Jimmy boy has been doing quite well in all these recent controversies with the skeptoliberalautists.
But nobody is perfect, so my question is, where has jim fucked up?
Jimmy boy has been doing quite well in all these recent controversies with the skeptoliberalautists.
But nobody is perfect, so my question is, where has jim fucked up?
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Difference between Jim and the guys he talks about is when he genuinely fucks up he doesn’t try and bury it only for it to come up in a few years.
Goodluck user, I doubt there is anything you can throw at him that he wouldnt laugh about
OP do you ever try to suck your own dick?
Not trying to hurt him, I'm a fan I just don't want to suck his cock
I don't know what that has to do with this post?
you telling me you haven't even tried it? are you fat?
Sargon please go
Sorry I'm not as much of a soyfag as you user
>jewfag has soy cock confirmed
Shut up anglo scum
JIM can do no wrong. JIM is the light. Hail JIM
>jewfag eternal race division tactics confirmed
>hello fellow nazis, help me bring down this bad goy... I mean cuck
yeah no, get fucked memeflag
>But nobody is perfect, so my question is, where has jim fucked up?
Hi Sargon and his follower
>hey uuuuuh anyone have some dirt on jim? Haha just curious lol !
Sargon is desperate
I tried but I couldn't reach
I'm not sargon or a liberalist
I haven't been keeping a close eye on this, but from what I can parse, guys like Destiny and Sargon continue to peddle the same nonsense. Destiny is an open-borders shill that isn't really concerned with public safety or national security. Meanwhile, Sargon is a fool who believes he can take some kind of moral high ground against people who have no morals to begin with, which is left-wing "progressives". Have either of these idiots conceded on anything?
Your retarded.
No one in history ever said;
>you know, I really like this person, but let me find some bad info about him so I don’t come off as a fan
Are you legit retarded user? Is there a cure?
show your real flag sargoy
then post a pic and time stamp then
I just don't believe that anyone can not have fucked up at some point.
i know i could if i tried just from back of the envelope calculations.
Fuck off sargon
Of just me?
shut up Carl
>I just don't want to suck his cock
Why Are you some kind of faggot?
He killed a lot of people during the holocaust
What do you mean?
His whole Peterson video was retarded, other than the Faith Goldy point he bumbled around saying nothing for the whole video
I actually liked that vid
>ITT It's time to get to work
Somebody has to know who he is and where he works.
so any way, anyone have some dirt on jim? Haha just curious lol
Meme flag faggots, will get the rope first.
You must go back.
As is always the case...
OP is a major Faggot
I'm not really asking about doxxes, I'm just curious if he's a diaper fur or some weird shit
Delete the post and remove your flag, haha. Just kidding. Or am I. But do it. hehe ok?
>Sargoy gets so butthurt that Jim is just a troll, who made fun of Sargoy because he thinks it's his duty to be the leader to go against the SJWs that he makes threads on Sup Forums to dig up dirt on him
honestly pathetic
Letting "kingofpol" have any relevance
Peterson is so determined to prove Jim's point and make his defenders look like fools that he's literally becoming a rug merchant.
hes married to a gook, literall race traitor that needs to hang for his crime to the white race
Liberalist honeypot: the thread
In all honesty, letting CRP kiss his ass in all those streams is one of Jim's failings. There is so much cringe and drama to mine from that clown and now Jim probably won't do it.
He's a swarthy mutt in his 30's that's only famous for "trolling" and documenting autistic e-celeb drama. Not to mention he's with an Asian women (who's fucking butt ugly too). Very sad.
I love radical centrist memes
The difference is that Jim is a native 4channer, while the others are just poor imitations.
Sure buddy
>guys why doesn't an old school lulzman want to be the leader of a political movement
>let's ruin him
No better than leftist twitter chimps.
Shhhh, don't let them find out that Jim is the Stepfather's wife's son's father.
Let's see that picture and timestamp buddy
>race traitor
Jim is asian
He insulted the Stepfather
Nobody insults the Stepfather. A Doxing is inevitable.
It'll be fun to see which of the Don's foot soldiers releases a video cause then we'll know who keeps making these threads.
Is this CIAnigger honeypot?
He's a benevolent asshole.
There was the fingering incident during GG.
Ignore how autistic I look plz
No vee... you are the furfag..... why do you think such degenerate behavior is normal.... its not. Faggot
That sounds like something Sargon would say.
Jim has been a part of some pretty gay shit.
How is it possible for him to keep all his private informations under the radar for so long? I'm actually impressed. Good for him. Anonymity is power.
fuck off faggot
dumb jew, everyone carries one of those cards lately.
marilyn manson had his lower ribs removed so he can suck his own dick, no joke
I heard Jim killed some child molesting faggots back before the Internet Aristocrat handle. He is a wild man and the law cannot contain him.
The absolute state of Sup Forums.
I'm 100% Aryan, I did an ancestry.com test
Jim's cool but got a little cringe against Sargon. Too emotional. Destiny is the worst.
How much is Soros paying you?
Confirmed for Liberalist
Confirmed for Carl
not even that offensive
they should had drown a sniper shooting a dildo thought his mouth during one of his protests
Have you bought your $2,000 rug from your e-dad yet?
>I'm 100% Aryan
>But nobody is perfect, so my question is, where has jim fucked up?
Lol who cares Jim doesnt parade around as some paragon of moral virtue he refer's to himself as internet troll. Also you are obviously some butt hurt sceptic who cant handle the fact you got BTFO and now want to outsource your butt hurt to us NOT YOUR PERSONAL ARMY FAGGOT.
>no time stamp
also pic related
My dad works nintendo.
Is that you Sargon?
topkek the absolute state of petersonfags
The Peterson video was 10x funnier than any of the deviantart eps.
holy shit, i thought this was a joke
ancient meme
Hello Sargon
>Mister Metokur infodump
My Nintendo works at Sobibór
Sargon, you have to go full 1488 if you want redemption.
>Please give me dirt on Jim
>I'm a fan btw
Well I'm convinced
What anime is that from? I wanna masturbate to it.
>I will use a meme flag. Hehe. No one will know it's me and my wife's son.