It's comedy user! C-O-M-E-D-Y!
Hopefully now all Gintama shitters will fuck off from this place.
When did this happen?
In the latest chapter
Is it time?
This is actually really hot
It's time
best pairing
Don't fool me! That's a doujin.
Does that look like a doujin to you?
Um, y-yes?
those hands aren't nearly big enough for a doujin
You still stuck in 90s to early 00s BL era or something?
Unless a male has drawn it. Which I doubt because males only draw yuri shit.
C'mon now that's too obvious, you can do better.
>all these newfags
>not knowing Mikami Takeru
Why is this even in the front page?
>no fun allowed
>not knowing a gay doujin artist
Well EXCUSE me.
>front page
What's this?
You aren't a true anime fan unless you can list 50 gay doujin artists by heart in alphabetical order.
So anyone gonna post sauce or?...
Even yurifags know
You forgot to add.
>For each show you know.
I don't even know any straight doujin artists.
Refer to for the artist. Also purge the thread
Whoa. Gintama got a lot more progressive than i remembered.
why do girls find useless mid-aged man sexy ?
Gintoki is the first man I've ever fallen madly in love with
I can list locon 50 times?
This is doujin
He is Samurai
I like Toshi bullying and mindbreaking
As much as I like Harada I can't read her Gintama stuff, I don't like sexualizing the characters for some reason. Almost any other series would do.
I don't think anyone finds MADAO sexy
Gintoki does
But the characters are sexualizing themselves.
Especially Kondo.
He also slept with Gorilla.
Can't help but think the guy is bi and would fuck the boy until he is cute
He just wants to get married with a non-gorilla, leave him alone.
>Gintoki never thirsted for a trap nor a shota
All that potential, fucking Sorachi
But he is literally chasing Gorilla (female)
anime in general needs more /sm/
He is not some filthy pedo like you.