Nothing good ever came from here, is it beacuse we are genetically subhuman?
Why have Scandinavians been so worthless throughout history?
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World would be miserable place without Finnish memes
Mmm excuse me sweetie but Finland is not part of scandinavia so i agree with your statement in full but contrary to scandinavia Finland and Estonia are quite worthy and honorary.
no one cares you autistic mongoloids, if anything you chinky eyed down syndrome looking retards are even more useless and subhuman than the Scandicucks that enslaved your yellow mongol asses for 600+ years.
Finland memes are good.
Go prep the bull
Finland is not Scandinavian, faggot.
Even your vikings where actually Muslims. The absolute state of Scandinavia.
What good has civilization brought us? Barbarism is the natural state of mankind, and we will one day return to barbarism.
>Actualy believing that chinks get to fuck anything
not even Swedish whores would touch your microdicks.
It was a Scandinavian who invented nitroglycerin.
Pelle btfo so hard you have to resort to your barbaric subhuman adhominems, Mmm feels nice to know that you must be seething with impotent rage right now.
We'll annex northern sweden and gotland soon see ya baby.
>It was first synthesized by the Italian chemist Ascanio Sobrero in 1847, working under Théophile-Jules Pelouze at the University of Turin.
Meds proving themselves to be superior yet again
literally who?
literally (you)
finland isn't scandinavia
They show us how a proud powerful people soon became cucks thanks to Catholicism.
>Nothing good ever came from here
Grandma came from there. She was ok.
literally (you)r mom
>Nothing good ever came from here
Sweden is the reason. You have chosen the way of the cuck and you have fucked us all. Now we are just white niggers waiting to be outbreed. Its over.
hmm yes this is definitely not an arab or turk in sweden or anything
sage retard, get the fuck out of sweden your people are the reason its made shit
Yes you're genetically subhuman, glad you understand, acceptance is always the first step user.
Nah fuck off, they're definitely better than you. Don't touch my fins or I swear I'll kill you.
>Forcing germans to eat shit
This along with opressing Finns for 600 years is the only good things we have ever done.
t. Mohammed
The only good thing to come out of Scandinavia was Swedish Chef. Still.. I have a fetish for them bois and I dont know why
You are hundreds of years too late, we have been molesting them for centuries
Beacuse you are a faggot
You only proved that you're just sadistic to the point of destroying your country and people.
I'm not so sure about that, Finns are more likely to molest you.
honestly just kill yourself
History proves otherwise, but as it is now we can just send some suicide bombers to do the job
>Finns are more likely to molest your kids
Not before I become a jihadi truck driver
Go fuck yourself
Molesting kids?