The NYT just broke the news that Robert Mueller has used his grand jury to issue a subpoena to Steve Bannon for testimony before his team. Bannon who has been ass fucked by Trump is in good position to return the ass fucking. Flynn no doubt has given Mueller information about “things” Bannon knows and Mueller never asks questions he doesn’t already know the answer to. Look out Drumpf! You got it coming your orange fuck!
The ass fucking of Trump begins:
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Well lookslike Trump is done for today
Fake and gay.
His entire like has been an ass fucking. Every moment in the limelight a cry for help, every imported bimbo a plea for attention.
suck it up trumpkin fatty
you mean the fat bloated alcoholic just flip flops to whoever gives him money/fame? what a shock.
2edgy4me what a soyboy
you're a high-fructose fatty fuck trumpkin, so it all weighs out
>subpoenad more people over ANOTHER work of fiction
Lmao Mueller has lost it
Surely even our automated shill system realizes that "Mueller's gonna bust Trump!" is by now an IMPOSSIBLY discredited narrative, right? Right, shill team infinite bot? You understand how to assess the viability of a narrative and not continually defecate all over yourself via thread creation? Right? Shitbot?
The dude who is holding back millions of peaceful weed smokers while propping up child fucking beer drinking golems suffering????
Hell yeah!
>Bannon hates niggers way too much to turn on Trump
This is an attempt to get back in Trumps good graces. He will praise Trump and accuse Hillary of collusion. Libs are so dumb.
The true heart of a patriot, or 4D chess, orchestrated from the beginning?
History may never know the true answer.
>smug insider knowledge intensifies
lol, bannon
Sloppy Steve has a cleft asshole, a lot like op's
bannon is good for a laugh and is highly expendable
stop LARPing
I'm sure his testimony will stand up to scrutiny after all the shit that's gone on with him in the media
like you know how Trump's testimony would be hugely impact in a Clinton case
trumtards in soywatch.
It's gonna be YUGE!
dis gonna be gooood!
You faggots actually think something will happen
Enjoy waiting for nothing like we did with war criminal Obama
Maybe try again in 2024
idk...i watched some of his early stuff (surface-level research), but from his material, oration, etc., he seemed like he really wanted to fuck the globalists in the ass. what vulnerabilities does he have, besides his own personal safety that (((they)))) may have infiltrated?
idk. he seems like a nice guy. i like to be an optimistic faggot, and i'm hoping him and trump are playing off each other (but not on the stage of (((them))) (hopefully)).
also, buy zclassic on bittrex, if you have an account.
why the fuck is this investigation still a thing at this point?
Ok kid! Don't stop believing!
my sides!
By far the funniest thing I see on the internet is leftists/Democrats responding with pics of Mueller looking smug. They’re unironically using a neo-con republican as their mascot in the war against Drumpf... going to be so glorious when the investigation ends with nothing turned up and he goes after the Democrats, Clinton and Fusion to save face...I’m shorting salt futures as it will be in plentiful supply..
t-trump's finished this time for sure
DoTR is coming for you shills.
The only day of the rope you'll see is when you hang one in your bedroom (and deep down you know it).
Enjoy prison Sloppy Steve
Grand Jury is stocked with niggers and Hillary supporters. They would subpoena over anything Mueller told them to. He's got nothing
Mueller is /ourguy/. Bannon is a spy. He committed treason so now he has to die.
"I'm a Christian Zionist" - Steve Bannon
stay mad
What the fuck is going on in that image?
Nothing Bannon has done has been at the expense of Trump. Bannon loves the agenda that Trump has put forth and gets shit from you rabid faggots for being loyal to the plan. Ivanka has to suck her dads own cock to keep him cool so orange faggot doesn't launch a nuke at NK for getting butthurt over something fat shit Lil Kim said and the rest of the administration is dysfunctional as all hell while Bannon provided the ideological backing for Trumps campaign and Presidency. Now that Trump decides to trash him each and every one of you cum guzzling fucks decides to shit on him when he's been your guy the entire fucking time, even more so than Trump since he's proven himself to be an incompetent, undiplomatic, retard without a sense of decorum or ounce of respect for the office and more importantly the country which your forefathers fought and died for. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Go drink some fucking bleach.
1. Bannon is a traitor
2. Bannon was the leaker
3. Bannon works in online media and politics
4. Bannon works for the Chinese Commies and with Kissanger
5. Bannon claims to be leader of Alt-Right
6. Bannon is ruthlessly defended on here and infinity, thread after thread. Even a sticky on how he never said those things.
7. Bannon defenders post in the same idiotic manner as the Spencer defenders.
8. Bannon had bad intentions from the start.
9. Bannon worked for Navy Intel and Hollywood
10. Bannon believes he masterminded the meme war.
11. Spencer has ties to Dugin through his wife.
12. Dugin calls Bannon soul mate
The shills on this board, and the reason the_donald has turned into a jewish cesspit of zionist filth is because Bannon is a zionist shill and the zionists control T_D through the mods and they have shills on there as well as here.
That's why Roy Moore was shilled so hard and you actually got banned if you said to trust Trump and support Luther Strange.
Andrew Breitbart was the one who laid the foundations for the alt-right's rise, Bannon is the kike that tried to derail it
>1. Bannon is a traitor
Not at war. He's done nothing to be a traitor to the United States.
>2. Bannon was the leaker
That was Priebus and quite obviously Priebus. Notice the fuckton of leaks stopped when he left.
>3. Bannon works in online media and politics
There is nothing wrong with this.
>4. Bannon works for the Chinese Commies and with Kissanger
China isn't Communist despite the name and I don't see how that's bad if they're backing Breitbart financially since the Mercers are gone.
>5. Bannon claims to be leader of Alt-Right
>6. Bannon is ruthlessly defended on here and infinity, thread after thread. Even a sticky on how he never said those things.
Because he's effectively /ourguy/ in terms of end goals and beliefs.
>8. Bannon had bad intentions from the start.
>9. Bannon worked for Navy Intel and Hollywood
And what is wrong with this?
>10. Bannon believes he masterminded the meme war.
I'll give you that.
>11. Spencer has ties to Dugin through his wife.
>12. Dugin calls Bannon soul mate
Yeah I call my dog little faggot doesn't mean he's actually a little faggot you retard.
>The shills on this board, and the reason the_donald has turned into a jewish cesspit of zionist filth is because Bannon is a zionist shill and the zionists control T_D through the mods and they have shills on there as well as here.
That's why Roy Moore was shilled so hard and you actually got banned if you said to trust Trump and support Luther Strange.
This is all schizoid tier rambling and false pozzed shit. Nice copypasta too.
What are these faggots even still investigating.
Why is the entire establishment so assmad against Trump?
Bannon was in charge during the time Trump was running and until recently. All the success Breitbart has had in the last two years can be owed to Bannon. Breitbart is long gone buddy and I don't deny he was good but you're fucking retarded if you think Bannon tried to "destroy" it.
Bannon is a spy for Israel.
I love when fucking faggot civnats think they're alt-right
show your flag kike
Autist. That means fucking nothing you fucking retard. They wouldn't even have to go through Bannon if they were looking for a mole with how wide Trumps mouth is.
Lol. I can tell you’re literally shaking
I'm not a retarded maplenigger like you faggot.
Am American, in London on business.
Bannon is going down. Sorry Israel.
notice how this kike dodges Israel so hard
>no proof that he's a spy other than being sought out by Netanyahu (also meaning that we don't know if they actually met)
Nice one you fucking redditor
It's certainly curtains for our hero this time.
yes Drumpf is truly done for this time.
it's over for him
Bannon had a mole IN Trump tower AT the meeting 2 months BEFORE he juoined the campaign ! thats why it was treason! Bannon knowssss
Didn't that shitty book that the liberals were shilling last week basically admit that the whole "Russian collusion" narrative was bullshit from the start?
So going to economic war with China would be bad....? I mean Kissinger is an expert on the issue and I couldn't give a flying fuck about what Scara shits out his mouth since he was shitcanned after what three days for being a massive wop?
>Mueller never asks questions he doesn’t already know the answer to.
0especially not any questions regarding who had information that 9/11 would occur and placed put options on stock directly related to 9/11 and the profit available to those who had prior knowledge of the event
Not an argument.
>So going to economic war with China would be bad....
yes, and we have been in an ongoing economic conflict with them for at least the past decade, just look at the opium use in our nation, it's a strong indicator of how hard the Chinese are fucking us, and this is being allowed by the Obama administration and probably Trump also
>mentioning any of these 3 larpers
>haha orange
Opium =/= Opioids retard. We need to take a hard stance on the rat chinks and you retards are too pozzed by kike semen to realize that we need to retaliate.
Not an argument.
You can't spell Drumbpfthcuck without dumbfuck...
after that book i wouldnt put bannon under oath to answer even the most basic questions, dude is too far up his ass to tell the truth
Haha this is such an awesome play by Trump. Just when the normie public was losing interest in Mueller’s investigation, he throws the ol one-two punch with Bannon and the Fury and Fire book and now Bannon is issued a subpoena. Now the dumbass public is back to loving every minute of Mueller’s investigation.
Just in time for the big Fake News Awards Ceremony Trump’s got planned. How delicious :)
>rat chinks
britbong pretender.
YOU need to leave.
Bannon would buckle under a federal investigation and probably cry like the little bitch he is.
He's got nothing on Trump, and may even be in trouble for leaking.
Bannon was compromised from the start, he has been manipulated from the beginning. Insight roles are savage...
(the average libfag logic)
what are you? a faggot?
imagine being so obssesed at trying to impeach the president that you forget to vote in midterms
>tick tock
keey dreaming enrique
Digits confirmed
Bannon will retract his previous statements he made about Trump and then commit suicide in FBI custody
The assfucking of trump began two years ago, fortunately no one on the lefts dick is big enough to get in there
Huh.... He really doesn't look much worse
>he bought the "Bannon and Trump are enemies" deception
I'm curious as to what you've got going on that's so great that you're shitting on the accomplishments of a man who is a billionaire and president of the world's most powerful nation, I mean really it says more about you than it does about Trump.
He's likely bluffing with the Manafort indictments, between team members like Strzok and all the fruit of the poisonous tree even going through discovery is probably enough to fuck the entire investigation
Has any subpoena over the last 2 years led to anything?
You talk like you know something when you know nothing.
it's ok fatty.
mommy will be home soon with your tendies.
damn you people are stupid.
>Steve I need you to do something for me
>I need you to flip and come out as an antagonist
>In this manner we can maintain, any testimony you give tainted due tour contentious relationship.
Youz git him dis tyme fuhr shur, rite Blake?! Reeeeeeeeee.
>thinks being fat is an insult
found the vegan faggot
If there is any honest attempt to bring down Trump, it will come from testimony from Bannon.
The only question is whether or not Bannon is pissed off enough to bring down Trump and a big chunk of the GOP.
I'm betting he'll do it.
Uncontrollable laughing is physically taxing. Get back your soy latte, faggot.
Have you ever considered getting sober?
>be in charge of federal investigations
>never ask questions you already know the answer too to let suspects incriminate themselves.
Are you calling Mueller retarded OP, the poor man has to keep up a sham and all the crazy emotiondrones are watching his every move expecting Mueller to impeach Trump.. the poor man will be hated by all.
bannon won't lie and go to jail for trump. whatever he knows is coming out, good or bad.
>he doesn't know mueller is /ourguy/
fucking newfags ahahahah