15 year old pajeet killed after rape that destroyed her internal organs


Why let your 15 yr old daughter run around ALONE in a shithole filled with rapists in the first place.
Best Dad of the Year Award goes to..

Ah, Poos. Always raping....

Death by snu snu.


>the claw
poos are creepy rapey cunts

Aziz "The Claw" Ansari strikes again

This didn’t age well.

Pajeets will blame the Brits for this

India does have a problem with this shit, but also, it is the second most populous country on the planet and poor as dirt. It's not exactly *surprising*

I want to do this to a little girl so bad.


100% white, I just hate little girls.


That makes you a nigger.

You should visit rapeistan

You deserve to have your balls removed and your penis chopped off. You deserve to be completely castrated until you loose all your sexual urges and becomes a eunuch. This is the only cure for people like you.

t. assdevastated pajeet roasties

Part and parcel, lads

All they have to do is reduce their population and redistribute wealth from the dead to the living. Boom, both problems solved.

>implying they can do it

Yeah but people have issues with mass murder generally.

from the story... "The body of a second 12-year-old gang-rape victim was found in the same state just hours later, in a case believed to be unrelated"

Don't care. Pajeets are subhuman.

>4 inch penis is national avg
>damaging internal organs


Where are those feminists?
Complaining about white men and patriarchy?
They can go eat shit then.

>tfw I'll never rupture some cunts liver with my inadequate cock

Feels bad man

They use iron rebar because their dicks are microscopic

Go look up that old bus rape

Don't underestimate the power of mutational poo, her liver is probably located near vagane.

Should have opened bob

you should contemplate your degeneracy on the tree of woe

No sarcasm here.
And will not blame the victim.
That is what most muslim men do as an excuse do for when they commit the act themselves.
The perpetrators deserve to have their testicles removed surgically removed with a rusty machete and the wounds should be sterilized with fluoroanitmonic acid and cautorized with a white hot rod.

At least she didn't die a virgin like 50% of Sup Forums inevitably will,


They inserted something in her vagina that wasn’t a penis, if you read the article.

76% of Indian children are sexually abused, if you look up statistics.

If this news story goes viral a lot of filthy sluts are going to start vacationing in India hoping to get some of that Dangerously Hard Indian Dicking.

just because the body reacts like it should it doesn't mean that it is not traumatising, only virigin autists believe that.
women have rape fantasies but clearly not with ugly retards like you,
also many sexual fantasies stay fantasies for a reason.

>Her four attackers were subsequently sentenced to death.
that's something
in the west, the rapists would be given a $50 fine and rehabilitated back in to society

sure thing rapist american occupying soldier