Why do Americans shackle their children to their beds?

Why do Americans shackle their children to their beds?

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Yea okay buddy

I disavow.

lol really. EU. lol. not like germans dont raise generations of incest rape babies in secret dungeon rooms.

How else you gonna use em for fuck toys?

I don't think they were originally from California, they sound kind of southern.

California is no where near as fun as FloRida

how else am I supposed to stop the jewish influence trying to force my daughters to suck bbc?

Damn straight, tallahassee over here

>Austria is German

Because Americans are cattle

Check out those eyes. Crazy fuckers.

Do you have a problem with that?

That family has to be part of some weird religious cult.

>in all fields

man, the Behind the Music for the “Berries and Cream Lad” was a lt darker than I was ready for

Yes, the best "Germans" have always been Austrian.
Germany always tries to claim greatness from its surroundings, and always ruins things for everybody else.

>"they seem to be stongly religious"
>"it's really concerning a family would have so many kids"
>family was basically normal
>children all said they were ok
>no goy they had stockholm syndrome this is abuse
Just more anti-white propaganda. They are testing the waters for taking away white children.

Miscegenation really can fuck with your head.
Imagine being a white man and marrying a pale spic thinking your children would turn out white.
Then you have a bunch of kids and all of them are weird looking brown-eyed half breeds.
It's eventually gonna mess with your head and make you snap.

>Why do Americans shackle their children to their beds?
So that they don't run away when you fuck them, I'd imagine

Their god probably told them to do it.

>white children

You must've grown up poor and your family couldn't afford the big box of crayons; so you never learned your colors.
Those kids aren't white.

My mom use to the me to the bed cause I would sleep walk into the kitchen and just start eating all the food. Like I would eat until I woke up from eating too much

because they are subhuman mongrels, their dna is pure genetic trash. the lowest from of cultural evolution in human history.
most americans are deranged serial killers, maniacs, sex offenders, drug addicts junkies.
their average q.i. is under 85.
they are the mix of multiple subhuman races (english/germans/dutchs). Barbarians. you mix barbarians and niggers and you get the average americans.
greetings from the roman empire. (italy average q.i. 115) master race of earth.

t Moorish looking rape baby

Think the malnourished girls will do porn?

"Legal loli's" or some shit

That was Australia

they are one of those people that believe in have lots of kids, Quiverfull movement



Also checked

that elvis impersonator isn't payed enough

Obviously it's easier to rape them.

WTF you haven’t shackled children to a bed yet? In 2017+1? What’s wrong with you?

Hi Christian

Thinking of moving to south Florida. Am I crazy?

Why does 2 people in a country of 300,000,000 represent the US?

They're from Texas apparently, and god-crazy as well.

This boi has meme potential

Sinkholes and potentially stronger hurricanes. If you like that sort of thing, no.


Why not? Keeps them out of trouble.

is this real?


Is taking the role Transylvania used to fill. Creepy fuggas.

Probably of Austrian descent.

No. obviously not. Several variations are being memed. Wake up.

The monobrow on the little grill at the front is impressive.

Why does that kid look like he's already gone through a mid life crisis and a divorce?

Here comes the master race

To teach them the value of freedom.

That dude is Australian you dumb faggot.


Are you retarded? No, it's not real

Fucking spics

That's her hair, fuckwit.

oi poofter that cunt was an aussie m8, fack off

thats hot


I pray that something like calexit will happen. They are not Americans.




This motherfucker has the Jimmy saville haircut. Coincidence? I think not



I seriously hope you don't shackle your kids to their beds

7 of the kids are actually adults.

>tfw I am too late to be the one who breaks Fritzl senpais record

Maybe they were preparing to Heaven's Gate themselves but the girl got away and saved everyone.


mfw I didn't noticed

>17 year old who escaped was mistaken for a 10 year old

My boner.

More creepy christians. White trash christians do more horrible shit to kids in this country than anyone.
They always have way too many kids and homeschool them. They teach them to fear the outside world except anyone the family leader approves, usually other creeps in the circle.

So they dont go out and racemix

>Why do Americans shackle their children to their beds?

It makes them easier to rape. God you Europoors are dumb as shit. Go fuck a goat, Mohammed.

they also produce lots of white children
by definition it should be Sup Forumss ideal family


holy shit topkek

They might get out and walk off their fat otherwise.

Why do Euros not give a fuck about their children?

it's Ray Conniff


Why do Europeans let Muslims shackle their children to beds?