any love for Britain First ?
Any love for Britain First ?
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I like having a big, ugly, guard dog, however, I have no desire to be the big, ugly, guard dog.
Islamophobic = Leukophobic
You can't hate on Islam without hating on the White man. Anti-Islam = Anti-White
wtf I hate white people now
i'd love to splat my load on Jayda's milkers.
> Islamophobic
> Christian
GTFO, retard
They got their heart in the right place, but they really need to clean up their act.
Islam is anti-European at it it's core you dumbass
No they're too obvious and their members are Stella swilling retards. We need a party that uses subtler means.
The prophet Muhammad was Irish. It's the truth they conceal.
Civic nationalist degenerate scum that give real nationalism a bad name.
Islam is Europe, so it can't be anti-European, kike nigger.
stop larping retard
They've got their hearts in the right place but they're fucking retards about it
>zog approved
this ugly fucking traitor wants fucking gassing.
what do you mean too obvious? In their hatred of Islam? Are they supposed to be subtle when their island is being invaded?
>nigger presson nails
>gross dyed hair
>mutt face
She makes the right look retarded desu
Fuck off GCHQ I'm not admitting to anything
Religion is for faggots
They're ok with niggers and shitskins flooding the UK as long as the Islam boogieman is dealt with. At best, they're a distraction and a release valve for retards to go, get drunk and smash shit up rather than making any meaningful progress.
At worst they're a controlled op to redirect interest in racial nationalism to civic nationalism.
At the end of the day, the problem isn't Islam, it's the fact that Britain is becoming a non-white country. If Britain becomes racially muddled, then it doesn't matter if it follows Islam or Christianity, it will just become shit-tier like all other brown hellholes.
When a girl has tattoo's you should become cautious. When they have tattoo's like this all your alarm bells should be going off.
>german flag
>defending islam
It's not funny anymore. It's quite sad.
Don't they do things like drive on the wrong side of the road in muslim neighbourhoods and then record the angry reactions to post it online?
the women on the left is a jew btw (her mother's side)
>poo in loo defending mudslimes
That's new.
This guy knows.
I'm not sure he's 100% defending Muslims, but pointing out that she's been involved in some dishonest journalism/documentation. She's a Jew so it's not surprising.
Stupid Gypsy
>embrace nationalist narrative
>accept financing and backing from rivals
>take policy stances that reduce your nation's economic and political standing
>rivals with no good intentions toward your nation move in to fill the vacuum
>rivals will inevitably use their newfound clout against your nation, reducing its prosperity and influence
>all because you wanted to chase non-existent boggarts and drape yourself in the comfort of a shared identity
I find that nationalists are typically losers in life as well, which is why they go for the losing position in politics.
Considering we have no free speech laws, yes they are. What use will they be from jail?
>Stupid Gypsy
There's nothing wrong with manipulating the media in order to make people hate muslims.
There's enough evidence of Muslims being barbaric and not worthy of being in the UK already. No need to to do autistic shit that actually does more harm than good in the end. Normies immediately switch off and write you off once you've been caught deliberately lying - and makes it extremely harder for others to be taken seriously when documenting Muslims later on.
BF is made up of low-IQ council house tenants.
Definitely not the image a respectable nationalist group should have.
It's so trashy..
White women fall for the dumbest memes.
Maybe try not to get caught?
>no free speech laws
correct me if I'm wrong, but holohoax denial isn't illegal in Britain
>italian tactics
No wonder you suck at war
Its all about the optics. Gotta look the part to play the part.
Not illegal, YET.
Shhh you accomplished nothing of note in history besides being UK's slaves.
Give it time. Sexism is going to become a hate crime later this year. For white's anyway.
>italian history
Pastanigger everyone
What did Mohammad mean by this?
Yes italian history, while you were busy shitting on the streets (who am I kidding, you still do like a bunch of cavemen)
Even Lovecraft thought you were parasites that needed to disappear.
Zionists larping as Christian Nationalists.
>Isreal first
Fuck them cunts, the public doesn't even really care about pakis , if so they wouldn't be going to the kebab shops every week, you need to talk to normies about how local problems are the fault of immigration, ok thank you
>At the end of the day, the problem isn't Islam, it's the fact that Britain is becoming a non-white country
No dude, the problem is the long period of political disintigration and destruction of traditions in the name of "muh democracy" and "muh Enlightenment values" and so forth that has eroded the strength of our people, destroyed the notion of good and strong leadership, and left us open to plunder. 3rd worldism is just a symptom of a rot that has been working away at the UK for a long time already.
mirin the aesthetics of the guy with circular glasses
Wait, that's a woman?
I thought it's a tranny.
>calls own political fears irrational
>declares pride in irrationality
fucking die everybody hates you
Why are anglo women so much ugly?
get Fucked Judas
it's a defense system to scare away the mudslime and niggers. unfortunately they are very resilient.
I was thinking the same.
They are either ugly or look like a dude.
That's not true, It's a meme.
At least they ain't sluts like yours.
The word phobia implies irrational fear. Concern about Islamic conquest isn't irrational considering it's their literal modus operandi
animals fuck everything, from goats to dogs passing by anglo women
yours are slutty mudslimes. worst of both worlds.
>Islam is Europe
No infact it flies in direct contrast to Islam let alone their inbred pipe dreams of a kaliphate.
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance.
>2. Freedom to manifest one's religion or beliefs shall be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of public safety, for the protection of public order, health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.
Ali burnt some people and this news reached Ibn 'Abbas, who said, "Had I been in his place I would not have burnt them, as the Prophet said, 'Don't punish (anybody) with Allah's Punishment.' No doubt, I would have killed them, for the Prophet said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.'
—Sahih al-Bukhari, 4:52:260
and then we have the freedom of sexual expression you dirty snadnigger
Article 8 – Right to respect for private and family life
1. Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence.
2. There shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right except such as is in accordance with the law and is necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.
>Ugly Jewess and 90 IQ brainlet.
not a meme italanon, through my life I've seen the place where they go and it's not a meme. Anglo women is one of the most vulgar being to roam the world
She's trashy as hell even without it, looks like she wants to be an American teenager
Look at the cuck projecting! It is YOUR women you pitiful sack of cuckoldry, you're the country that had to give your women bracelets in order to "dissauade" immigrants from fucking them.
Worst meme
Holy shit, those things are making my eyes bleed. What happened to the typical british noblewoman?
Did it ever existed?
>Meme flag
Opinion discarded
I thought so actually. My noblewoman fetish is ruined...
Many of those women aren't even swedish. One of them looks like a girl doing charity work in Africa.
And what even happens in Italy? Do they even have to worry about the shitskins or are they indistinguishable from the brown natives?
No. Just another controlled opposition outfit like its predecessor, the BNP. I knew I remembered Anne Marie Waters when the Trump tweet controversy erupted - I'd seen her on the BBC's "Big Questions". This is a telltale sign of controlled opposition in this country - when the state broadcaster helps to build the public profile of a dissident, you know the person isn't a real dissident.
Do you not think that there are respectable and eloquent people out there who oppose the direction the country is taking and would like their voices to be heard more? So where are they? Why are we presented with gobshite chavs as seemingly the only voices of opposition? How does that reflect on people who share those views in general?
Might it paint a picture that we're *all* like Anne Marie Waters? That people like me - working class but with a STEM masters and the ability to enunciate consonants - are all knuckle dragging uneducated dickheads?
There's no future in these parties. They're set up to fail at the opportune moment. Unless the Tory party collapses and a legitimate conservative movement emerges out of it, there is no hope for this country. It will have one trajectory, carefully managed by the current neoliberal party which is a combination of both Labour and Tory.
>n-not swedish wimin!
By the way, there's a difference between being non white and being cucked. You're the latter for sure. What most idiotic nordcucks like you don't get is that Italians couldn't care less about looking white or not. Hell, we are mediterraneans, we are not part of your special club.
A state run joke to keep tabs on Islamophobe extremists and make them lot as bad as possible like the crazy little Nazis out of a Clint Eastwood movie.
Yeah you're right. Sweden is the most cucked country. Your doing just fine.
And I know Waters is/was UKIP, but the same rule applies. Ask yourself, when such individuals emerge, why am I hearing about them now? How did they get on TV, or on the radio? What websites were pushing them and who runs those websites? How many actual followers do they have? Why do they get so much attention when Tommy Robinson, who has a legitimately large following (doesn't include me but a fact is a fact), is never heard about in the mainstream anymore?
>italians asking muslims about what they think about veiled women
And this changes Italy how exactly? Also it's NBT zone for crying out loud, they make drama of all things and still believe in illuminati memes.
The question is, does she have kids? If not she's just anther attention seeking wire whore.
Sure kiddo, wherever they are they destroy shit. And they multiply like rabbits. Good luck.
Whatever, you're the cucked betas.
Bouth your countries are cucked
>High migration scenario
Sweden took in the most refugees of all EU countries 2015, we will never go back to those politics again. Fake numbers.
I dismiss such silly predictions. And by the way, my country is not cucked, not yet.
Even with absolute 0 migration your still not looking good.
Sure thing
>Italy 8.3
>Germany 8.7
Yeah I call bullshit on that. Stay in your country, you have no idea what's going in Italy.
These crusader larpers never get big, ever since the BUF England has never liked any of those nationalist/patriotic INGERLUND groups. Partly because they are a bunch of mouth breathing blokes who go on rants about mooslems and these parties are fucking useless in everything they do
It makes me sad to see Europe being systematically overrun... Are there maps for a scenario where all the migrants are ejected from the continent?
No, they are dumb, they give nationalism a bad name, and they are controlled by the Jews. They are literally zionists and they don't acknowledge the issues of race. Fuck them, they are a shallow, shit movement. Stop posting them here, they delayed my red pilling because I didn't want to be associated with these fucking chavs.
If I cried for every piece of "proof" regarding the immigration of my country I would be rich by now. Especially when it comes to people on this board knowing more about Italy, apparently.
Too obvious? No, they just don't articulate themselves well and they have a bad image. They also support kikes.
I mean as a joke yeah it would be funny as a reality show I liked an episode I saw on YouTube where they white around friends harassing migrants acting racist but what's her name has some great tits so I'd still watch it.