I'm on Episode 8 so far. Random thoughts:
>Phenomenal OST, slightly better than Bebop
>Just as dark and gritty as I'd heard, but that's part of what keeps me interested, seeing just how fucked they all are.
>Ran deserves more screentime
>Organo sounds like oregano
Other urls found in this thread:
Is this a sequel to lain?
What are your thoughts on Yoshii?
He's pretty interesting so far, although I already know he's the villain.
Different world, but with Lain's producer, writer and art director. Ep 1: youtube.com
It has one of the happiest endings in anime history.
The more you like the more the ending will fuck you up.
You better drop it while you have time.
>I already know he's the villain.
Oh boy
I don't want to spoil you OP, so just watch it all.
And then re-watch the first episode.
>>Phenomenal OST, slightly better than Bebop
OP here, I love how Lain and Haibane are both almost totally different shows once you rewatch them. I assume Tex is the same way.
Wow, two ABe threads on the board at once >Nice
>Phenomenal OST
Yeah, this was Hajime Mizoguchi and Keishi Urata's next project after Jin-Roh. They also brought on Tsuneo Imahori.
Speakinf of Jin-Roh, is it any good?
OP I would be weary of spoilers in any Texhnolyze thread
its fucking worth watching
>Reaching the end of the raging road
It was a good thing for them though
I couldn't get past the first episode 10 years ago, I tried again and still couldn't get past it. It's way to slow for me even Lain was painfully slow at parts. I think the OST made it worse.
Just make sure you have a support group or something at the end of this ride. This shit hurt.
On another note, is KAA the best release for Texhnolyze? I just realized that I don't have it saved because I still streamed the first time I watched it,
kuchikirukia's release is the best due to better color (no crushed blacks).
Ah, thanks. Wanted to make sure because I know cestfait's DVD is the best release for Haibane, due to Haibane's BD having problems.
Haibane's BD is shitty, but it really does seem to have slightly more detail than the DVDs.
Strap in OP
You're on a wild ride
>Ran deserves more screentime
That was the only imperfection. I also wanted her to be more in the scenes.
do you like the characters?
>Phenomenal OST
>tfw frequently listen to OST and still keep discovering new tracks
Hard to say, really. I'm interested in all of them, and I feel bad for Ichise.
He's definitely got one of the shittiest deals (both in terms of backstory and overall character arc) I've ever seen.
It made his growth and change throughout the show all the more moving for me though.
fuck you OP you made me remember Tex's plot
now I need to hug something
Here, have a hug.
What was the deal with changing eye colours?
I really like art references in that anime
Fuck user.
I've reached the end of the raging road.
It has the best dub 'bloopers/gag reel' of any series
Best girl coming through
TRUE END: youtu.be
he did nothing wrong