Was he right?
Yes but replace the negro part with Hispanics
It held together longer than Germany did, so...
>intentionally missing the point
No, he wasn't.
He couldn't have thought that the cowards would completely submit to jewry and BBC within twenty years after the war, kek. He probably thought the Americans would be hunted like South Africans or something, instead they give their daughters to the niggers with a smile
If it has a better future than German and it's done a better job holding itself together then who gives a shit if its half Judaised and half negrified?
> intentionally losing the war but shittalking the winner afterwards
Depends, is he right here?
Kek. Ya sure he was right, right about how jews, slavs and negros fucked his ass up. Wew lad.
>in conversation
That nobody was around to record, right kike?
Kill yourself, kike. Use gas.
Mandatory reading.
The answers as to why to give a shit lies within.
The future derives from the status quo, the past practically does not exist.
So whats the point? America held together longer than Germany.
citation needed.
>proceeds to get BTFO by America in a war
But the germanic races did conquer the world.
>still salty about D-Day
Reading the book of the side that lost doesn't seem all that useful.
>The European territory which these [European] States possess is ridiculously small when compared with the enormous overhead weight of their colonies, foreign trade, etc. It may be said that they have the apex in Europe and the base of the pyramid all over the world; quite different from the United States of America, which has its base on the American Continent and is in contact with the rest of the world only through its apex. Out of that situation arises the incomparable inner strength of the U.S.A. and the contrary situation is responsible for the weakness of most of the colonial European Powers.
>[History] shows, with a startling clarity, that whenever Aryans have mingled their blood with that of an inferior race the result has been the downfall of the people who were the standard-bearers of a higher culture. In North America, where the population is prevalently Teutonic, and where those elements intermingled with the inferior race only to a very small degree, we have a quality of mankind and a civilization which are different from those of Central and South America. In these latter countries the immigrants--who mainly belonged to the Latin races--mated with the aborigines, sometimes to a very large extent indeed. In this case we have a clear and decisive example of the effect produced by the mixture of races. But in North America the Teutonic element, which has kept its racial stock pure and did not mix it with any other racial stock, has come to dominate the American Continent and will remain master of it as long as that element does not fall a victim to the habit of adulterating its blood.
>Consequently, in speaking of the United States of America one must not consider them as sovereign states but as enjoying rights or, better perhaps, autarchic powers, granted to them and guaranteed by the Constitution. (tfw Hitler gets it better than modern day liberals)
It feels as if Hitler didn't really hate burgerland, at least not until later.
Litteral reddit-tier pseudophilosophy
You've never been together, you never had anything that could be considered a future on the scale of a single millenium.
Germany had one because of the healthy interest to secure it - a historical merit.
Losing a war is insignificant, ask yourselves what the Reich would be if they won.
He was right.
American propaganda doesn't change that
>the victors are right
gg, especially if the (((victors))) are hell-bent on plunging the peoples into an eternal stasis of consumerism and capitalist slavery.
Are you thinking we will ever colonize the stars like that?
Yes. You won't ever see christcucks saying things like this.
Well, considering how it was America, not Nazi Germany, that got to the moon, the answer is yes, we will colonize the stars like that. Especially since asteroid mining is a very profitable future business.
Not sure about OP's quote. But Hitler was very pro Islam.
You're mistaken. Until you perceive race as an issue and take responsibility where your development is going, you'll be stuck with inner unrest and a lack of common goals that will distract you from achieving anything you would otherwise need the requirements for.
You'll never have a (german) mind like W. Braun to bring you to the moon again while the average IQ keeps plummeting.
We've advanced in the 60s but now we've reached the point where only National Socialism would get you, or us forward.
And yet technology continues to exponentially increase. For all the talk of National Socialism being the only way forward we seem to be pushing forward without you.
Exponentially? You're heading for a dead stop.
Especially within a capitalist system, where funding/investing in something that will take longer than your lifetime to bear fruits or in something that won't personally benefit you in other ways is not desirable.
>Exponentially? You're heading for a dead stop.
False, technology continues to improve at an exponential rate.
I guess, except if we removed nonwhites and jews we could succeed
hitler was suicidal
he went about killing pest jews the wrong way
you do not make big political speeches about putting down a pest, you find a way to replace the pest and then you kill it
I'll take that as granted.
I wish i could stay longer, because i have the suspicion (or at least hope) that you're right.
I'll continue to believe that fascism makes human progress more efficient, faster and more certain, but if you're satisfied with what other political systems provide, that's that.
Yes He was totally right, but also yes, their are many more spics here than niggers :(
Seems pretty accurate to me.
I hate it when Europeans complain about Muslim migrants.
Well thats a weird quote, islam has always and is now a vicious, brutal, backwards and nasty cult
But spics are white my 56% human friend.
Jeez nords really have a hard on for american niggers, defending them all the time
that's a fake quote.
Meanwhile, right after Hitler was defeated, German women flocked to black G.Is
Reminder that not even someone like Hitler can save your race. Your women were made to please the black man sexually.
What is ironic about that quote is that it applies to Germany today more than anywhere else.
Lol fascism. Tell me hans, why did germany fall?
Already posted citation for it.
there is literally nothing wrong with his comments here. only christcucks will refute this
Everything fails.
Hes right, niggers are isolated in cities and generally maintain about 10-12% of the population, spics are a cancer that must be cut off
>why did a single nation at war with the entire western world fail
leading historians are still tackling this question user
The islam of then is not the islam of now realise this. The jew has wrecked havoc among muslim nations do not expect the modern muslim to be what their forefarthers were.
Shouldn't you be banging some rocks together you pavement ape. When I see a nigger like you I see the workings of the Jew. You all live by what the Jew has made of you. Think for yourself if you are capable of it.
So it seems.
So it seems.
Lol. Self projection much, Anglo?
Of course he didn't hate us. He just felt bad for us. He knew what was going to happen.