What was the biggest mistake in your countries history? Mine, my king (Jogaila) becoming the King of Poland 1386

What was the biggest mistake in your countries history? Mine, my king (Jogaila) becoming the King of Poland 1386.

The french alliance (1796-1808).

Gaining independence just before Russia was about to become great

Fuck off, ryssä.

Act of Union 1707
Scottish Nobles sold out to the English.


Unbanning the African National Congress; the Pan Africanist Congress and the South African Communist Party during the late 1980's.

Battle of Maritsa

Act of 1871, federal reserve act, more recently citizens united and patriot act.

Not conquering Sweden in WW2

Civil Rights

not picking our own dam cotton


Treaty of Paris, 1763

Giving women rights.

Somebody used our general's battle plans to roll a fat cig real quick
The enemy general found it and won a decisive battle
This combined with our absolute material disadvantage overwhelmed our home-turf advantage

Getting on the side of Britian and Russia in WW2 and not on the side of Nazi Germany.

not shipping niggers back to africa and ending segregation.

Letting Jews subvert us in early 1960s when Olof Palme got a new advisor, Polish Jew David Schwartz, and together this unholy duo orchestrated our destruction and transformed us from homogenous thriving society to...not so much.

>Implying you would have stood a chance
even 10 000 volunteer Swedes fought on your side kek, you would've gotten buttsmashed

This too.

Trusting serbs.

What on earth are you gibbering about, the Scottish tail has been wagging the English dog ever since.

Letting what's now Pakisten and Bangladesh to get fucked by Islam.

Losing the great northern war, and changing our government type from absolute monarchy to constitutional monarchy.

Stealing apple, so we could play snake.

With the help of Germany, taking that we would have some common intrest in conquering your country, you wouldnt have lasted a month. You were already pretty much surrounded by Germany.

No that would have been a mistake, best option would be to have executed them all or continued slavery.


Ending the White Australia Policy.

dissolve the army

when al gore invented the internet

Women’s sufferage

Most Women do not have he temperament for effective government


Pinochet staying too long also stealing like crazy

There weren't any Finns who actually wanted war with Sweden, are you retard neekeri? Even Mannerheim himself was practically a Swede.

Won't be long before some meslem suicide bombs the government. Don't worry. Just keep on seig heiling

Letting england gain B*lgium


>suicide bombs
Oy vey, being that delusional. There's no terrorist attack upon any celebrity nor politician. You know why? Because there's no terrorism. It's all govtoolism.

Definitely abandoning Washington’s warning to go full Empire
Also going full ideology over pragmatism

Losing the battle of Hastings and surrendering our beautiful language to speak the bastardised version we have today.

Lol. So meslems are peace loving fucks who aren't just a death cult? Lay off the crack, nigger.

Lol. There's no control of government in any of the attacks.
Lol. There's no influence in anything that includes muslim terrorists.
Lol. There's no coincidence, that when isis members attacked Israelis soldiers they were sorry and asked for forgiveness. Muslims asking Jews for forgiveness. Truly not a coincidence.
Fuck off LARPer.

literally none

No shit sherlock, but it was the biggest mistake considering the future (the present atm). If they would have known what kind of a shithole you would turn into and how it would affect all of us then the best course of action would've been conquering you.

Defending Russia in WWII

They day will come when you will pay for that.

Trust Kyrgyz
Isn't placing yourself in a very dangerous spot considered to a big mistake.

When did I say there's no government control over the meslems? They know of an attack and let it happen or provide assistance in letting it happen in the name of political correctness and diversity.

Going to war with ze Germans due to our hard-on for Poland, just to see it fall to the sub-human Commies anyway

>believing that they can play "antisemitism" card till the end of the game
>literally no profit when shit hits the fan
Then stop calling me a nigger, fuckwad. Lurk moar newfag.

Electing Pierre Trudeau

hey, this place is """holy"""

second balkan assfucking

Well Pekka you say that but I know there is still time for redemption.

King Olof selling out to the Christcucks.

Everyone thinks that jews are good at investing. But I think that you're terrible investiors. You know why? Because for all those years you've been investing in your own doom.

This and tectonic order

one year ago
fuck this cunt president

Siding with filthy communists in WW2

Doesnt look like that from here

>Electing Woodrow Wilson
>Allowing women to vote
>Electing FDR
>Picking the wrong side in WWII
>1965 immigration act
>Electing Reagan
Take your pick, we've fucked up horribly bover the last century. We've become an experiment that deserves to fail

Israel is pretty third world, compare what Finland managed to accomplish in 100 years, well you have been in a constant conflict with shitskins but come on, step it up.

Once the watchmaker told to the pilgrim: "The time will come for everything". Just wait. Or you don't even have too. Have fun with raging out muslims in the upcoming war.

PS. Do not flee to Poland again.

Letting you guys rule yourselves.
Look where we are now

Fuck off

not stealing more gold from the jews.

We should have paid the slaveholders for fair value of slaves and sent ALL the slaves back to Africa.

You're retarded. The poles ruined the commonwealth, not Lietuva. Everything was fine until 1579 when the Jagiellonian dynasty was over and stupid Polaks ruined everything with muh democracy and muh weakening the crown and muh taking bribes from Russian kikes and not letting ruthenians in the commonwealth despite them being better than polniggers. You deserved the cossak rebellions that you got fucked by.

Also the hussars weren't even polish lmfao, they were Lithuanian and ukrainian. Go larp as important people somewhere else you polak filth

You guys read a lot of garbage online don't you

not getting rid of the jews.

Yes. We should incernate garbage. Hop in, oven's ready.

Lol newfag? Kill yourself you kike loving nigger.

The Carnation Revolution

It cucked Portugal, possibly irreversibly.

>>Electing Reagan
>kek, like Mondale wouldn't have granted the beaners invasion license

More like setting it up where only two parties have any chance at executive power

Not until entire Finland from Nuorgam to Ahvenanmaa is annexed

Ive visited Israel, and even though its pretty modern and peaceful you are still a shithole compared to most developed countries.

>kike loving nigger
Holy fuck. You're either extremely dumb or some gov tool/paid troll. Anyways lurk moar NEWFAG.

The federal reserve.

>Be Anglo landholder
>Go to register deed at the (((City Hall)))
>"Wow 5,000 acres! How do you work that Ol' go-, I mean Ol' Boy?"
>"Well I just use most for huntin' land and just farm a small patch of it."
>"No! This is America! You could be millionaire! You should get some help!"
>"Well I spose' I could hire some help...."
>"Don't worry you pay 1 time fee!"
>*beeping sound commences as the boat backs into the harbor.
>(((BRING EM' IN)))

Stopping at Nanking.

trusting pajeet's mercenaries to defend malacca (1511)

Divisions of poland. Got jew overdose.

Falling for post-war western brainwashing.

Are you dumb? I'm clearly saying that the alliance with Poland is what fucked Lithuania over. It started with that marriage. According to historical record, Poles wanted to take the GDL, but we too weak to do it military, so they did it through Jewish tricks and this marriage was the start of it, more or less.

Ive been all over the world and this isn't correct. We also have better weather than 90% of the globe.
Nice memes, are you racist irl too or just like to talk shit behind a mask

>implying we shouldn't do it again

> u r russian
stop with all that russian shit, lithu are our brothers and no amount of propaganda will make them anything else

> lithu love

Fall of USSR.
Protesters should be crushed with tanks, putchers shot, local nationalist - send to Syberia.
Considering the fact how it turned out for the people, any measure would be acceptible.
>muh freedom

>implying being a jew is a race
>being on Sup Forums
If you're good at destroying every nation that's hosting your kosher asses, then you shall be destroyed with your own nation once for all. Is that (((racist))) enough for you?

Well, there are no jews now.
>when you hate food

>muh food meme

Here is why are a bunch of fucking niggers that deserve annihilation of their nationality.

Before outbreak of world war 2 Hitler approached Poland and said he wants to deal with the vermin that is infesting Europe. Poland being the key point of the Jewish infestation refused and started reeing like the austic dumb fucks they are.

They started launching terrorist attacks against Germany including attacking a radio station.

Hitler invades to put down the Jewish menace. Poland fights them like a bunch retards.

Fuck Poland. Fuck the Poles.

Who needs food, if you're full of propaganda.

Not helping the krauts when they kindly asked

Kill yourself kike nigger.

that's easy: joining the eu

Yeah, and 90% of the world is a shithole. If jews really were the "masterrace" or even close to what real white people are Israel would be close to the living standards of Scandic countries. But you are not, you are closer to muslims than whites.


Crowning Nicholas II as a next Emperor.

The Roskilde Peace. Skåne, Halland and Blekinge is rightful danish clay, goddammit!