New Claifornia has declared independence from the libsbit coastal counties.
They are finally removing the cancer from this great state
New Claifornia has declared independence from the libsbit coastal counties.
They are finally removing the cancer from this great state
Thank god, now maybe us people North of Sacramento can declare statehood
See this is the perfect way to kill off lefties, since they won't have a host to feed off of and declare themselves a utopia
now build a wall
went to Bishop two years ago, 25% of population were brown spics
Wouldn't this make democrats lose every election from now on? They picked a good time to try this as I think in any other administration it'd get stopped quick
>I guess that makes you Old California
I am rooting for them. Old California will fail completely within a year or two of separation and it will be marvelous.
make california great again
This. I want this wall more then the one in Mexico
Wtf i love muttfornians now
Let's take a look at the 2016 voting results in California
They can’t split off from the actual state, no matter how hard they’ll try, and this isn’t the first time something like this happened.
>t. Califag
>The united states allowing disintegration
Taxes deal a lot of shekels for the jew. Cannot be done.
Respect your overlords.
They would have no water. This would be great.
>when you live in New California and this is happening
>you may see California eventually break into three states in your lifetime: old California, new California, and the state of Jefferson
I'll hold on to hope here, I want this to happen so badly.
Are you implying trump won't show up personally and make it happen?
Watchout for them molerats
The article says they are approaching it in a more legal way this time similar to how West Virginia was formed
>tfw would be on the front line against the commies
A masterful move. BTFO Hollyweird!
California is too diverse (geographically) and economically, all our money gets poured into San Francisco & la due to our corrupt politicians, the left of us rural people get left out to dry, we pay for extra taxes for fire prevention & clearly they don't prevent any fires, California is trying to make us pay extra road tax but we in rural counties have to drive the most, its fucking bullshit & it needs to go down
When old california collapses.
You better annex it quickly.
Mexico has not forgotten about the mexican war and the treaty of quadeloupe hildalgo.
>invade "new" california
>kill all the dems libs and mexicans
even if you did this it would still be like 40% white. you've included Imperial county in there which literally has 6% of children being white. you're better off seceding norcal into cascadia my mans.
It's a good start. They'd cut off the gibs overnight and the spics would mass immigrate back to old california.
I’m not implying leaf, I’m saying it won’t happen, note I’ve said that this has happened before.
no it get moved to SF &LA cause that is where the major businesses are you faggot.
BIG businesses get priority,and thus they get more money to control the crime in LA etc. You got the major port of LA,and jew woods making in dough cause all ships coming in. You got silcone valley in BA. All these are major places for work and money flows. so they must be safe guarded, the problem is they treat the rest of the land on the same level as BA and the OC, yet neglect them.
New California sounds like a post-british colony.
They should call it Straighter California.
Wait is this real?
I think they should stretch the yellow strip down to Mexico so we can funnel and flood the Libshits with gang members and then hear the complaints about the increase in rapes and murders. We build a wall around the Lib side. Half the Hollywood elites will be murdered or raped to death. The remaining Libshits will flee to New York. Army moves into Libshit California, executes all the beaners. All of Cali is ours. Reeeeeeeee!!!!!
no alta california
looks like a bunch of republicans are trying to make this happen.
They think SD is redpilled, cause of camp pendleton,and the navy base,or they want sweet federal gives from them. What they do not know is that the navy base is on the boundary to little mexico,
>Taking Sonoma County into your shithole new state.
There will be some serious issues with that I suspect.
If they deport all commies to said shithole, then that's fine. Any commie trying to migrate to New California must "disappear".
Contra Costa should be given to old California due to niggers from Concord, Pittsburg, Antioch, Oakley ruining everything.
shhhh, don't discourage them!
Riverside county here.
Yes pls.
I'm fine with that but I like having a nice round number like 50 for the amount of states we have. Some states need to merge
Yes build a wall.
I have no knowledge of California,
Would this be a good thing? Do they have resources? Are they our guys?
This is a much more sane approach to independence.
They never stop talking about it. Ever. Every day just constant whining that we kicked their ass so hard, got their land, and still paid them for it and didn't even take the amount we planned on taking.
>tfw live in Sacramento county
Gonna just coin the term "NuCal" now.
>no water
>next to the fucking pacific
this would take California from being one safe blue state (with 55 electoral votes) to one safe blue state and a purple state.
It would completely BTFO Los Angeles.
>no knowledge of California
>what is the Californian Gold Rush
>drinking salt water
Leafs really are worse than niggers.
Cis-Andreas (everything inland)
Trans-Andreas (everything near the coast)
>what is desalination
>it's real
hopefully this gets taken seriously, because it would finally fuck California into oblivion.
West Virginia 2.0. Just don’t go broke anyway like we did.
is it the name we will give to the great leftist purge?
Don't be so sure. This county full of both kinds of Democrats: Welfare gibs and Aristocrats jerking off to their self righteousness. You'd need to split the county itself to have a chance.
Considering how salty they'll be it's an apt name for it.
Imagine how much better America would be if those baby making factories were contained to that small amount of lane and we had that small border.
Hypothetically yes they go hand in hand
I support this.
California can't afford to buy water, you think they can afford desalination plants? Saudi Arabia can't even afford that shit with their oil money.
Imagine how much better America would be if it encompassed the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Polk's plan for Mexico
a cost-ineffective process
I like the way you think, upvoting in options
>they don't want to leave the United States, just California.
They have no salt water filtration systems in place. It is actually illegal there because of PETA shenanigans with a fish that was being sucked into the water plants.
>Be California salt water plant years ago
>have grate that covers hole that sucks up water
>PETA goes to a judge
>they say the grate is sucking up a species of small fish that is small enough to fit
>judge sides with dumb hippies
>every plant made for converting salt water into fresh outlawed
>In a State where they need to reroute entire rivers for water
Best part
>fish the hippies fought for isn't fucking native
>fish is a invasive species that doesn't even belong
>California outlawed the best suppply of fresh water to protect a invasive species
do californians really think they are superior?
i mean they have google, apple and shit but they are also really poor.
Why did Polk have to fuck it up?
Why did LBJ have to fuck it up?
Why do people have to fuck everything up?
Thats a shit name
what happened to Jefferson?
Reformed California
Yeah well they are a bunch of ((smart)) guys out there.
They’ll figure it out or die.. or become someones water bitch for life. Win win for everyone
Jefferson is Northern CA and southern Oregon.
This proposed New California is composed of the Red and Purple California counties
That sounds about right
they are not breaking away from america, they are just forming a new state
desalination is eventually going to be cheaper. Just a matter of time
California has by far the lowest IQ in the nation. They're the biggest leeches of the union by a long shot.
So option 2 or 3 then. They reap what they sow.
god i fucking hope this happens and that ny is the next to do it. if this happens i'm going to start campaigning to make it happen
but they are very salty people, you would think they'd have an affinity for salt water
The big cities need hardworking people to pay 50% tax to fund lazy shits.
This is great. Deprive the major city centers SF and LA of food and water, then basically control them through it. If their denizens go protesting and shit, cut off their water and food shipments for a week and they will bend the knee.
can we do this but in reverse because i kind of want rhode island to be absorbed into massachusetts
What are the best places to live in California right now and next 20 years?
Cut off Old California's water.
>or become someones water bitch for life
They will literally do this.
Homosexuals from Oregon will be able to load several 5 gallon jugs of water in the back of their Subaru or Volvo station wagons and use them to buy sexual services in San Francisco.
AWESOME! Things like this get my hopes up for the future. Isolate the lefties and let them rot in their big sanctuary cities.
This time they have Trump.
If people on the cuntcoast don't want to share the state with those "evil misogynist farmers", this is perfectly acceptable.
Whatever it takes to maintain the union.
SD county gets to stay? I'm ok with this new map.
Stuff like this you couldn't make up. Sometimes you have to wonder whether it really is the Jew or just retarded mentally ill liberals running the show.
Stanislaus county here. We are literally the front line here.
This just made 2018 the Holy year. It's only 16 days in.
Welcome aboard New Cali.
No you dont
T. Masshole
I always called you guys santaclaus county.
They were bussing the wetbacks and other libshits from the cancerous city centers to vote on others. This is why many of the counted votes in Commiefornia are provisional. Now if New California has Voter ID laws, then those liberal commies can't just vote in New California and they can't pull off the same trick. Even if they try to vote in nearby commie-ish states, it would take hours of them to get there and they won't be able to buss them all to a lot of locations in time. And because Commiefornia ('Old' California) is significantly smaller now, their electoral votes would also have to reflect that. This means even if the entire Commiefornia goes blue, they will have little impact on the general elections, completely making them irrelevant politically. THIS MUST HAPPEN. This is the punishment that must be levied upon the traitorous and degenerates Commiefornians. And if they try to become their own country, even if the gov't doesn't want to invade, it's almost certain that Sup Forumsacks across the country or even the world would come and invade it and kill all those commies and reclaim it. It's a win-win. If any rich Sup Forumsack happens to read this, MAKE IT HAPPEN.