Last video uploaded 7 years ago
Last video uploaded 7 years ago
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He's in a better place.
A nursing home? He's not dead.
Who the fuck cares
Tweeny Witches is fucking great and if it wasn't for this chart, I would have never watched it.
Truly a man of taste.
I wonder if he got to see Your Name.
Im unironically watching every single one of these on the chart and then going to watch his review on it afterwards.
only gone through 12 anime so far (from bottom right to top left) but man what a ride its been.
Cya in Gensokyo Jii-san. o7
You f/a/ggots have been mourning this dude for 7 fucking years now. This is unhealthy, move on already.
We've been mourning the death of Sup Forums for almost twice as long.
>Sup Forums's been dead since it was created
holy shit no wonder.
the heck happened to him?
He's in a better place now.
he was one of a kind. that is why we miss him so much
proof ?
I told you to fuck off over 7 years ago and I'll continue to do so for 7 more years.
Fuck off. Go talk about Youtubers on .
>the girl in the bottom left front row
He is with Ken-sama now.
Damn, that's some great taste. Grumpy Jii-san knew his shit.
Voices of a distant star is my favorite sci-fi anime. It looks like ass, but it hits you hard.
It's kind of strange to think that something made by Shinkai could be described as looking like ass.
Can only do so much with a shoestring budget when it comes to animation.
The hurting never ends.
Google around. Sup Forums found his grandson and learned Jii-san had a heart attack while hiking. Can't remember for sure if we found the obituary.
Is death truly the only escape?
My grandpa died two years ago, and that was when I began working. I even told him, essentially a full body organ, thanks to the nurses that crashed him before I arrived that I had to work tomorrow. I worked that fallowing day when my mom woke me up when she came home. So anything more than two years pretty much is. People that are admitted into homes, no matter how bad they are also do not last long.
what the fuck did you just say?
I hope you're not talking about that /jp/ post where he claimed his name was bruce wayne
I wanna step into as-world
his disappearance seemed to coincide with the guy who died on the hiking trip
>i'll never be an old dude watching and reviewing anime
Feels good knowing you'll never be old.
I just want you to know that whatever you just said, was not English.
Even if I disagree with most of his opinion, I don't feel like punching him in the face like most youtube anime celebrities.
Is is the voice or the comfy natural landscape?
RIP Grumpy Jii-san, the only anime reviewer I will ever accept.
i hope i get to live up to his age watching anime. i feel really sad whenever i think that i might die someday soon but miura never finish berserk for fuck sake.
But you will be
i am a little girl
I believe you
Which anime from recent years deserves a 5 stars review from him?
nice try
>e-celeb thread
Fuck off
Don't know that feel.
Ghost hound makes me sad every time I see it. I loved the slow pacing in the beginning, I just hate it remembered it had to wrap up everything up halfway through.
>all these newfags bumping with insults to blend in
Neo Sup Forums, everyone
drop dead. user
>all these newfags who don't even know who Grumpy is
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
>posting an 8 year old copypasta
Boy you sure showed me.
>Only 8 years old
Holy fuck look at this newfaggot
Learn the difference between namefags and tripfags, newfag.
>hey guys, look at what an oldfag i am!!! GIRUGAMESH!!!
Kill yourselves. Sage and report for this garabge Sup Forums tier thread.
These are truly dark days.
He was active long before the whole youtuber thing really took off. That's why you see none of the annoying bullshit (i.e. obnoxious thumbnails, obnoxious jump cuts, obnoxious skits, and even more obnoxious personalities).
If they don't name/trip, how are we supposed to filter them?
I don't filter faggots.
There is one guy that I might consider filtering if he were using a trip, but that is only because he manages to fill entire threads with his autism. Anything less than that, and it's really just part of the Sup Forums experience.
Is it the man who does not like certain types of ship?
what was his name, again?
I'm not going to say anything more.
He is the love of whom we dare not speak his name.
thats not gilgamesh
Grumbling Gramps
And he bad mouthed Aquarion aka the best anime franchise this century
I'm pretty sure Grumpy Jii-san would have loved Kimi no na wa based on all these Shinkai titles..
What a fine taste he had. Only good anime reviewer
Something cant die if it never was alive
Frustrated Fart
Gumpy Jii-san looked uncomfortably similar to my old computer science teacher. Every time I went to class it'd feel like he was going to go on a tangent about anime.
He was hiding his powerlevel.
Enraged Elder
No, but we did track down a priest in another state who knew Grumpy Jii-san (one of his blog posts had thanked the guy for loaning him a series). While he hadn't heard from the guy in a while either, he confirmed that he was in Grumpy's will and would have been contacted if he was dead. He speculated that Jii-san's arthritis had gotten to the point where he couldn't use a computer anymore.
Of course, this was like four or five years ago. He could have died since.
You think he had a hard on for cute little girl shows?
That wouldn't be the guy from the website "the anime review" would it?
he saw that anime went to utter shit and bailed
How do you think he would've seen Kemono Friends?
Seething Senior
He gave Aria four though
Never mind that was for The Animation
Why didn't he just get some sunglasses?
Cheap shades are actually bad for your eyes.
Filtering visible light is easy and very notable. But the visible light isn't what's going to fuck up your eyes.
When you wear almost-black shades you think that you're safe and it feels safe, and without your noticing your eyes might get fucked up because your reflex to protect them is undone by the shades.
Dear forum users,
My name is Jonathan Wayne and I have sad news to convey to all of you.
My beloved grandfather, Bruce Wayne, also known on the internet as "Grumpy jiisan" has recently passed away. As you might know my grandfather has stopped updating his youtube profile and website due to the severe arthritis plaguing his hands. In the past year his condition had deteriorated needing constant hospital care. Still, even while being hospitalized he retained his passion towards anime and tirelessly followed the newest releases on his laptop. He always spoke enthusiastically about his plans of making new reviews after his eventual recovery. Unfortunately, this never came to be.
Grumpy Jiisan had passed away quietly, surrounded by his loving family on the morning of january 4th, due to organ failure. My grandfather was 89 years old.
I am writing this message here because my grandfather frequently visited this forum and always spoke spirited about the loving community he had found here, despite only being able to make posts at a great difficulty. I believe he would have wished for it to inform you about his fate so we can all come in terms with the unavoidable reality.
My grandfather was a man of admiration who was able to connect with the younger generation through his hobby and passion for anime. He understood young people well and always spoke about understanding. He viewed the fragmentation over different tastes and "waifus" within the community disturbing, since in the end (using his words) we were all united through our love for anime. I hope his wise words can serve as an advice for many and would make the community a more welcoming place for everyone.
But now, the time is for mourning. Please remember my grandfather in your hearts as a sometimes grumpy, but energetic old anime fan, who loved everyone who shared his love for japanimation.
-Jonathan Wayne
Even how much I dislike Shinkai, his taste is fantastic.
yeah, john wayne and bruce wayne. definitely legitimate. also he seemed more in his late 60s to early 70s than in his late 80s
>posting your real identity on Sup Forums
He'll come back. Definitely.
Raging Roujin
i've seen only one other decent reviewer, and he was fairly grumpy-esque, in his own way
it's good that he likely won't get views or make lots of videos, knowing such people exist is plenty
I haven't found one, who is it?
yo momma
Too bad
>nobody here will ever be old because nukes and north korea are gonna kill us this year.
there's a legit source for this or is just pasta?
Dumb frogposter.
gone but not forgotten.