Log into Sup Forums with my browser on private
This is why i always
>he thinks private browsing does anything
(((Jarrett))) why is Sup Forums always right. Also I don't really care if the NSA knows I'm racist, everybody hates niggers
>believing an aging Boomer woman
So she types the potential hire's name into Google one letter a second and tries to find their facebook.
She moved in with Barack and Michelle Obama.
>boomer woman
Son, valarie is the big bang of women
this boomer asked her grandson to make her a facebook because it was to hard.
This practice is actually illegal in many states. In California for example, you cannot background check someone as a condition of the hiring process. Once they've been hired you can perform a background check, but unless the job being filled meets specific criteria, it's illegal to fire the employee based on the results of the background check.
Kind of draconian from the perspective of the employer if you think about it
>Googles ur name
heh, nothing personnel
>because it was to hard.
"heh, just doin my job kiddo" she said quietly to herself as she google searched the name that was written on the resume.
In Cali you can't discriminate against someone in the workplace based on their political views or political actions, yet from the Google lawsuit we can see that big companies clearly haven't given a fuck about that law. (which of course hopefully will change is the lawsuit blows up)
you got me
is chicago still in ruins?
Kek, reading through my internet posts guarantees at least 4 existential crisis on every level of thought, an understanding of horrifically logical philosophy, and possible demonic possession.
>he doesn't recognize sarcastic shitposts
All of a sudden her face dropped, from a sharp smirk to face of pure terror, for what came up was to much to handle for her fragile heart, you would think a four leaf clover meant luck, but boy oh boy was that not the case.
I have a hunch Sup Forums is always right because they're not lying.
Id probably get locked up in a mental ward for schizophrenia
>I have a hunch Sup Forums is always right because they're not lying.
It's easy to be right when you tell the truth.
I'd get locked up in a containment facility on the moon.
ok, ok maybe ((they)) were just fighting the racists! yes! that must be the case, huh what? oh no! a loud shriek spurted from the woman's mouth, for on the screen in dark bold letters, the word, nigger.
She quickly got up and closed her office door. Then she slinked into her chair where she pulled up her browser tab: the applicant was non other than christian gray. She felt moist, and she scrolled down his wall seeing how he was so close with his family and younger cousins.
"Yes" she thought to.herself "i must have him"
What did he mean by this?
>Log into Sup Forums with my browser on private
pssh, get on my level, pleb.
>Mr user I've found some pretty racist comments from an alias you used 8 1/2 years ago, care to explain?
>First explain why or how you stalked me
>Oh that's none of your business Mr user, if you've done nothing wrong you've done nothing to hide
>Anyway, care to explain why you posted the phrase "Top Kek" on the internet?
pic related
>not using your powerlevel to get employed by a redpilled boss
nigger just don't have views that are so radical you need to worry about people spying on you
If you want your enemies dead, if you want ethnic cleansing, if you've cheered on mass shootings, don't be surprised if you're being watched.
Have fun inthe FEMA camps user
>log into Sup Forums
what's your username there retard?
unironically this
>Working for Fox Jews
>Being some masochist who works in any kind of corporate setting whatsoever getting your balls busted by HR cat ladies.
You would literally be better off and happier selling crack.
The question is, how can you possibly prove that you didn't get a job because of discrimination. Obviously a company won't cite your online activities. They'll just say "We moved forward with another candidate". They don't even provide feedback in almost every interview in Cali.
Do you think Jews are becoming more and more conservative in an attempt to win over the alt right, their only enemy?
You newfags are a diamond dozen
Leftists are consequently easy to reveal as lunatics.
lol at that headline
what a fucking cunt
i hope she hangs in the end
A friend of mine brought up "doxing" at a social gathering recently. Kicked off an interesting little competition who could find what on each other (using google). At the end of the night not a single thing I've ever posted online was found.
Just for lulz I synced a burner gmail account to all of theirs and started posting shit like pic related from their accounts. They think I'm some elite black hat hacker now. Fuck normies are dumb.
Which one is giving her the dick?
Lol no you don't. You see what I allow you to see. You know the persona I allow you to know.
What’s a Sup Forums?
>implying there aren't 3 dicks