Why no new Age of Conquest?

Fact: the US military alone is the most powerful ever on earth. There is not a single other country who is a match. The only thing stopping the US, and the anglo/euro world as a whole, is their own good-will towards others and a false morality that the weak deserve and the strong must restrain themselves and become doormats.
Fact: The rest of the world hates us anyway. We are already called racists, colonizers, fascists, and literally hitler. They harbor our enemies and plot behind our backs. In terms of reputation, we have nothing to lose.
Fact: A conquest of new lands would revitalize the economy to levels of prosperity never before seen. Every man, woman, and child would be fabulously wealthy. This would lead to a revolution in art and scientific progress as well. It would get our birth rates going again because now young men would have a future.
Fact: the current residents of most countries only pollute and waste the land. They destroy but cannot create. They turn beauty into a wasteland. The land, animals, water, and air would be better tended by white hands. Instead of a dangerous shithole, they could be beautiful and safe.
Fact: if we cast aside our false burdens (niggers and subhuman races) we could propel all of humanity forwards.
Fact: China, Russia, and Japan would join us. They are aching to conquer as well, and would not oppose us, but rather use our precedent to start their own campaigns. There would be no threat from these nations, and they are the only militarily significant non-euro/anglo nations.
There is nothing stopping us. Let go of what you've been told. We must be the caretakers of the planet. Nonwhites will turn the world to favela, to ganges river level pollution, to somalian crime dens, to haitian level starvation and violence. We CAN eradicate the subhumans and bring the planet to a new state of prosperity and peace.

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We have tried being nice. We've given billions upon billions of dollars, won off the backs of hard working americans, to these shitholes. Not only do they remain shitholes, but they spit in our face. Being kind to subhumans does not work. For peace, for natural beauty and health, for mankind's future on this little rock, we must destroy what is holding us back. They've proven that they cannot be civilized, that they do not want progress, that they do not share our values of truth, beauty, peace, and progress. Subhumans are holding humanity back from a brilliant and prosperous future. To continue wasting time and resources on them, to continue letting them occupy and destroy vast reaches of the planet, is a crime. If they cannot be made into men, they must be destroyed. We tried to save them, they fought against civilization like mad beasts, and we have no choice but to kill them and walk forwards.
Again, they already hate us. No matter how nice we try to be, they hate us and scorn us. There is nothing to lose by destroying them, and there is nothing stopping us from destroying them. It is time to move forwards.
Reclaim the land, cleanse it, clean it, build upon it, save the animals and the natural world. Prevent more resources being wasted on genetic dead ends.
A colonized world is the only world in which a traveler can know peace. Most of these shitholes are too dangerous, polluted, or sluminized to call anything but a grievous waste. They have failed as caretakers. We must intervene and remove them.
Turn their cities into true cities, let nature reclaim the rest as nature reserves.

>can't defeat a dozen rice farmers
>hopes to defeat the rest of the planet
go to bed Jose

Our economy is currently spinning its wheels and delving deeper and deeper into derivatives. The middle class is dying. An age of conquest would bring new lands to build into nations, new work for hands willing. New resources, new destinations. It would diversify the range of climate and the crops possible to grow. Millions, if not billions, of new jobs would be opened. No longer would we need beg and fight over a limited number of gainful employment positions. Now again a man can profit off his ventures. New businesses could thrive. There is much to develop and much to clean up. What resources lay scattered in favelas would need recycling into use. Ship transit, long distance rail, and new city transit would need building. Our world could be more connected than ever. New doors, new areas would be opened. Instead of crime-filled dens of organ harvesters, human traffickers, and drug smugglers, we could turn these into safe, civilized regions.
But only once the subhumans have been removed.
And to fill all this new area with life, we would need many new white births. Having children would again bring economic reward, not impoverishment. People would naturally start having more children to take advantage of this. Instead of choosing from a handful of safe nations, men would have the entire planet open to them. Imagine Haiti run and populated by norwegians or Italians. Imagine Guatemala, its rain forests and beautiful coasts, in the hands of Switzerland.

>Can´t even move a boat across the pacific ocean

It´s because countries have nukes nowadays retard

It's not just about conquering a vast region of land. Many civilisations has tried this before, and it always leads to the collapse of the empire because it becomes too big to govern.

It's better to govern the world through commerce, alliances and culture.

Your (americans) biggest problem is that they have let Jews and Israel take complete control their media, political and financial institutions.

lmao yes one or two, but the U.S. and Russia own a majority of nukes, PERIOD. If we split the world down the center by hemisphere lol...well there isn't much of anything you smaller nations could do now is there? gg. Amerusso Empire when?

For some reason, US shits its pants on Iran nuclear program , North Korea and Pakistan

The US already has plenty of land per person. The Chinks will probably start colonizing other countries some time in the near future.

IMAO! North Korea to whom you made fun of for decades has 4! retard, imagine how many India, China, Pakistan and so on have

t. kike LARPing as white.

4* tipes of nukes that could reach the US´s west coast alone

Because we have been conditioned into pity-driven self destruction by foreign actors. NGO globalization has left people with more loyalty to their "causes" than their countries.

Oh that's even better, we get to conquer and don't have to deal with the West coast anymore

>what is a cultural victory
also China, Russia would declare war on you

We need to leave the Age of Decadence then we need an Age of Pioneering. Then Conquest.

no they wouldnt if they want to live, all of the continent could be conquered in one year

Dude you are literally retarded.
No new age of conquest because it's the age of collectivist we are supposed to be making large scale solidarity to move the actual new age of conquest which is in space
Also TLDR your shit is boring to read

usa should rule all the continent ,europe africa and middle east and russia could exterminate the chinks if they want to,our will is the only thing stoping us to reach the greatness of our ancestor



Conquest used to be about exploring, but white people couldn't explore in peace so they ruined it for everybody.

Why not conquer, say Afghanistan and make it into USA?

You wanna be a dick? We can build HUUUUUUGE prisons and throw you in - American style.

Let everyone that wants to live a normal American-ish life in Afghanistan live it.

gee, that's allot of fake facts in one post. nice.