Raising testosterone levels

The testosterone levels of white men are abysmally low and still crashing. What can we do to raise test levels in white men again? Back in the old days men were men and that s because they had high test.

Cutting soy
Eating onions
Fighting world wars
Scalping indians
Being cowboys
Building railroads
Lynching niggers
Taking land
Exploring space
Harpooning whales

What can we do to raise test?

Other urls found in this thread:


eat chads cum

1000 mg test-e per week

Post more Bizjak.

You guys know the soy meme isn't actually real right?

Just be active. If you aren't a firefighter or a zookeeper or a cop or another job where you're constantly on your feet and moving/lifting/using your body in the outdoors and the sun you will have low test, hands down. Office work turns men into weak pasty worms.

I think you have to do heavy lifts to really see a noticeable raise. Once you get used to what you're doing at a manual labor you'll hardly break a sweat.

If you're older than 30 take some DHEA. Not more than 100mg a day because too much becomes estrogen. Take it with zinc supplements.

I'm pretty sure the meme is used by people are a confirmational bias against le /pol is stupid and le i maymayed them

does it have to be a realistic thing?

>sex with a qt


>t. soycuck


dont drink alcohol, eat lots of meat and green vegetables, use your muscles

Stop jerking off to porn.

I'm vegan and eat a lot of soy, yet my testosterone is well above average and I am pretty built (6'1, 180 Ibs)

The soy shit is a meme spread by the meat industry because more and more people are going vegan. Dairy contains real, animal estrogen. Soy contains stuff chemically similar to estrogen - but it's NOT estrogen!

A noticeable raise maybe, but you can only have a high baseline with some degree of activity. Think of how many office workers/NEETs suffer

Yeah, medical advice from this shithole. I fell for the iodine one. Never again.

> Cardio
> Heavy weights
> Eat Meat
> No alcohol / no weed.
next thing you know, tyrones be mad dawging you wishing they would open their big nigger lips.
swear to god guys.
just lift heavy weights.

research it for yourself.


Stop fapping and cutting out meat & dairy will help


Reduce body fat. Fat cells produce estrogen.

The fact that isoflavones has lower estrogenic potential and mostly interact with ERalpha and ERbeta with much less affinity than estradiol in females doesn't mean it's not effecting testosterone antagonism in secondary ways in males.
I wish I could cut out PET too, but it's so omnipresent that It'd be much too difficult to do.

For anyone trying to lose weight intermittent fasting is a good way to do so. You skip breakfast and work out within an hour or two of waking up.

I'm considering taking test stacked with nolva for 5 weeks while lifting heavy and see where that gets me.

>I fell for the iodine one
Same but I still take 20 drops a day

What's the easiest way to injest more onions lads?

I have a jar of picked onions in front of me, but I'm afraid of what they'll taste like.

Worked for me desu

Stop interacting with women.

Suppositories work for me.


Solid shill attempt

>just lift heavy weights.

Trigger someone

>What's the easiest way to ingest more onions

By putting onions in your mouth. FUCK, MAN.

Oh fuck I thought they were suppositories

saw palmetto is the best supplement booster known to man and NOBODY talks about it here

Gym and eat healthy (and yes you can eat soy, but do not drink Soylent for 3 meals a day.)