Why do so many Americans look Mexican?
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great thread, you stupid nuflag fuck.
All flags are nuflags to me desu
Does this girl look Mexican to you?
Because they are africans, actually they look like africans.
Want a proof? Just watch an american movie and compare to the european ones.
She is Italian
All I see are two black people
T. Mexican
That's not very nice
Can they POO IN LOO??
Those slanted eyes are disgusting.
Americans are nig and latin rapebabies.
No because she's not mexican
She looks hot to me, and I am a slav!
hnnnnng I need a girl that looks like this and that can cook bombass mexican food
No, but she does look ugly.
Why isn't she golddigging from an attractive guy?
Because [IIRC] more than 10% of the population are illegal invaders.
jokes on you, fellow taco loving friend.
modern women can't cook if their life depended upon it.
because vato
I creampied her hairy asshole. She farted out bubbles all day
They are
Oh look it's the burger LARPing as a Euro.
Fuck off flaggot
Do you eat Chinese, bro?
Do you even "Chí shū fong"?
I mean, can you even "Xi'an láo Bo pâ"?
>Asians don't look alike
These three girls look exactly the same whats the point of getting excited for one of them?
No border wall.
Perhaps a better question would be why do so many Americans act like niggers (only more cowardly)
It is one gal.