High school bully, 16, 'stabs and kills girl, 16, she tormented after the victim tried to fight back with pepper spray during an argument at a Dunkin' Donuts'
Why do niggers draw in their lips in their mug shots?
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Dont you mean, "muttshot"?
white women need to be protect by nignogs.
>wear hat that says “I want to be dead too”
>fight for ‘injustice’
>get killed by a nigger
I wish all stories had a happy ending
>She was an outspoken political activist who rallied friends together to fight injustice.
Isn't that a chimpanzee facial expression of concern or fear?
>In her obituary, she was described as a keen musician with a passion for the guitar.
>She filmed YouTube videos about causes she believed in, including one in which she slammed Donald Trump and called his presidency 'tyranny'.
I'm sure her dying thoughts were worry about the racism her death may cause.
Drawing in your lips is a sign of trying to control yourself. My brother would always do it when we were kids before he tried to swing at me or whatever dumb kids do. If somebody does that to you, you can be they want to hit you.
The sad part is "Z'Inah" will never care that she killed someone, never lay awake at night wishing to take it all back, will never feel guilt or remorse, will never think of the deep pain her victims mother and father will feel every day for the rest of their lives. This is why prison is pointless for blacks, it's not a punishment, it's a state of existence for them.
This is why the phrase, around blacks never relax is true, for the slightest perceived "disrespek", many would kill you without regard for consequence and never think about it ever again.
Somebody post the public defender redpill article.
So she's angry. She killed someone and she's angry at being arrested.
The trump curse strikes again
they fuck with their lips nonstop when caught and in the hot seat, on camera, in front of audience, judge etc. they jut out, purse, lick, suck their lips constantly
Pursing your lips is a way to show disdain, if I had to guess, that's why.
Fucking niggers. Imagine the chimpout if the races were reversed. I'm already sick of this shit.
Lmao looks like the jealous little chimp got some troubles coming
Wait, wat? Based chimp should be freed asap
This. Niggers could care less about anything it's the getting caught part they show empathy. Black people literally think they dindu nuffin. They are fucking animals.
She asked for it
niggers could care less = they care some and therefor could care less
couldn’t care care less = niggers don’t care therefor they could not care less
I fucking hate my countrymen every time I see or hear some faggot say could care less
Pretending to be suicidal is a millennial meme.
Because of the hot african climate, nigger lips have evolved to be heat dispersing organs similar to a car radiator fan.
When a nigger is captured for jail or slavery, it draws in its lips to conserve body heat and increase its metabolism to make an escape or rape its cellmate.
They tuck in their nigger lips for mugshots to have less nigger features. They think having less nigger features increases their chances of looking less guilty.
>victim described herself as a communist
>be white 16 yr old getting bullied by a black
>fight back with small force
>get murdered
She should of straight up shot the nigger
>as if an american teenager knew what that means
The only downside she wasn’t thrown out of a helicopter as an example on how to deal with communists
However I’m not above using her death to point out the disproportional amount of black on white compared to white on black violent crime
It makes me happy that she’d most likely not approve of this
this based britbong gets it. less than lethal force is not enough for chimp human hybrids.
They try all kinds of weird expressions in their mug shots, in the hope that it will distort their face enough that they can't be visually identified by them.
Next time they rape/kill/cannibalize someone, they hope the police only have these mug shots to go by, and people that would turn them in think, "nah, can't be her, her lips are way thicker than the reward poster"
Why do spics and nigs always lean their heads back?
>meme flag
>divide and conquer post
Who could it be?
So a nig kills a merchant and will do 20+ years behind bars. I fail to see why I should give a shit anymore at this point. Are we supposed to count (((her))) as a white person now that it's convenient for them?
Brainwashed little shit probably thought the never relax meme wasn’t real
Most likely thought blacks aren’t more inherently violent
Would probably ignore the fact that between black and white and white on black violent crime that blacks are the aggressor 94.9% of the time
Incidentally, people who do this really do intend to break the law again, and really are planning ahead for it. It's so reliable the police actually save the names of anyone that fucks around like this at their booking, because they always try other shit too.
thats a solid know and the ideal situation is the nigger factory and kike factory both kill eachother
Does anyone else here attribute the racial tension in this country with Obama's "He coulda been muh son!" comment? Before that happened, the focus of most political activism was against the elite.... now its poor vs poor.Thanks Obama, you really did a solid for the 1%
Anyone else get primally angry when they hear stories about white girls getting killed or beaten by blacks? Even of they're leftists it still makes me mad as fuck
I wonder how her lefty parents feel now that they have been enriched? Feel terrible saying that but come on ... these people need to wake up and smell the coffee.
Jesus men, i really hate niggers
Why they are so violent? In my country is so fucking bullshit, i never got robbed, but if i go to the wrong place and dont pay attention i might ended havin my family murdered and raped, its like i live in fuckig middle ages
>PLs cOMe tO BRasIL
that's why bullying is so dangerous. Bullys often don't stop and let it escalate and won't even leave the victim alone outside school.
She wanted to humilate her and that she accepted "her place". But thats a place nobody wants. And when the victim stood up she chimped out because she couldn't tlerate such disobedience.
how many shekels did you get for this divide and conquer post, shlomo?
Yeah. I should have stated it more clearly and with less fuck-ups. Trying to control their urge to chimp out in anger and get violent. You see people do it before arguments, especially between niggers, break out into fights. Throwing their hands around is disbelief is often accompanied by it.
Sorry hun.
like pottery
>thinking emoji
In disbelief. I'm drunk. Saging this reply for obvious reasons.
too bad they can't change colors
I give zero fucks that this cunt died
Like the dumb bitch here in Minnesota who was killed by the diversity she supported
I’m not above using it to further my agenda though
but they would care if it was one of them who got killed by white bullies.
probably they would burn down the school and protest until the government "do sumthin"
Whites just shrug and say "nothing of value was lost". Which is the reason nobody is afraid to spit whites into the face
Do not fear, Mutt Internet Defense Force is here!
Sorry we don’t chimpout when a nigger loving communist dies by a nigger
Niggers need to be afraid of the white man's wrath again. Then you won't have gangs of chimps harassing, beating and murdering white kids.
It's literally the only way. Being cucks for 50 years has gotten us to this point.
They know it's a sign of natural aggression that's just IN them...
Any other time they pride themselves on it.
Situations like this, it's a scarlet letter. If they're browner than black they think they can downplay their niggertude, even if it's already dragged them this far into hell.
I hope she suffered. I hope she screamed and flailed.
Think those niggers care if she's a "communist"? She's just white. If she was a 35 year old coal burner I'd agree.
the case was going to be thrown out but obama pushed to have it go to trail then made a huge political issue about it. obama is the worst president for race relations i think the usa has had in decades.
Because niggers are incapable of thought I’m not going to give a shit when someone dies due to their own stupidity
One less commie on the earth is a good thing
Also she was a Jewess
>Niggers could care less
>Could care less
Why are you speaking in the third person?
someone needs to replace the chimps with actual mugshots or photos of criminal blacks making these faces, and mock it up into an "Antifa" poster telling them to "be aware of the feelings of POC"
A sort of "field guide to urban primates" feel.
The spread it on the twatter.
>implying she couldn't be goy'd