Literally my wife.
Will Hori have the classes mixed up each year or do they keep the A/B split all three years? Will Aizawa continue to be their sensei?
Literally my wife.
Will Hori have the classes mixed up each year or do they keep the A/B split all three years? Will Aizawa continue to be their sensei?
So she's legally dead if she ever steps on someone right? I'd be scared to shit having that quirk to do any hero shit.
i hope so, my mate. She is the perfect woman. Classy and hot.
Iirc Hori's staff loves her so potentially
and yes so does my staff
>Will Hori have the classes mixed up each year or do they keep the A/B split all three years?
The way I understand it, Nip schools usually mix the classes up between years.
Where'd you get that info?
>mfw Kacchan will never cheer for you
But what about Aizawa? Nips love him and I do too.
I think it was suggested to her that she should do hero work in some rural area, so that there's less stuff for her to accidentally step on. She just insists on working in the city for popularity reasons.
The perfect tomboy. Tetsux4 is a loser for her.
I don't think they ever said if the school has each teacher teaching a fixed grade, or if they move up with their class. I'm guessing he will still be the teacher though, just because he's so popular.
That's got to be annoying if he's moving his apartment/dorm every year. Unless he has a real apartment off campus.
We will be blessed by something like that
That would be an awesome way to put the important characters together and give some more spotlight
I want to shag a pony.
I really hope the class is battle training so they can all show off their quirks and costumes.
Tetsux4 belongs to femJesus
>yfw Hori gave them 12/10 costumes
Ain't these white boxes reserved for first person narration?
There's has been 3 doujins that I know of with a straight orgy, and Kirishima has been in only 1 of them:
>Midnight & Mt Lady fuck the guys
>Girls go to prostitution for Uraraka
>Class Orgy
Funnily enough, Kirishima is in the one were the girls forced themselves on the guys, and he's not there when the boys fuck the girls willingly
It was in her character sheet iirc
Is he really this gay overseas?
What is her like in that one he's in?
I think they're just narration boxes in general.
Basically, Midnight or Mt Lady, I forgot who, forced herself on him and rode him, while he did nothing
>forced /ss/
Sign me the fuck up
i dont deserve to be cheered on
She only steps on people if they pay her first.
>Midnight is so good she mindbreaks gay boys into being straight
Also Kirishima and Deku are the only ones who do nothing during the sex, right? Every other guy takes the initiative at some point
I think so, yeah
Daily reminder that Stain was right
Will we ever know what prompted the appearance of quirks?
>under 16
I'll take what I can get
I hope not.
l o l
I love this "breaking news" pics
Please don't die pragmatic black man.
I want to teach Pony proper Japanese!
Where's the Baku one?
>Is he really this gay overseas?
Yeah, he is. I thinks its a culture thing, there in Japan, fictional guys who are obsessed with manly things/guys are seen as gay
>not making her Japanese even worse so she has to talk to you like a caveman with brain damage
Alternatively just speak to her in English.
stop saying this in every fucking thread
>in Japan
I don't think it's only Japan. Have you ever browsed /fit/?
There's no way to explain it in a good way, so it's better to just keep it vague.
Reminds me of pic related
man, you can just ignore it. dozen of other things get repeated here. and besides, I haven't said this before here, its just something that is know. But I apologize anyway, I didn't know this got repeated so often
Not really, it is really as gay as they said it is?
/fit/ isn't gay at all, it's just anti-fitness propaganda. Everyone has a good time spotting each other and relaxing in the sauna.
Not on the surface, but threads constantly get derailed into borderline ERP /soc/ shit. Kinda like trap threads on Sup Forums.
We don't really need that backstory. Deku doesn't care, so the narrative should just give Deku all relevant info.
I thought she was just a cute tomboy until I saw her hero outfit. I'm shocked she's not getting perved on constantly.
>Deku pre AM
I hope they explore the age of chaos when quirks first appeared. The fact that even Japan was significantly depopulated by violence says a lot.
Those are some Natsume Ono-tier eyes - large, pretty and completely soulless.
That would probably work for an AfO flashback.
>anti-fitness propaganda
god i just want the sweet realese of death
When do we get UA fighting off alien invasions, mad tyrants bent on world conquest, and cosmic deities?
What am I supposed to be seeing here other than the fact that FA is using a shitty scan?
After the time travel and clones
>alien invasions
We already have Pony.
I'm more interested in the Viz translation of chapter 136. The word "flashback" appears in both MS and FA - let's see if it shows up in the official
>That Aoyama vs Mina banter
Fuck I love these characters.
It fits their characters too. The kind of extra things I want.
why is there no real POC representation in this manga?
It's in Japan. There arent many blacks in Japan.
Could the traitor reveal top this in terms of plot twist?
Are you new to anime?
What am I looking at here?
>you have to go back
Which side character will give us the King Kittan tier sacrifice?
None of them are you faggot. I dont know why some of you are so hellbent on characters dying. Is All Might not enough?
Forgot pic
>re-reading from the beginning since I haven't read the latest 20 or so chapters
I forgot how much shit happens in the backgrounds of the mangas. Like the time when like two days after the Tournament, Bakugou still has his medal in his mouth, or all those Deku Background Character Drawings, or just the general shit randoms do. It's so much fun.
Are you blind?
>Pretend to be a retard the whole manga
>Reveal yourself in the dumbest plan possible
It'll hopefully be much, much better.
>that baku at the bottom
Is there anyone more Sperg than Baku?
I think Baku at the top being held captive and chained down is a bit more spazy
Sugarman will inject himself with pure glucose
Yeah, but the bottom one is like a day AFTER the tournament. He kept the fucking medal in his mouth for a whole fucking day, and is still angry.
im meant person on cocaine
>tfw you find out some of your classmates are maniacs
They are all nips and nips aren't fucking white.
Why do the American cheerleaders have such long fucking noses?
Ass Class. The love interest was the traitor the whole time.
>and is still angry
Even after 5 billion years, when the Earth, the Moon, and even the Sun have disappeared, it will still exist
Are we close to the end of the first year by now? Manga's been running for three. Jesus, I hope this shit doesn't run for 15 years.
>Are we close to the end of the first year by now?
No, they just started the second half.
You know, Mina might work for that too
One day the universe will then get recreated and all the same events will be played out and it'll be the same.
This is probably the 11th trillion timeline. It wont end.
Post cute
They just started the second semester of their first year. There is no hope.
Where is the promised development Hori? Is he going to catch the traitor?