Admit it. The only reason anyone owns guns is because they're paranoid and insecure (and thus shouldn't have guns)

Admit it. The only reason anyone owns guns is because they're paranoid and insecure (and thus shouldn't have guns)

Other urls found in this thread:

around blacks never relax

my big dick will save me

Because hunting and competition shooting exist.
Also if you live in a rough neighbor hood it's better to have on if the nog down the street is also packing.

Guns are great. I wish we could just pay eachother in bullets

Admit it. anyone who actively criticizes someone’s right to own a gun does not have a gun themselves nor has ever fired one or ever owned one personally (the people who have no place commenting on firearms to begin with)

Shillblue thread
Have a sage

You have problem with gunz? They never hurt anyone acting alone but everyone is so mean to them.

>EU flag
Cletus, get the rake

>I don't want to defend my family from physical harm. I have no obligation to protect my family lmao. Who cares if my wife will get raped before my eyes, I can just call the police afterwards like a CIVILIZED person

inherited two pretty guns from granddad, they're older than me and pretty, I like them, I'll keep them, get fucked.

I have guns because it's my right.
People who question owning guns are people who are too afraid to own them, due to fear that they would eventually turn them on themselves i.e. degenerate progressives.

>nigger kicking in your front door
>lol you don't need to protect your family stop being paranoid
>aww is little sweety insecure, accept the enrichment white boy

We gon need a bigger lye vat bubba

I have guns for shooting shit in the desert for fun, and also for when society collapses I can defend my shit and gtfo

I have a very large penis as well

>tfw you've never owned or fired a gun, but still argue the opposite
>tfw you argue the opposite here everyone looks at you like you have two heads and you always meet the same arguments

God made man, Sam Colt made them equal

Nah they're mad fun desu

I bet Charlie Hedbo wished they had guns.

I bet the San Bernardino victims wish one of them was armed.

Sam Colt blesses you.

Nah, I have guns because the average response time in dallas is about 45 min since the cops are leaving the city in droves.


My family's basically anti-gun sans my gramps on my father's side. Gave me an M1 carbine after I graduated college as a gift. Mom threw a fit but can't do anything since I've already moved out.

Their outlook changed after we tried to talk to some illegal settlers living on our lot. They agreed to move out at first but a local commie group ecouraged them to "stand up and protect their lives". My grandma then was confronted by a drunk guy and threatened her with a machete. He backed off after I pointed the carbine at him then decided I was just bluffing and started to run towards me.

Shot the bamboo post beside him and that made him stop. If not for my gun I'd certainly be dead now.

So yeah, must be nice to live in a sheltered country like yours.

>tfw you remember during Charlie Hebdo that one of the armed police officers actually lay down his arms in a show of good faith against people who don't practice good faith and was immediately shot dead

It was the perfect example of reality meeting (((tolerance))).

>number of european countries under martial law
>hurr paranoid and insecure durr

Idiots like you made europe insecure, people like me make it secure.

Wait that faggot was armed? I felt bad cause I though he was cucked by Goverment and not carrying.

>Be Europoor
>Be ruled by unelected bureaucracy.
>Have no gun rights.
>Government phasing out rights to own a car.
>Have mongrel apes and mudslimes shitting and raping in the streets.
>See America
>See 2nd Amendment, muscle cars, and a president with huge enough balls to call shitholes "shitholes", and deport illegals.
>A-America is being emasculated!

I have guns for killing niggers, faggots and pieces of shit.

People own guns because guns are neato

false dichotomy argument- saged.


>needs a gun to protect himself
>doesn't use superior abo boomerang infused with ancient dreamtime magic
When will amerimutts learn?

>target shooting
My .22s are nice and all but they're not good for much more than killing pests and paper.

Then why do you want to take them all away? Let them have their guns? What are you afraid of?

Is it the same video? The one where he's on the street? I don't have the .webm of it saved, but he has his gun drawn, places it on the ground, puts his hands up and then gets shot.

You've never shot a gun have you? Be honest. The majority, the overwhelming majority, of liberals have never shot a gun.

The frog is right. I need my guns because my penis is tiny. Microscopic even.

The only reason you oppose guns is because you're too stupid and inferior to do third grade math.