will never happen with significant numbers of non whites

How isn't it? After all you guys see labor as a good. Exporting labor is just as well as exporting the goods it produces. Also you are a nazi. Socialism is retarded. Altruism cannot be affected on a grand scale without a belief structure and people both being homogeneous. Even if you're lucky enough to have the prior, you yourself are proof that you can never have the latter. Not to mention you fuck boys can't keep your hands to yourself and end up catching the smack boogy from countries with ... You guessed it... Capitalist economies capable of choking you out economically and affording a military you couldn't use slave labor to build.

Similar event for me, except it was a subway shooting.

You don't have shit in life if you can't walk around in your country's cities without acts of vibrant diversity.

>Since America was founded as a libertarian country

Bullshit. Only whites could be citizens and there were tariffs. You're confusing limited gov with lolbertarianism.

Wasn't ever anywhere near AnCap libertarianism, but I've always been (and still am) in favour of a very small, effective, limited state.

What's changed for me is two things:

1. Race is real, they have to go back & all that.
2. Intra-national trade is not the same as inter-national trade. Tariffs etc are justifiable, even if the magic GDP number would go up more under full free trade conditions.

All of that was on the basis of intellectual arguments though, not emotional stuff. Even when I lived in London I was lucky enough to avoid the, ah, "troublesome" parts.

I've never been a fan of socialist or corporatist economics though, and yes I include fascist and Nazi economics under those headings (both were left-wing movements IMHO). Relying on the state (ie the thing that got us into this mess) to get us out AND KEEP US OUT is foolish in the extreme, and just want (((they))) want. Corrupting a few highly-placed civil servants & politicians from outside a state is much easier than trying to sway public opinion from the outside.

Nah, you tell me the Nazis plan to rid itself of minorities and burdensome people? What Could be the final solution?


limited gov is lolbertarianism

Ben "centrism for thee but not for me" Shapiro.
Never trust a kike.

But again, the right to discriminate is a much less lofty goal under the ninth amendment here as it is a good given right. Not sure about Trudeaustan

Sort of. I always leaned more toward libertarianism, but then I realized that the main reason I was against social programs and taxes was because it was being used to pay for niggers. This is in general why I think Americans lean more toward libertarianism than europeans traditionally have. Theoretically in a scenario where there were no niggers and kikes, I probably wouldn't have a problem with social programs to a degree.

But moreover, I think that having a moral axiom like "muh NAP" is foolish. I consider myself a pragmatist, and my #1 moral goal is doing whatever helps the nation, the people. In general I think we would flourish with less regulation. But there are exceptions, like I would ban pornography (at least the mass-production of it via the porn industry, don't care so much about independent stuff floating around the internet) because it's a psychological poison.

It really all comes down to where your principles lie. Is the most important thing being consistent with a concept like the NAP? Or is the most important thing being having a good society? These things can overlap 95% of the time, btw. I'm just not going to be autistic about breaking the NAP when needed.

why would somebody give you a loan with no interests

No you're confusing libertarianism and ancap. God damn leaf.

I don't see how the two can't coexist. Take the undesirables out and establish a white minarchist ethnostate

Why did they do it? Why did they come after our vidya? Surely they knew it was a mistake.

So rich assholes can import Mexicans to mow their lawn instead of hiring my teenage kid? Then the Mexicans will of course try to crawl in my window at night to steal my TV, and I shoot them traumatizing my family? How about no?

Who here is /libertarianfascist/.
Over time you realize that our enemies will organize collectively and so should we. However after we secure future for our white children we can go back to libertarianism and muh values.

a 100% libertarian society would be a hellhole
a 80% libertarian, 20% national statist society would be a paradise
we're about 50% libertarian now


Mutual benefit.

What in lolbertarianism would keep the west from being taken over by high IQ Indians and Chinese?

>Many libertarians moved over when they begrudgingly realized that mindlessly repeating (Sargon style) that it's all about "muh values" become meaningless when you bring in lots of people who'll just vote you out in a generation and steamroll you demographically.
Libertarianism supports important services from the government among them defence and border security. There is no reason a libertarian state needs open borders.

>never trust a kike
So true. Every time there's someone who we think is an exception and we support them by saying "I hate kikes but THIS one is based!" they always end up stabbing us in the back later on anyway.

Like here on Sup Forums, many people were cool with Little Benji Shapiro for the longest time because he was a conservative and went around BTFOing SJWs. But then he reveals his true colors in 2015 when Trump says he wants to build a wall, and suddenly the kikery comes out in full display.

That's how they all are. NEVER trust a jew. Even when they're currently doing things that are good for us, always keep an eye on them for when they might turn on you in the future.

because making profit off the back of someone taking out money, which would help improve standard of living and stimulate economic growth, only stifles the ability to keep putting more money back into the system and sustain improvement on a national and individual level.

Are you saying lolbertarians support tariffs?

Yep... Thanks to mostly to Hoppe and videos on youtube

whats the loaner benefit in this

>private borders
it seems the economic ignorance belies on you my friend.

In a pragmatic sense they can. I sort of explain this in my post above: However, it really comes down to principles.
"true" libertarians are completely beholden to the idea of non-aggression and anti-statism. However, I think this is a childish way of looking at things. I think libertarian concepts can be put to good use in most situations, but I'm not going to stay autistically loyal to a concept rather than to my people. I only see libertarian ideas as a way to better my people, and that's where the difference lies.

Yup, just stick around here long enough and you'll eventually get there.

Eventually you won't be able to get through this clip without 'getting something in your eye':

Sure but for me and I think many like me who were libertarian, the predominant position of open borders (freedom of movement) is idealistic and unrealistic when faced with massive demographic change and population replacement. I believe libertarian values can only be put into practice in a culturally and ethnically homogenous society (think cantons of switzerland).

i'm still ancap and nationalist
it's not contradictory


Transitional dictatorship before the establishment of the ideal society is EXACTLY what communists believe.
Remember historical examples.


I changed when I realized that there is something greater than the individual. That true purpose lies in creating a legacy.

Tell that to Ayn Rand and her merry band of childless faggots.

>>"adurrhurr the brownies wouldn't come if there wasn't a welfare state ahurr"

What lolbertarians fundamentally don't understand is that it's worth a nig's effort to walk to Europe to collect cans, beg and commit petty crime because Africa is that much of a shithole, to say nothing of left and rightwing cucks who will give them private charity

This is what I am too

I didn't because I'm not a retard with weak moral foundation.

I recently went to see Sargon's presentation at Conway Hall in London. When the event ended, everyone was chilling out at the venue and casually chatting. I saw Sargon just vaping by himself so I went over to say hello. "Hi Carl", I said. "Mr Sargon", he replied. I was like "Huh, pardon?" He said "Call me Mr Sargon." I responded, "Oh, ok. Anyway, I love your videos, I'm a big fan." He just continued vaping silently. "So, how are you?" I asked, making smalltalk. He took out a CD and said "Check out my mixtape." I was like, "Oh, ummm, I didn't know you write musi-" and then Sargon just started bobbing up and down and loudly rapping: "Yo, it's ya boy MC Sargon, check it out, yeah yeah..."

>i'm a classical liberal and i'm about to wax lyrical
>my bars are so woke and my rhymes are so empirical
>i'm a centrist individual, a political miracle
>i'm three times your intellect, i'm like genius tripled
>they call me the liberalist, the modern john locke
>they call me the BQC, the 'Big Quadroon Cock'
>when i'm not online or dropping hard beats
>i'm dropping bitter red pills out in these streets
>if you run your commie mouth then you're gonna raise my ire
>you're gonna get burned coz my youtube vids are fire
>your lying mouth is rotten so go see a dentist
>i got no time for lying coz i'm the based centrist
>if you call me autistic or call me a jew
>i'm gonna shut you down with my righteous horseshoe
>i got marxists to the left of me and nazis to the right
>white privilege ain't real coz there's no such thing as white
>you're just an amerimutt, you're not even aryan
>you're 56% white, not pure bavarian
>repping all my niggas in my country bongland
>i'm square in the center and i'm here to make a stand

When Sargon finished rapping, he immediately rolled up his sleeves and just started doing push-ups. It was really weird. He was grunting throughout the push-ups and saying stuff like "We got this, baby" and "Unstoppable". I didn't know what to say so I just left.

>Are they gonna sleep in his business?

No, they will surely wander off his property and cause problems for his neighbors

>Why would any rational business owner pay for the movement and housing of 5000 niggers in a zone where property is expensive

Literally already happened with slavery.

>instead of simply moving his business to a country with low property prices and an endless supply of niggers?

Maybe it's cheaper to grow oranges in Florida with nigs than to grow them in Africa and fly them over?????

>Also who in their right minds wouldn't adopt a clause in the contract of his white ethnostate that any inhabitant will be ejected from the state if he or she invites over non-whites to his or her property for permanent residence?

You mean having a government with laws that everyone has to follow. Hmm.

Freedom of association. Racism is completely permitted. Don't want to hire them? Don't want to sell them housing? It's all fine.