/balk/ thread
New War Edition
Enter this thread to yell at eachother,amerimutts and other westerners try to stay out.
/balk/ thread
Phew this moving fast
fuck that gay bosniak from the Oliver assassination thread,he's gay
Oh ok I see da flagz nao I will delete da post, thank you commandah
Albans should be obliterated.
All amerimutts should look at this islamic turd on the map of Eurrope and apologize.
see you later sharia brother
They sold my dad a grenade launcher during the war so it's all good
>new war
What war, serbs wont do shit, like usual
Nothing will happen, serbs cant move cause of nato. Except they send paramilitary
yeah serbian paramilitaries are really scary
pic related, one formed in bosnia these past few weeks
fat ass turk manlets
how do you know he's gay, faggot? maybe it's a grill
Yeah,that could happen
Ruskies been training them
Hey,you never know
Even if it is a girl,it's a proto Serb so she's probably a dwarf or something
>it's a proto Serb
most of you are, though
and pic related is serbs chilling in analbania
know your place, dog
here's some more serbs chilling in Albania
>). During the long march, some 240,000 retreating Serbs died from the cold, starvation, disease and combat with Albanian tribesmen.[1] The march through the Albanian mountains had decimated its rank and contributed to the horrendous losses the Serbs had suffered in the First World War – the highest per capita of any country
know your place
There's a chance i might be proto Croatian,but a proto S*rb nah
next time we won't just stop at durazzo. AND we won't go in winter
it's either one or another, yes. but it wouldn't be surprising if you're a self-hating serb, there are a lot of them today
amerimutt passing through
Hey man,i don't blame anyone for being nationalist you gotta right to be proud of your country.
This is what will happen to you shkijeve if you ever try to not work with us
Albanian era has come and no one will be able to stop it.
We still reached our destination and then returned to retake the country
Which is more then any m*slim refugee will ever do
What's everyone got against Kosovo and Shiptarland anyway,i never got that
They turned one of the most profitable sectors of the balkan penninsula into "europes central crime hub"
Keep your pants up for a year, fucking savages.
We're trying to get you into the EU.
I tell you man,you don't form paramillitaries for no reason
Something's gotta give
who is we faggot
you are saying like the EU is something good
Its only good if you think wealth, consumer choice and ease of travel are good.
Yeah but no piracy,progressive policies,inflation...
>no piracy
I am in the EU for years and pirating right now.
Only germans can't pirate.
>Only germans can't pirate.
they don't even need to
Eeeh,EUR100 (for an AAA game + DLCs) is EUR100. They are not THAT rich.
Who is this guy Serbros? And what exactly is Srbska Cast?
a bunch of turk-tier larpers that's why they are
because they're posers and they're pretty much irrelevant. what's relevant is pic related, an army of serbian republic from a parade few days ago
I got my shitty milsurp on the ready,you guys can come over and bomb my village any time
I had the idea that they are football fans or something. I was about to throw them some shekels for pic related but then that guy uploaded a pic of greater Serbia which included half of Greece kek. So i wanted an oppinion on them.
> greater Serbia which included half of Greece
What a fag.
retake carigrad when
>but then that guy uploaded a pic of greater Serbia which included half of Greece kek
i am pretty sure that serbia owned half of greece for like 20 years or smth
Man these organizations been in the news lately a lot
Soon i hope
Yeah, some time in the midle ages but now we are bros
I can't understand anything about them because it's all in Serbian
>I had the idea that they are football fans or something.
yeah, they're on that level
scared yet?
we have them, too
Scared of a bunch of cowards that can't properly wipe out a bunch of "subhuman" muslim peasants with hunting rifles?
i think they did a good job though
Ah,it's a real shame that Oluja wasn't finished properly
>implying crime isn't profitable
Albania's black/gray market GDP is 4x of regular GDP. Fuck paying taxes to NWO shills and Soros stooges.
it was finished successfully and the only ones to be blamed for it are those who refused Z-4 plan and thought they could last with ~50k army of drunktards against ~200k ready croat soldiers. but they managed to hold a bunch of barely connected territories from 1991 to 1995 with such army so it's still something
It was a rather unfinished victory,maybe this time it will be diffrent
no it isn't, croatia finished its objectives. but they lost controlled territories in bosnia in return
>maybe this time it will be diffrent
the one can dream, what can i say
So which Balkan nation will be the first to reinstate their old empire?