Can we stop this meme? It's not funny at all. I'ts obviously just a diveide and concur meme being used against pol by soros shills. Let's end this once and for all pol.
>I'ts obviously just a diveide and concur meme being used against pol by soros shills. Let's end this once and for all pol.
when you can't handle the bants
Cry about and you will get shit on worse. Enjoy the meme..
Plus, it's pretty true. Look around, all you see is blacks, and non white hispanics.
No it just feels forced due to its ineffectiveness and the timing of it's use
What did he mean by this?
Take off the proxy, mutt.
The mutt is immunized against all dangers. One may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a mutt and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how suddenly he shrinks back: "I've been found out."
>It's true
It's not
Stats don't lie
56% of americans are "white" (including arabs)
44% of americans are non "white"
Proxymutt can't handle a meme.
Means nobody cares. It isn't ruffling feathers or causing a change in ones worldview.
A good meme is true or causes one to question truth in order to change minds
Holy fuck you aren't serious are you? You're offended over a meme that mocks Sup Forumsacks. I'm on the side of the zionists here if it offends retards like you.
>nobody cares
Its a stupid meme anyway, most of the world is mixed one way or another we are all mongrels. Race dosen't exist and its not a biological fact
>It's not
You need a thicker skin for the race war. What makes you think you will survive if you can’t even survive the bantz?
reddit spacing
It's almost like OP is being sarcastic and is actually mocking people who are mutthurt, which should be obvious by the fact that he is posting from fucking Switzerland
>2 smart 3 understand sarcasm
Nobody cares? You must be retarded.
>A good meme is true or causes one to question truth in order to change minds
Give me one fucking example of any meme that fits this definition. All memes are a simple circle jerk by people who agree with it or think it's hilarious. They don't change ideals, they enforce them in people who already held them.
I honestly don't understand this meme and feel like above all it seems offensive towards Mexicans because they all look like Beaner stereotypes.
Is it supposed to be bad that not everyone here is white? Yeah, it sucks that America is multicultural but its been this way for 100 years... what can ya do.
Lol race war? Amerimutts will be among the purged in it. You are not white.
Thinking is hard sometimes user. Specially when you only have 56% of a white/working brain.
Whiter than you Muhammad :)
Statistics of differences don't demonstrate race mixing. And immigration isn't the same as the invasion happening in Europe (which is obviously the cause of the deflecting kind of meme we are discussing)
I think it’s funny... why stop it?
I met a German cousin after Reagan had the wall taken down. She was taught her entire life that America was 100% black. She told us she was nervous to meet us at the airport.... not knowing what she would have in common with her black American relatives. I’m 100% whitebread
fuck (you) op, we ain't stoppin shit!
And here I thought this board was for real countries only.
>race mixing
>implying that "race" mixing hasen't always happend throughout history
>implying race exist
Natural superiority
But seriously, nobody is mad over here
honorary mutt
I don't like this retarded meme because it's made a vast amount of non US posters lazy as hell in debate with me. However, bringing it up will make matters worse.
Meme flag
Spez: try harder faggot
I lol'd too much at this
stupid newfag
Legit I don't even care. I just laugh. Enjoy your muslim/refugee invasion you shit slurping kike slaves.
Go beg for scraps from the EU. Maybe they'll let you slurp muhammads jizz for substance.
It's a big problem. I'm seeing more and more of these retards on Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general. They fail to understand the most basic things. Everything goes over their heads.
It's pathetic.
>Leaf posting in 2018
The Obama era called, they want their posters back
Implying you're not retarded for saying that race mixing happens but there are no races
do you ahve the unedited version?
it never fails to get me hard. love trashy MILFs.
I know it's you, mountainjew.
We know your divide & conquer tactics.
>in all fields
>it's made a vast amount of non US posters lazy as hell in debate with me
Getting a taste of your own medicine?
you are wrong. being triggered by the muttmeme is proof of you being on soro’s side. the last thing he wants is people red pilled about immigration and what it is doing to the west. gfy jew
>euros spend hours in ms paint
>spam same meme endlessly, creating countless threads every hour
>handful of americans say the meme isn't good
>"lol endless amerimutt butthurt"
I'm a fan of this meme. Pic related.
>implying that mixing throughout history between people from other nations and tribes has never occurred
a particular kind of matter with uniform properties:
"a steel tube coated with a waxy substance"
synonyms: material · matter · stuff
an intoxicating, stimulating, or narcotic chemical or drug, especially an illegal one.
the real physical matter of which a person or thing consists and which has a tangible, solid presence:
"proteins compose much of the actual substance of the body"
synonyms: solidity · body · corporeality · density · mass · weight · [more]
the quality of having a solid basis in reality or fact:
"the claim has no substance"
the quality of being important, valid, or significant:
"he had yet to accomplish anything of substance"
Problem, faggot?
And on top of that, they despise “normies” for being sheeple that don’t use the brain, ha.. fuck normies tho
How many people come here liberal soy boys and leave nationalists reading Mein Kampf?
Look up the word meme and what that means. Tip: it's not a picture with words.
>implying i some how give a shit beacuse he saved an image of me
>ignores the fact that race dosen't exist
Slurp Muhammads jizz for substance? What does that even mean, user?
Oh, wait a sec. I think you meant "sustenance." I see. The great thing about being American is that it always challenges my brain to decipher what the mutts are trying to express. Keeps the mind sharp.
the word you were looking for was sustenance. lol double mutting
Fuck you, mixed race freaks
America should be white, not our problem that it triggers you, Tyrone
Lol trust me europe has been mixing too as well of course. Most people on earth are mixed one way or another
56% of America is not white and they are associating that with our individual races to try and divide the common ideologies in Europe and America
But Americans don't give a fuck about y'all
If it was ineffective we wouldn't be having this thread now would we ?
If it's ineffective you should not worry about the "divide and conquer".
Idk this one was pretty good
>Doesn't know how sage works or actually functions, neither does he know how it is correctly to be applied.
You stupid mutt. Take your 'downvote' to reddit.
If you don't know by now that complaining about a meme just breeds more of the same memes (because butthurt over a meme is hil-ar-i-ous) then you're too dumb to bother with.
Lol. God you guys are so fucking assblasted.
It only makes it better.
Khazar milkers mix to you know. "Jews" aren t thst pure like you they tell you
Wait, a mestizo thinks he gets to make fun of mutts? Lmao
reminder: This is what /ptg/ has brought to this website.
They have quite literally caused this place to degrade in quality. The Mutts are behind this. Americans spout the same 4 or 5 phrases ad nauseum and they repeat whatever Trump says like fucking parrots.
yes and what will you do about it?
>leaving the muttface off of that lady who literally has muttface
That one's pretty funny.
>56% Scandinavian
Your lying right now
>Americans can't speak their own language
It is only posted by actual muts
>Can we stop this meme? It's not funny at all. I'ts obviously just a divide and concur meme being used against pol by soros shills. Let's end this once and for all pol.
Most likely because of posted links, evidence, and debate. Certainly not because of any memes, you fucking retard.
It most certainly has nothing to do with anything you've contributed this this board, I assure you of that.
The kind of people who do not understand the meme and get upset by it are the same kind of people who are too dumb to comprehend that their butthurt fuels the meme.
The mixed race freaks needs to be chased off Sup Forums. The reason American posters are so disliked is purely because a lot of them are mixed race. These ''people'' are fucking dumb.
I have never used it and never will. It's obviously a shariablue invention to divide and conquer us since burgers are the top posters on the board.
Fuck this forced meme, burgers are bros.
Why are you complaining about this meme swissbro? Are you trying to make Americans look butthurt about an image macro?
You're implying I did the whole leaf thing in any meaningful discussion or used it as a substitute to scape goat on, which I did not.
I'm not worried. I just like arguing ... And bring right. My inferiority complex serves me well as it drives me to search for the best, most right information
So what would you be doing here, you're just a client state of Israel after all