What percent face is this? CHING CHONG NIP FONG
Hey Australia
Other urls found in this thread:
They're whiter than you, Jose.
>Mutt trying to divert attention
This is now a Mutt Thread
Muttposting and % fighting is all divide and conquer
Unite to remove non whites, don't bicker among yourselves
remember that we have 3-4 million foreigners here at any given time, the census is done house by house and only counts people who self report. an american on a work visa could receive a form and would be counted as an australian.
Proof that the 56% meme is real
Lmao at this thread. An amerimutt is making fun of Aussie mongrels, and a potato nigger subhuman is making fun of amerimutts
How the fuck can you clown on us when you are using our shit? That mac or windows pc, the components in the pc was all invented in America. You cucks were in Europe for how long and never invented anything that changed the world. Just shut up and let the big boys talk eurocuck.
>Somali American Bro
The memes write themselves.
Yeah im not white but America still had done more for the globe than any single shitty European nation besides maybe England who founded the nation. If it wasnt for us you'd be speaking German or Russian learn to be grateful cuck.
>Most common country of origin of legal immigrants to USA: Mexico followed by China
>Most common country of origin of legal immigrants to Australia: UK followed by New Zealand
the irony. OP is a retarded faggot confirmed
America is a cancer, I lived there for 10 years, and you're what's ruining it. So hop back on your banana boat and fuck off Abdu.
Your using a computer, invented in Britain, on the World Wide Web, invented in Britain and the English language to tell us Europeans haven’t invented anything.
Can't wait for Kimmy J to take you cunts out, it's embarrassing how badly you lot cling onto other people's culture.
>You cucks were in Europe for how long and never invented anything that changed the world
I would say american education but since you are a nigger you probably don't have any education
I know about your nation potato nigger, you fuckers used to be the servants of the English, you were used and abused like dirty gypsies for centuries. And the only fucking thing you knew how to do was drink and get in bar fights and eat potatoes. Once the famine hit it was Africa level starvation O'malley boy.
You fucking dick. Lol
>I know about your country
I love the way you said that with so much confidence, almost like you want an award for basic knowledge. WEW MUTT.
Can someone reply to me? No one replied to me in last 10 posts, am I shadow banned or something??
>Literally your language
>the usual shit poster actually replies with an old Sup Forums style reply
And then there’s the nu/pol/ style of replying
>gee why has this boards quality of threads gone to shit
Look above
Fuck off, ass hole.
Hey Australia, you're cool and I like how you guys always keep your sense of humor as an entire people. I know that you're feeling the burn of forced immigration like the rest of us, but hang in there. We'll get this thing figured out, one way or another.
Don't fall for the hate bait.
Giovanni you got BTFO by Ethiopia our nation was allied with you and you still lose to "niggers" what does that say about you pasta nigger? Oh and you impotent attempt at even colonizing Somalia was failed, we dont speak Italian at ALL, no one became catholic, hows it feel to be the dumbest European nation, even dumber than ireland.
Mutts? Aren't mutts like 3% of US population?
Thats false that actually means:
Look at the book muh slavery
Ooga means Look at
Booga means Book or the book.
Amazing right BOO-ga BOO-k same word, infact booga was taken from English and Somalized.. The real Somali word is Waraq which means papers.
>all these divide and conquer shills muttposting
do you shills get paid shekels or do you do it for free?
naah ur gucci
Holy shit
reddits the other way, pal
Source? Also maybe try not shitposting about Aussies at 3am you dumb cunt. I know you cant handle the bants but thats just sad
most people in the USA are mixed ethnicity especially the hispanics.
Are you trying to shame me for having a native language? At least I didnt lose my native language like you did and adopt English.. Isnt Irish a dead language?
The simple fact is Somalia and Ethiopia are the only 2 nations in Africa that speak a non European language as the majority tongue, thats something to be proud about.
Sidenote our language is ANCIENT its not a negroid language because we are not a negroid people. Its related to ARABIC, and Hebrew more than say Bantu black African languages, look at this map.
Our language is even related to ancient Egyptian im not even we wuzzing google afro asiatc languages.
The Irish language is as much alive as your countries children. Yeah it's alive, but fuckin barely.
Look at this next map its how large our single language is compared to others in Africa, look at this dominance did Ireland pass its borders? No it shrank and its almost gone. Italians couldn't make us give up our language nor could the Arabs like they did in North Africa. We are higher level than you irish nigger go present your butthole for the English again so they can buttblast you.
>only counts people who self report
Well, that's retarded. What's even the point of such census?
in theory you can be punished if you don't report, but if you don't report they actually just count your house as vacant.
>We are higher level than you
Wew that crack pipe must have hit you hard in America.
Pic Related: Your actual country
I mean historically not currently obviously, when you look at it holistically Somalia is superior to Ireland, we were never someones bitch in history that alone makes us better than you.
All I have to do to find shitty pictures of your country is type in "Somalia". Try doing that with any other country.
Americans speak proper English retard. Look up the Great Vowel Shift. Also defend this real quick like.
All im saying is go back a few hundred years and we had empires and sultanates, we even defeated the Portuguese and Ethiopians once, our "clans" have never taken orders from anyone while your people have been reduced subordinate status in history by English, you were literately cucks / beta males in the truest sense you did not control your nation or its destiny. Basically you were not even "free men" while we always were. In fact you came to USA early and were also treated as niggers there was heavy Irish discrimination here, why? Because the majority was English stock and they rightly inherited their ancestors perceptions about Irish people.
its all sourced O'brien no we or wuzzing.
ok tyrone
Im a Somali man how does Tyrone *which is ironically an irish name* apply to me? we trollin now?
lol our kids could just sit on yours to kill them. good luck
>born overseas
are you calling yourself a nigger?
miss read, thought that was at me.
Go back home and feed your kids Abdullah.
Random Black kids , why should I care about them? Present Somali images next time if you have a brain or did you drink it all away O'dumbdumb.
Oh look a new German
Must be potato-American with a little gravy aka 56% Potato 44% Tyrone.
Google Somali People, google does the work for me I'm not cherry picking. Your countries a joke that's why you abandoned it.
Google isnt accurate dumb potato vermin, its got flaws on this type of shit go to a Somali forum and source real pics, heck even search twitter or Instagram.. Google is lazy and imprecise.
Why are you posting 100% pure negroids
Why'd you abandon your country if it's so great? Your the one who abandoned your friends and family not me.
Because of a fucking war? You make it seem like I came willy nilly.
So your country IS a shithole?
Not white but Caucasoid, putting up a picute of some bantu niggers is disingenuous and insulting. Would you like it if i put up someone from Mongolia to represent Ireland?
Checked for accuracy. Op is indeed a retarded faggot.
Its going thru shit just like everyone country has in the past, its not perfect you dumb nigger.
Literally "Yeah were terrorists but what about the crusades" logic
It's 2018
Yeah i'm done man im not winning any arguments with a potatoenigg, ive learned all i needed to know about you fuckers when I drove uber and seen your kind. White niggers.
>When I drove Uber
Fuck you really are a walking fucking stereotype.
Shut up, Nigger.
Whiter than you Tyrone.
Take your pic, which ones your mother?
>Mick talking about Americans being mutts.
Hahaha "Uber"! What a coon!
Those are not Somali people so none. Are you like an animal did you not grasp what I said earlier? Or a woman who just likes to argue? Do you want my dick, I dont fuck Irish they are trash.
Honest work for a first gen immigrant, I guess I should just quit and get benefits like your Abos do huh , Crickey!
Why do you keep claiming to be white? I've met your kind, ironically I had a lot of Somali Uber drivers while I was in America. They're all black as night. Could blend in with a chalkboard. Could of been you to be fair.
If all you're bringing to the west is the ability to drive a car... I just can't even... lol
The great vowel shift began long before American colonialism la creatura
This is a Somali woman, the ones you posted are not ETHNIC SOMALI.
Nigger/Sandnigger What's the difference?
Again we have distinct features, narrow noses, big forehead, anyone else is actually BANTu, we have bantu in somalia and they are descendants of slaves. They are not "Somali" so dont link them like they are my race.
Admit it, you're black.
lmfao it's the mutt meme for somalis now. "she's not black"
No im actually not, I have white even on my american shit. Why? Because Im Caucasoid not negroid. We also dont have nappy hair I forgot to mention that. I for example look just like the guy on the left.
>I'm not black I swear
>Posts a picture of a black guy
m8, how could you not know that's a nigger, that you're a nigger.
Caucasoid/Negroid I know its hard to use that Irish noggin but look at the differences.
Why do you have such an identity crisis nigger? Do you feel you are better than the other niggers?
>a British invention