Why does the reverse trap never win, Sup Forums?
Why does the reverse trap never win, Sup Forums?
That would look gay to the outside observer.
Because there's never been a character in a show with a reverse trap that deserved her.
So whats the problem there?
Not marketable or moe enough. If the tomboy never wins, what makes you think the one that actually looks like a guy does?
Nisek....oh wait.
How in the fuck does that look like a reverse trap?
Kashima from Nozoki kun gets her man
Im not really sure if the relationship between Kashima and Hori is actually romantic.
God she's so fucking hot on Dancing All Night. Having tits is a huge improvement.
in the latest chapter it absolutely is. she gets him drunk by accident(?) and he admits that she's adorable and wants her to spend more time with him
And in the latest raw he said that kashima might be his ideal women
I stopped reading the manga since the translations were so awful
Didn't Haruhi win the Frenchie bowl?
Naoto is the dumbest character in a cast of retards
>Never win
One of the worst harems ever. She didn't deserve to win.
Naoto did win, she is in the city in DAN to spend time with you,
You sayin' I like dudes?
OP said win.
Yeah, Kanji basically doesn't have a chance with her.
I wanna slap her right in the tits
They make her look like shit.
Nigga, even in golden the other girls mention her enormous tits
nasty ass cowtits
You shut your whore mouth
I'm sorry you had to find out like this.
but you can pick the girls you want to win in persona
I defy you to name something more romantic.
Yukimura isn't even a trap.
the gay is strong with this one
Utterly perfect
Because if japs wanted to see something flat they'd go after 3d
she's stacked as shit for her age, she just hides it very well
Wasn't speaking about her specifically
I liked Marie until I got to her dungeon.
Pay attention to the hair, that's not Marie, it's Naoto in her clothes
Has there ever been a series where a reverse trap won?
Hard mode: they still wear guy clothes after
I never finished
does she wear suits to the very end
I never finished either
She won the Kanji while Narukami stuck with Marie.
KanNao may be popular, but it isn't canon.
She's all but stated to be Yu's cocksleeve in DAN
She's the main character, so she has to win something or someone. And it was a shoujo; leads need to be paired off at some point.
This thread is referring to when a reverse trap is an option for the MCbowl.
That webm was great
Kanji won Rise.
If Eve doesn't win then Ririto might win in Hatsukoi zombie
liked her but kanade is best girl
I can't tell if that's a Jotaro pose or not.
Also, all of the P4 female party members are best girl.
of course she wins in ouran, she's the MC with a harem
Rise won her producer
Hope to see Naoto in the next P5 games. Ain't she working with the police in Tokyo? Naoto vs Phantom Thieves of Hearts would be fun.
>boss fight against Naoto where she uses all three of her Wheel of Fortune Personas
Would be neat.
Yu comes to tokyo and cucks joker when
And Persona 5 mentions Yu being her partner now. So I heard, at least, I didn't check the TV that often so I didn't see most of the past game references at all.
All reverse traps remind me of my mom
How so?
I'm almost a little disappointed she didn't show up. If they were going to do a cameo of some sort Naoto would have been the person to do it. Instead of a school trip to Inaba or Port Island or w/e maybe something like "the detective prince is on our case"????
if p5 has spinoffs i hope they connect the plot of the games SOMEHOW.
You would think the rise of DLC since P4 would make this more likely too
yeah. I'm not sure whether or not I'm impressed that some things haven't changed or if I'm disappointed. I do think the ending was rushed in general. Especially since this was such a popular incident some connection to the previous canon would have been nice, but that's hardly not the only flaw in the game's ending.
Everybody won Rise.
>even the japs hate her
Perfect example of a vocal minority that loves shit character.
No, not even close. Rise looks at her info clipboard and makes acomment that "ohh you're bigger than I thought." but Naoto isn't stacked in game. She manages to hide a B-cup into pure flat cause of the bindings.
She's given extra cups in the anime cause lol anime and fanart.
She has the biggest tits in Golden, the halloween outfits show it the most
>Rise looks at her info clipboard and makes acomment that "ohh you're bigger than I thought."
No, her reaction's more along the lines of "You're HOW big?!"
What anime?
flat is justice
Well good thing Naoto isn't of the justice arcana then. :^)
episode 17.
why should they?
Because they are often better girls than whatever shitty bitch MC chooses.
Reverse traps have a high tendency of being best girl, and best girl isn't allowed to win by default.
>inb4 Persona Q-2
He didn't won the canon, but he won my heart
Learn to read, moron.
Is that a motherfucking-