Did she get sanded in the end?

Did she get sanded in the end?

Anyways, them pics, when?

Other urls found in this thread:


what happened?


dat mouth

ugly botox jew american bitch, no thanks.

you here too?

Sage all day

>dat tan

Always a sign of roasties.

Who'd a thought she was a slut?

I was honestly skeptical about the dms and lewd photos, but here sudden dissapearance from the media makes me go hmm.
If the cheating is true, then it just proves how e-celebs are all massive faggots and whores, all they want is attention and they don't trully follow their views.

Just focus on improving yourselves guys, stop giving a fuck about those attention whores.

Canadian, mang


ugly botox jew Canadian bitch, no thanks***

source of fake pics: independent.com.newyork.hoxnif.com/post/24539891/#

Y’all got (((pranked)))

She got blacked.com


>No black guys sorry

>I will never have her tongue massage my cock's tip so badly...

why must life be this way brahs?

>I was honestly skeptical about the dms and lewd photos, but here sudden dissapearance from the media makes me go hmm.
>If the cheating is true, then it just proves how e-celebs are all massive faggots and whores, all they want is attention and they don't trully follow their views.
what's this about?

I think kinda explained.

Few dms from twitter got leaked where PartyGoy was admitting to fucking Goldy without condom. Also, few lingerie pictures started to surface which looked kinda like it's her, but 's link already proves otherwise. After this happening, Faith suddenly dissapeared from twitter, instagram and all other media.

Now it turns out it's apparently a ruse, and some kike cunt was trying to smear Faith.

Lebanese are white
t. Lebanese with whiter skin than all of pol


Can mods remove these threads, trying to destroy a woman's relationship with her fiancee because she doesn't conform to your worldview is pretty disturbing.

Remove yourself first, faggot.


It's beyond me how anyone ever thought this botoxed bitch was attractive, let alone a worthwhile political commentator.

She's in baby mode.

She got married and has gone full trad.

the shills hate this so now they're getting ready to dream up new lies


She probably sucks better than 90% of women on the planet, there is no way she isn't a pro.

Literally who in all fields

I have them user you're welcome, there is around 1 GB of them and I'll share some


thats not white, lol wtf. youre a shitskin. im white

Lauren Southern steals South Africa White Genocide story idea and is simultaneously making threads about Faith on Sup Forums.

Lauren Southern is /ougirl/ isn't she?


Proven to be fake.

>there's 1 GB of them

If you're going to be this much of a shill at least do it well, you retard


Moles line up


So she's an escort now?

Emily Youcis is only /our girl/



You are the same kind who thinks "stein" or "berg" is a Jewish names. They are German, Jews merely adopted the names to blend in, the same shit they pull today. Simonsen is a regular Danish name.


Faith "Deus Succ" Goldy

>smear Faith.

(((they))) always smear people but Sup Forums always take the bait like fucking morons.


Confidence Gilded

This isn't proof. Anyone could say this

No they don't

Roastie McToastie

That's the golden rule of every online community, the more people, the more retarded it gets.

>she will never be your waifu
feels fucking bad

She's trying to get back into Dr Murdoch's good graces by stealing Faith's thunder and going to the front lines of white genocide

Where are her feet pics?

Fucking kek.
>Don't listen to anybody, ever guys! Just stay to yourself.
This shit is really getting hilarious.

Botox McGee

>Lauren Southern steals South Africa White Genocide story idea
what does this even mean?

So what's going on with her Twitter account?

Only you are retarded to the point that you can't live without other people telling you how to think.

It's just law of nature.

Faith, as a woman, is high value as fuck. It sucks but female hypergamy is a thing and as individuals they're not really capable of understanding concepts like love and loyalty in the same way men do.

The problem here is that we've been taught that we're equals when we're not. You ought to save your loyalty and love for your brothers while keeping your bitch on a short leash and treating her like the baby maker she is.

pls r8 my polish immigrant gf

Thanks for weeding out retards and adding them to your society, they fit there.

Not the same person. check out tattoo under left breast. As well as birthmarks on breasts.

But collarbone doesn't.

hahahaha so she's just a whore like all the rest, expected as much.

lol she literally made a shitty moonman song and told people to send her money on patreon in it. no bitch who begs for money like all of these trad thots do is ourgirl.

Because everything that ever gets discussed here becomes the exclusive property of 4hins.
Guess what: the SA genocide has been happening long before Sup Forums existed.

They do not shill.

You pierogi niggers have gotten really uppity these past few years, retarded catholic morons.

We all did lol

A 28 year old on botox??? then why does she look 40?

She's not retarded. She's good at math and takes it up the ass like a good whore.


fake news

you don't get her humor lad

nothing really. Some jewish camwhore tried to start smear campaign against Faith, but it died off pretty quickly when the shills couldn't provide any solid proof for anything they claimed. Faith probably focused on her family and for a good reason. 28 is pretty late to have her first baby.

Hate to give an american a lesson in his own language but it's not the first time... It's spelled meth, not math.

She's good at that, too.

Internet attention seeker who crowed about how traditional and Catholic she is, was revealed to have gotten knocked up by an arabic, teenaged, minor internet personality, behind her fiancee's back.

Saucy pics she had taken of herself have also been leaked, and nudes are likely to follow.

She has now deleted and shut down everything and will go down as yet another tradthot who is all right wing and nice in public and a typical degenerate in private. At least Southern could have tried the excuse that it was in the past and she had learned since then.


People say she got off social media few weeks ago, which is way before that new shit. The DMs are obviously fake for anyone with IQ over 90 (I assume yours is lower) and the dude she supposedly slept with denies everything. It all does not make sense.

try again
nails it

hot damn the e-thots have a beta goldmine with Sup Forums

he's probably MGTOW incel. What do you expect from such a retard, but banality and cliche?

Good. I'm sick of those attention whores on Sup Forums.

She will be back and clean, it's just jewish harlotry from that fugly leftard kikess, bet you it's all a bunch of lies and she's embarrassed.



Wrong, you can look on her twitter now. She deleted everything one week ago, right when all this leaked, aside from Ken tweet.

Internet defence forces are trying to spin it all away but the fact she already shut everything down when it blew up is telling.

Stop giving these e-celeb sluts your money and time.

How do you know it was her who did it? Pretty weird that there is a single tweet up that reads like a stereotype.

>takes it up the ass like a good whore
They're called catholics mate.

You're the happiest kike shill, aren't you ?
No stopping for e-celebs, they get the normies on board. Give Goldberg some time to resurface and come clean.
>muh sluts, what the fuck are you doing for the cause ? You're sabotaging it.


Dafuq is this shit?

Yo bruh who this thot be? Better close that mouth before something slips in heh

good posts user, breddy gud boasts

i aint clicking that shit.

what happened?

Did she really get lip filler?

Glad she is bringing more attention to it, desu

Literally none of that happened though.

How many of you kikes are there? This was proven fake.

who is this whore?

I clicked that shit. It's a bunch of nudes of pic related

Yeeeeah (8.9MB)

Def not a virus.

KYS faggot