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>Oh look, here is today's media narrative to distract form the corruption being exposed with the Clintons and within the O-nigger administration. Now the media can speculate about Bannon's testimony to spread anti-Trump propaganda.
try harder faggot
>hey Steve, so do you know anything about Russia colluding with Trump?
>no sir
>ok thanks have a good day
A some point no one will turn a head when the boy calls wolf
Special counsel Robert Mueller has subpoenaed former White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon to testify before a grand jury in the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
Wow. I wonder if this is about something related to Flynn or Comey?
>Bannon turns on Trump
>Mueller subpoenas Bannon
You get what you deserve kike traitor.
He'd subpoena his grandmother hoping she'd have any lies to tell.
Trump is finished
Well, this is getting good!
Ya, drumpf is done now.
“By forcing someone to testify through a subpoena, you are providing the witness with cover because they can say, ‘I had no choice — I had to go in and testify about everything I knew,’” said Solomon L. Wisenberg
checked. i mean being subpoenaed doesn't really give you a choice.
He's gonna rat on Jared and Ivanka, that was the plan, Jared gets indicted.
wtf is a subpoena?
A document compelling you to show up to court
Steve, where did this information come from since you weren't around during the shit you commented on to sell some kikes books?
A legal order to appear before an investigative body that carries with it a penalty for a failure to show.
now some idiots will finally understand that bannon was working against trump.
But right after Bannon, Mueller will arrest Podesta and Clinton, any day now, right guys?
Hahahaha sub 90 IQ Trump retards BTFO. I don't care what happens with the grand jury - Trump will literally never get past the constant drama.
Couldn't have happened to a nicer retard. Oh wait, this is the same asshole that led the charge on the birther horse shit and constantly spammed out divisive nonsense. Fuck Trump - fuck him today, fuck him tomrrow, fuck him in every way possible. You dipshits picked this manchild to lead the free world - watch as he destroys ever single fucking thing he touches.
Even when you "win" you fucking lose you degenerate, autistic dipshits.
Bannon’s revenge
Liberals aren't unhinged retar...
no one has ever cared about what your trumpfag blogs say
>podesta will be indicted any second now
>Do Something!
You would catch more flies with honey friend. What do democrats have other than nigger worship? Why should any self respecting white vote against their own interest?
Why do you even dislike him?
It makes no sense.
Good now all the /ptg/ fags can fuck back off to leddit
is this a new pasta?
>T-this time we got him for sure
HAHAHA should've never called him Sloppy Steve, DRUMPF!
you can just plead the 5th, however that requires a person to actually not blow a fuse every 20 minutes.
A subpoena requires a person to come to court, go to a deposition, or give documents or evidence to you.
Goodbye swamp.
what are you spazzing about?
Can't everyone agree, Trumpfags and Shareblue shills alike, that Jared Kushner getting indicted and going to jail will be absolutely satisfying?
>Even when you "win" you fucking lose
You tell 'em Justin.
I'm a centrist who usually votes Republican for state races and Democrat for federal ones. What do Democrats have? A vision for a future where the country isn't a backwards shithole. We should be investing in our future - building a functioning education system, incentivizing good infrastructure and fixing our completely broken wealth inequality issues. NYC bankers and Texas oil baron retards shouldn't be able to tie up an insane percentage of capital in their bullshit. Anybody who votes self destructive GOP retards into congress needs to keep themselves very safe indeed.
Economy improving, people getting tax breaks and more money in paychecks. Confidence and optimism rising, and you want to stop it all. If I could go back in time I’d make sure you were aborted. Black support for trump going up too guess you hate them as well.
Funny how you use words common to here and yet you still stick out. You’re a disgrace to all of humanity. Fuck off.
Bad day to be a Drumpfkin, good day to be a Hilldawg.
I agree. The only reason Trump won is because Dems got way too cocky and smugly left the white vote behind.
Repubs would never win again if Dems had just maintained that working class vote. Nigs and all types of fags will automatically vote Dem, even if they support the white working class. Their votes don't need to be worked for.
Can they recover and bring it back? Time will tell.
Does anyone really expect Bannon to give credible answers on anything beyond "Does Trump REALLY require he be the only one to get two scoops of ice cream?"
5th amendment ... vague questions ... vague answers... this means nothing. I’d be worried if he didn’t get subpoenaed ... everyone will by the end of this investigation
Did a leftist, bbc-loving soyboy call us degenerate?
Pic related.
that happened for mentally stable people 6 months ago
Bannon is an Israeli operative shilling as a Russian operative i bet.
>What do Democrats have? A vision for a future where the country isn't a backwards shithole
They literally want to import millions of people from backwards shitole countries.
He's a child - he has no concept of American history, no concept of what makes America unique, no concept of how to behave like a mature adult. He could be pushing far more of his largely retarded policy objectives through if he didn't keep shoving his foot all the way down his throat.
Sure, you can take it for a ride, see how it memes on the open road.
Economy is largely the same as it has been for years, S&P progressing as normal, employment ever so slightly worse than the prior three quarters, other indicators of optimism largely in line. Corporate investment will go up with the tax bill, credit ratings will suffer and we'll have to completely reboot social security and other programs down the line in some retarded way rather than sanely. Dems will roll back most of the personal tax cuts, perhaps we'll keep something usable out of it. Infrastructure spending won't pass for years due to this imbecile being unable to negotiate his way out of a paper bag.
If he chooses to cooperate he can be interviewed by Mueller's investigators and if he doesn't he gets the grand jury. They KNOW shit that he doesn't have any clue about. You think the questions are gonna be ho hum rinky dink questions brain dead tv pundits would ask? Fuck no, it's gonna be intense and specific and damning.
This is nothing. Mueller will be wrapping up the investigation by the end of the month and will totally exonerate Trump.
Mueller is just doing his due diligence to confirm that the whole Russia thing is indeed a hoax. Based Mueller!
Your answer has nothing to do with Trump I feel, just America as a whole.
Why do these people hate Trump specifically?
Why call him racist then also in the same breath day he's an orange, old, white male and deserves to die with 10k upvote or whatever?
It actually is disturbing, the logic being used here.
Hope DRUMPF is ready for TWO SCOOPS of back stabbing
>Investing in our future
By inviting the third world to abuse our social systems
>Build a functioning education system
By putting more money into failed public schools and siding with teachers unions against any option to allow kids to escape.
>Incentivizing good infrastructure
By replacing net contributors with net takers
>Wealth inequality
look at who the hated (((1%))) actually are lol
>Texas oil barons
It's 1934?
>Anyone who recognizes the logical fallacies in my world view is voting against their interests
WEW lad
Protip: Bannon going rogue is part of the plan.
>Bannon ever denying bring knowledgeable
More like three hours of testimony, during which he makes 74 references to completely unrelated books and talks around the fact he doesn't know shit about shit
Based on what, exactly? They pressed Kushner on his dealings, and the faggot's been all over the world tied up in knots with business deals surrounding Trump.
>Solomon L. Wisenberg
Is this a real name?
I prefer the "Mueller is secretly investigating Clinton/Obama and this is all cover" line myself. God imagine being stupid enough to believe that.
Based on the fact that Muller has reams of transcripts of everything Sloppy said between Aug 16 and Aug 17. Hope Steve remembers what he said to his sister in law last March:-) Bannon about to get locked up in the same cell as Mike Flynt
It means below a poena Leaf.
He's an asshole. He doesn't know anything - the role of POTUS is to represent us to the world, as our head of state. He can't even do this most basic of shit - he acts like a mentally challenged toddler. He can't speak coherent English. He constantly self sabotages and pick terrible advisers. I could handle his inherent retardation if he didn't fill every post with more fucking retards - the only adults in the room seem to be security people most of the time. Fuck I think Sessions is a faggoty little elf but at least he knows a thing about policy, and Trump can't resist starting even more bullshit drama with him.
He is a symbol of our nations utter backwardness. A monument to dipshits everywhere when we should be glorifying the intelligent and the best suited in society. He's a silver spooned syphilis infested degenerate who raised two dipshit sons and cheated on every woman he has ever been with. He is an egotistical maniac who loves the sound of his own stupid voice. How the fuck do you autists not see this?
> backward backward syphilis backwards toddler maniac stupid voice
Yet he's appointing Judicial nominees that will guarantee the faggot diversity gravy train is ending, cutting back regulations, and routinely outfoxing the media by simply reminding people the media lies. Oh, and he just managed to cut corporate tax rates in ways no one ever thought possible, bringing us in direct competition with developing countries again.
He's not nearly my favorite President, but you are huffing your own farts if you think he's ineffectual.
You’re either a DNC employee or you’ve recently had a lobotomy. Dems don’t want any of that. You’re a total liar.
So your problem is woth people he brings to him, not trump himself?
The us is insanely progressive.
We make news articles championing female to male pregnancy.
He has done only good as I have seen so far.
If personal life mattered, what about Clinton's? Far worse.
IT'S distasteful that you hate Trump for minor things that aren't even relevant.
Make threads hating the people he hired.
Do something like that.
Stop pretending Trump is a racist, sexist etc.
It made me abandon the left
I was a liberal before Trump and seeing how you guys are so unhinged i went far right over it.
Haiti is a shit hole.
Mexicans are great people but criminals coming here illegally are not the best people from Mexico.
What the fuck is your lefty mindset?
Any Republican, ANY would have passed a corporate tax cut. Hell, many Democrats would have passed a corporate tax cut with a proper reform to the income tax and capital gains systems.
Many of his judges picks have been shown to be on the cusp of being as incompetent as he is. Regardless policy will still be shaped through congress.
> cutting back regulations
> routinely outfoxing the media by simply reminding people the media lies.
Jesus goddamn fucking christ you are delusional. Cruz or Christie would have had a health bill and immigration bill passed in November, all this absurd circus like drama prevents him from getting to actual shit you retard.
>many people go out of their way to fuck with our president, disrespecting our nation
"No they would work if Trump didn't respond to 10k insults"
Come on. Your type is the same type shitting on his work and holding us back.
I think I figured it out, anons.... SB killed AB.
As an individual, Trump is write up there with Caligula in terms of leaders that will forever be remembered as stupid degenerate monuments to egotistical hedonism. How none of you cretins can't see that he is by FAR the most mentally challenged person to be elected to high office is baffling to me.
>The us is insanely progressive.
>We make news articles championing female to male pregnancy.
If you stopped obsessing over retarded SJW circle jerking you'd look out and see that society is largely fine. There's no crisis you idiots just like to make sure you're part of a counter culture where you're smugly superior to everyone else in existence.
>If personal life mattered, what about Clinton's? Far worse.
Not even remotely close. Both of the Clintons have more than a pittance of neurons firing upstairs, and both are known for picking professionals for government seats. Trump picks sycophants.
>Stop pretending Trump is a racist, sexist etc.
If he was a racist sexist shithead which I don't claim to know for certain, I wouldn't care if he was sound of mind, sane and effective. He is none of those fucking things you simpleton.
>Cruz or Christie would have had a health bill and immigration bill passed in November
No, because they wouldn't be President. Both Cruz and Christie have too much baggage from the Bush Administration and they're creampuffs compared to Clinton. I have zero doubt they'd have given carte blanche amnesty with no wall, no increased border security, and letting chain migrating s
You are huffing glue. No, this is not an exaggeration, this tax cut is fucking staggering. Conservative, Inc. is reeling from how much this is going to screw over blue states, and it wasn't even on their radar. Between this and incoming steel tarrifs, this is something conservatives never fucking dreamed would be happening.
As far as I know I have seen nothing bad from the man. Ever.
I'm fine with how we are promoting transgenderism on tv and such it's whatever. Has no impact on me.
We cater towards that shit and other things often though so yeah.
Talking about all the cheating and ignoring and Hillary not knowing about it or covering it and such. Awful.
I don't see how you think he's not sane or stupid etc.
I don't have an issue with the people he picked overall.
Good president so far. Rather him than going to war with Russia.
>How none of you cretins can't see that he is by FAR the most mentally challenged person to be elected to high office is baffling to me.
Because his elocution is terrible, you assume his negotiating skills are poor? Even after the videotaped session on immigration where he held court? Really?
Are you thick? I'm asking this in earnest now, boy, are you thick?
These little cunt stain Leftists thought they were done with people like Trump one they graduated from high school. They never thought they'd have to deal with someone stuffing them into a locker again and calling them out for being freaks. But they were wrong. That alpha male they despised in high school is back and he's the most powerful man on the planet. And they can't do a damn thing about it. So they do what Leftists do best, cry and whine like the little cunts they are. It really has nothing to do with his policies, it's his personality they hate. Obama turned the presidency into a popularity contest. The ability to lead and govern doesn't matter to these sick fucks. Being cool and talking "the right way" is what matters. Words matter more than actions to them. They are mentally deranged people.
Just more impeachment porn for the junkies.
Imagine being this retarded
You sound like a paid shill, DESU senpai.
I bet you were the loser who sucked up to the cool kids in high school that nobody respected, especially not the cool kids.
if there was an idealist in the last election it was Bannon he would have whistle blown Trump immediately if he saw foreign collusion
Changing your ID doesn't make you less of a faggot
It makes way more sense than liking him.
He’s pt Barnum reincarnated playing my country for a sucker.
CTRs love Bannon?
You have nothing to back that up with, making you sound irrational
I guess the storm is coming after all Drumpftards.
You're literally too stupid to fucking live. Christie would have crushed HRC - fucking destroyed her. The RNC can't get sane normal taxpayers to turn out for their primaries, so they get retards. Bad input, but output.
>I have zero doubt they'd have given carte blanche amnesty with no wall, no increased border security, and letting chain migrating s
There's going to be No. Fucking. Wall. At least not 2000 miles of it, maybe 150-200. Which could be done at better cost with more double layer fence but fuck it. DACA will pass. Obama increased the border security budget and apparatus already, I'm sure any president would continue to do that.
>No, this is not an exaggeration, this tax cut is fucking staggering. Conservative, Inc. is reeling from how much this is going to screw over blue states, and it wasn't even on their radar. Between this and incoming steel tarrifs, this is something conservatives never fucking dreamed would be happening.
You need to stop getting high off your own supply.
>As far as I know I have seen nothing bad from the man. Ever.
Cheated on every wife. Likely raped Ivana. Likely fucked little girls with Epstein who he called 'Fun guy'. Probably would care less if again, he was competent.
>I don't see how you think he's not sane or stupid etc.
Try watching him speak for 30 seconds.
>Rather him than going to war with Russia.
No one was ever going to go to war with Russia you mentally handicapped sperg. Literal Kremlin meme that you fell for.
>i plead the 5th
Wow so hard
>t t this is the end for drumpf said the increasingly nervous news outlet for the seventh time this year
>Meme flag
Imagine my shock
Dominos keep falling.
Meanwhile in Sup Forums:
>H-Hillary is getting indicted anytime now!
Totally agree my friend. I can tell you like watching this train wreck as much as I do. Interesting Drumpf met with the dictator of Kazakhstan today after news broke that he (Drumpf) participated in laundering tens of millions of dollars in stolen money from the biggest bank in Kazakhstan. The dictator will play a critical roll in whether or not documents are released to American prosecutors. Hm...coincidence??? Nah.
>muh storm is coming
Keep getting distracted by pathetic autistic LARPing Sup Forums. Charges or not, this administration will be a circus, a laughing stock from now until forever.
Bannon likely hasn’t done anything illegal but I bet he knows some Trumps who have! Bannon is far smarter than Drumpf. Drumpf is really quite stupid like his clown supporters.
I refer to the 5th as 'the Loretta'
> Christie would have crushed HRC.
Holy shit, are you serious? Do you know anyone from New Jersey? He was a fucking joke who started losing Republican support almost from day one. He was trotted out by boosters to be "the milquetoast alternative, reaching across the aisle" to make other, even worse candidates look somewhat better because THEY never "hugged it out" with Obama.
Christ on a bike, you really are slow, kid.
Obama's Administration also implemented effective catch and release. The "2.5 million deported" means jack shit when a sizeable number are repeat offenders and never put to trial.
Truthfully I don't know if Trump's promise to inflate the Border Security budget will hold, but we'll see.
Bannon bought 8 chan