>implaying anyone in west is white
Other urls found in this thread:
and a miss
That's a pretty misleading map. The word ale is used in English too.
Thats becouse of viKANG raids
>not using the bear map
Of course nobody is white after 70+ years of marxism
What is up with those minorities?
>Some isle in north UK-Mathan
>North spain-Hartz
>That East Latgale
Makes me whant to cry......
Hartz in Northern Spain is Basque, they have never found a link that connects Basque to any other known language. The language is very different from the rest of the Romance languages in Europe.
so sad
Interesting map. It also shows the ancient Indo-European name for honey in the Slavic words. This word is also found in Sanskrit and modern Hindu in the form of Madhu. In the Germanic languages, it was replaced by the word honey, and the old word was demoted to mean just the alcoholic beverage, mead.
>hungary trying to be different from every one else yet again
whats their fuckin problem?
is there a beard map as well?
>from Old Russian
Latvians confirmed crypto-russkies.
t...tha....thanks mr jap, sorry that you lost kuril islands.
Your a retard churches wheren't even a thing back in the day.Balts where pagans before teutons.
I've only looked into linguistics a little bit in the past but find it so interesting that Indo-European words can still be seen clearly in a lot of words from Europe to India.
The question is: What do you need to have to be white according to Sup Forums standards?
>Acording to your logic
HAHAHAHA look western europeans are crypto russians xDDDD
What's so funny about welsh mate? Does it sound like they have a ciwcymbr up their ass when they talk?
>Catalonian can have the Aragonese flag
>Aragonese is stuck with the Spanish flag
Why live?
Fucking welsh
own at least 5 black dragon dildoes
Not beeing from ecuador
Tractor masterrace
No, thanks. I don't want to be a forced cuck
>from Proto-Slavic
Latvians 100% confirmed russian rapebabies.
>Pivo, tovarisch, Putin
>the Aragonese flag
You can have the moor heads Manolo.
Almost every single picture. WHO ARE THE BASQUES REALLY???
These maps are stupid because there are multiple synonyms for any given word. Example: As a kid my folks called it templo more than iglesia. I also heard misa which I know is different and means mass.
inb4 yes I am beaner
Acording to your logic finns, Hungarians are Estonians are mongols.
Acording to your logic finns, Hungarians are Estonians are mongols.
Hundreds of years have passed we have those words from wery long past.
>proto-Semitic "dubb"
Stop now user, you don't know where you are going with this.
Maybe in México but in Spain none says templo to talk about a church.
I was joking, calm down. Latvians are nords, very blond and very blue eyed, fine?
Race bait threads are fun
The last remnants of an old, non indo-european Europe.
>A literal pedophile
Yes, I keep the moor heads. A true Reconquista landmark, claimed after taking Huesca back.
Das right
Look at me
We white now
Some theories try and connect it to other languages but to be honest the most plausible theory is that they were just natives in the Iberian peninsula first for a long time and slowly got engulfed by Indo-Europeans but somehow were able bring their language to the modern day. There are still some other language isolates around the world that just don't connect with others at all no matter how much linguists try.
Or, they are the Anunnaki.
>The word for bear
Latvians were TEUTONED just like us.
Spoopy. Reminds me of the main antagonists of H.P. Lovecraft novels
>tfw the Frisian word is literally 'mowing time'
Is this map correct, because I think its weird for so many languages to use a version of dance
translate pls
Šokis comes from "šokti" which means "jump".
So is it time to invade Shprots?
Yeah, we also have kerce for dance, which also means jump
What the fuck Lithuania
danza in spanish exists, but it's archaic, the modern word is baile
Your country has for long lost your national identity, how does it feel to be living in one of biggest shitholes in all of Europe?
Feels good to see that we are so different from everyone else.
>A literal pedophile
Never turn down a gift, even if it's a little girl.
Daily reminder:
>Yo Ramiro, hijo del rey Sancho, rey de los aragoneses, doy a tí Ramón, conde barcelonés, mi reino de Aragón, con mi hija, todo íntegramente, como lo dividió el rey Sancho el Mayor, abuelo de mi padre; y como lo dividí con el rey García Ramírez de los navarros, en Pamplona, exceptuadas las tenencias que el sobredicho rey Sancho [el Mayor] dio al rey Ramiro, mi abuelo, en Navarra
Careful don't get triggered.
I do not know, because i do not live in latvia
Strange becose jump=Lekt in Latvian how the fuck is this even possible?I mean i thought our language where suposed to be allmost identical.
Any nation that doesn't have it's own script, doesn't deserve independence.
>thought our language where suposed to be allmost identical.
thats as saying estonian should be identical to finnish
Sure thing your a good pet dog to russia
Poklonskaya writes "What will be "Little Green Men" aka Russian separatists in Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian".
And answer is "In Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian "Little Green Men" will be "Cargo 200" which is Russian military term for dead bodies, usually a truck transporting combat casualties.
Aizver savo netīro muti kropli tu tāds es cenšos izglītot sevi vari eit pakarties mēsls tu tāds, es uzdodu jautājumu un ko tu vari pateikt?Tikai mani par ''retard'' nosaukt?Ej dirst.
All you can invade is our supermarkets and foreign currency exchange booths )))))))))))))))))))))))
At least i'm not a whore of Europe.
Janka, tu mūžīgi būsi daunis, necenties
Yeah becouse you prefear to be a whore of russia.
What can we do, if the only that you have in your country is a supermarket?
>so only south slavs are actual slavs
>Es uzdodu jautājumu
>Viņš mani par dauni nosauc
Labāk ir jautāt kaut vai stūlbus jautājumus ja tu kaut ko nezini nekā klusēt un neko necensties saprast, bet izskatās ka tu esi otrās opcijas atbalstītājs.
Nogalini sevi mēsls tu tāds.
>germanic autismo can't stop working for a sec and contemplate the beauty of a new season
Put off the EU dick out of your mouth and say it correctrly.
But you are Putin's best gay friend ))))))))))))))
not sure why the meme about kingdoms when talking about modern nationalities, kings didn't give a shit about what you spoke at home as long as you paid your share of grain and were a christian
There is nothing more inconsequential than the baltics. Why do you always have to make a big deal out of Russia? Every Russian i know doesn't give a shit about you. At least Poland's antagonism is somewhat of a concern.
Russia is a straight guy, unlike your gay country.
do it right Ante
Exactly, and so he became prince, but not king. His son Alfonso, born in Huesca, became King of Aragon and Count of Barcelona, thus unifying what became the superior kingdoom of the Iberian Peninsula, Aragon.
No revisionism, Andreu. History has been written by many at this point, and all of them named the kingdoom one way except... Well, you know who.
Lel, Russians holds us as bigger threat to them than ISIS so it's not our problem that meme shprot countries like us make big deal about the eternal Russo
This can't be real xDDDD
I would have posted some picture in advance, but you have no famous people.
>North and South European Eurasians
Who labels this garbage? Western European would be much better fit
We have Ball Brother Niggers entertaining provincial alcoholics )))))))))))))))
Bot spelling. Learn the signs human friends.
It is too baltic joke for sake
Pic related gdp per capita before ww2, how do you think why we are so shit now then we where back in 1930s?
Its a rethorical question russian comunism destroyed our economies, they killed hundreds of thousands of our people and repressed culture and lgnauege for half a centiry and now tell me should we be happy about it?Many nations over the years have counqered Baltics, swedes germans and so on, but thus far russians have been worst, and im not kidding the things that they did to our people will never be forgoten, and i find it funny that a retard whos country hasn't experiances russian rule can opens he's mouth.You don't kniw shit, you pathetic prick so either read some history book or shut the fuck up.
you ruined it again
Jebemti hrvati zanič kurci
what country did this country take place in? that architecture is very cool