>niggers in Ireland start to chimp out
>commiting crimes
>the locals have enough and form a Hell's Angel biker vigilante biker gang in retaliation
>attacks the nigs strong hold
>left in disarray
>meanwhile the authorities didn't do shit to the niggs in fear of causing a riot
How fucked it Ireland?
Hell's Angels BTFO niggers
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Kill niggers
I always figured some sort of gang/organized crime entity would step in to become the police/government as the current "leaders" continued their uselessness.
It naturally happens when the police/government are too spineless to do anything.
It's not that police are spineless it's that there are consecuences for some groups and not for others
whites are so fucking atomised they never riot having been atomised to the point they have no sense of community,no pride in their history and thanks to feminism not even a family to fight for them,the whites always turn the other ass cheek for another round of nigger dick.
That's why we get all the shit,yes it's the kikes but if there were consecuences,ranging from political to chimp outs,police and politicians would cater to fucking white interests instead they know allowing the rape white teenagers holds less political risk than the arrests of 5 pakis shitskins.
Same thing with companies,they think 5 fat dykes are the internet opinion and are gonna boycott their products even if they never would buy them in the first place,until we have a message and a voice to be catered we will just get fucked over and over.
Also niggers do fear chimp outs,they don't rape muzzie girls for some reason,try and guess why.
Is it just me or does every decent country have roving packs of darkies fucking shit up? This makes me wish our bikies would arc up to the blacks like your paddy bikers have.
You fucked your bikies over, you only have yourself to blame that they won't save you now.
good for them
When police do nothing (UK), they're spineless. When police have a spine and do something (US), they're psychotic thugs who the public loves to hate.
Police can't win no matter what they do. They get shat on whether they do their job or not.
your biker gangs are full of fucking arabs now tho aren't they? maybe your gov shouldn't have been so harsh on them in the beginning. countries are always going to have undesirables filling some underground illegal niche better if it's a white group than a roving pack of sandniggers/niggers.
if you look at Taiwan and Japland gangs, they're semilegit and have phd educated people running them. They understand not to rock the boat too much since it's bad biz
Nigger gang was probably elbowing in on their drug turf.
Potato* turf
Somebody's gotta deal the meth.
I'd prefer fat white dudes on expensive bikes that easily and efficiently convert gasoline into loud noise without the whole "horsepower" problem.
Give them funny hair colors, lots of piercings, tattoos and you have what we have today. It's like a symptom of humans. Lots of food to eat, low crime and no war? Better start fucking shit up by dismantling civilized society.
im not a fan of the police but this is the true
imagine having a job in which you get called a fag if you do nothing but a nazi psycho if you do anything at all
Never even knew we had biker gangs. City folk are mad.
Bikers are swine but they are preferable to groids.
Harleys make plenty of power, it's the turning and stopping part they aren't so good at. A good rider on a Harley can wax most squids on a sportbike.
T. Old crotch rocket rider
>me on the right
Got me there. For the price you pay for a Harley though, they should be a hell of a lot better than they are.
>no, we should control the prostitution business
>attack competitor and aquire "assets"
>Sup Forums: based!
please post videos of white biker gangs beating up negroids
So Australia doesn't having roving bike gangs like in Mad Max?
that's literally what Carl Schmitt theorized, hammer the average people with taxes and regulations while at the same time leaving street control to thugs and criminals so that people are afraid of going out as a form of social control.
Got any proof of that? They are less than 1% of the population and we are more than capable of being shit bags on our own.
Still, I dont want niggers in this country. They will turn us into the US.
98% white
Cops are super corrupt and underfunded, thats why nothing gets done.
Can confirm
Lived in Dublin for 6 months on business, white locals and oriental / Spanish tourists, that’s it
miss me yet?
Sounds badass if true. Imagine rolling with some hardcore Celtic warriors
Fuck that's a good pic...
Don't think it's a biker gang at all, the group decided to call themselves hells angels
I have always said that biker gangs could be key to controlling the nigger and sand nigger problem. They are typically big dudes who have been in a shit ton of fights and thus have experience, and are not afraid to kill or mame. They use extremem violence and envoke fear in their enemies. If we could get the gangs to fight on our side it would be a huge win.
Problem is that biker clubs are in it for themselves and their club. They will take out the nigger and sand nigger trash if they get in the way of business or if they cross them, but unless their is a major financial stimulus, i really don't see them fighting for anybody in the states. The smaller clubs likely would fight wtih us, but the big ones likely wouldn't care unless they are getting paid. But just imagine about 50 banditos or hells angels rolling up on some SJW faggots and niggers protesting. It would be epic. So far the only bikers who have confronted the sjw crap here in the states are the older lesser known clubs, and they didn't look intimidating at all. We need the bikers!!
Sorry about your tiny dick bro. Also you need to be 18 to post here.
You haven't always said that.
Biker gangs are literally just another version of the mafia; simply without hereditary issues (or, as much of them anyway).
The mob/bikers will keep a neighbourhood in check. They will even look out for you. If you play by their rules.
Thing is nigger gangs do the same thing except nogs aren't capable of running things so they can barely manage more than a single apartment complex, whereas the mob/bikers run entire cities.
Not the real Hell's Angels. Just so you know
Pretty much, they tend to just do what they do without too much harm to the general population (random murders and shit) and the police tend to just let them have their black market that's going to exist anyway.
can't find the fucking ep
I kinda wish we didnt have guns so we could have cool street fights with bikergangs and greasers again.
>It naturally happens when the police/government are too spineless to do anything.
Nah, the government is not spineless, they are evil and know what they are doing. They must be purged.
Nazi psychopath > Fag
Its the one where Julian is on his way to Earth.
Why do you always post this?
There are blacks everywhere in Dublin, they're not 2%
t. lived in Dublin my entire fucking life.
The police here are useless. It's not just nigs. There are gangs around my area left to terrorize people that are locals.
Vigilate groups will be on the rise here because of it.
Dublin is a shithole.
Bunch of west Brit traitors.
Liberals get the society they deserve.
Kill nigger
This is the most retarded thing I've seen a burger say in days. If your guns go, so do you. Nevar 4get fgt.
Stop watching anime you fucking retarded piece of shit.
you're talking out of your ass, you've clearly never been to any capital city in western europe
what is it
Are bikers the last bastion of whitedom?
No, that would be farmers and weebs.