>capitalism wo-
Capitalism wo-
Which of those countries are not capitalist?
A lot of them are social democracies.
Also, anyone with a salary job typically gets vacation days. If you can't get one, sucks for you.
i get 28 paid vacation days per year plus 14 paid sick days on top of all the paid holidays. who is the retard who made this stupid graph?
We use the money that the government didn't steal with a 50% tax rate to pay for our vacations.
Why the fuck does Deutschland have 20 fucking paid vacation days? I thought the entire economy is based off of hard work and efficiency.
>not working in a family business
>there is a firearms, auto maintenance & repair and farming businesses in our family
>I'm in sales for firearms and ammo, earning $53k a year after taxes, living rent-free in a cottage in large family property, with a monthly household bill of $120 a month
>my hick family has pooled, saved and invested in property, stocks, Roth IRA, livestock, cannabis biz and other fruitful ventures, for the last 41 years
>I only work 9 months a year
You corporate cityfags, bless y'all hearts.
I have 26days holidays plus extra 8 days for working on shifts. Not bad at all, 34days free a year
I honestly don't know of a single company that wouldn't give 4 weeks paid vacation to an employee of 10 years. Most would get more actually. Plus.... I don't get taxed to pay for others vacations.
The French one doesn't take into account paid sick days and rtt
>still living with your folks
I don't care how much you make, you're still a faggot
Nice one Cletus, I hope your sister also looks pretty.
>Work at McDonalds and have 1 week paid vacation.
>Want more vacation and better pay
>Attend school and earn higher degree
>Graduate and get job with better company
>Make more money, contribute more to society and now earn 3 weeks paid vacation
Incentive to better yourself ftw
>the State should force your employer to pay you to not work
Statist cucks.
>paid to go on vacation
literally what does that even mean?
Factually false on two counts.
One: two weeks annual leave is pretty much standard in the US. If you dont have it, its because your job is shit abd you should try for a better one.
Two: China is the only non-capitalist country on that list and it is not fully communist anymore
BONUS: extrapolating the data from my first two points means the whole image is suspect.
the fuck you say Chile... I get 25 days paid vacation, plus 14 days paid holiday pay for a total of 39 paid days off. go suck it UK
Yup efficiency
Staying 10 hours at work doesn't mean you are productive all that time. Overall working time is constantly decreasing.
>if you don't force vacation days they don't happen
t. retartd
Kek. I'm literally on paid vacation right now viewing this. Pretty sure this graph is vacation the government requires employers to give. Good thing my employer gives me more vacation than these countries. Fucking eurotrash doesn't have the backbone to ask employers for vacation time.
Same, wtf?
May y'all family's fund reach eight figures too (it took us 17 years). I pray for nothing but health and prosperity for both of y'all. The time will be fixing to come when the Lord with bless.
t.The McLeods
I got me a good'ol Egyptian gal (Copt).
Protestantism works
See, this doesn't mean anything. How much do they actually get, is it zero? What if they have no PAID vacation days but still effectively feel that they can take more vacation days than Mexicucks?
Too bad they're also leaders in cucking themelves out of existence.
Yet somehow France and Russia have more Muslims than the protestant countries. Almost as if immigrants want to go to places where its worth a damn to move to. The reason Poland is so white is because no one wants to live there.
the german one doesnt either
>only 28 days paid holiday
Just bc it isn't mandated by the state doesn't mean companies don't provide it
China has large state owned industry.
the comparison is also bullshit because the money your employer loses by giving you paid leave is substracted from your wage. wages in europe are far lower than in burgerland.
>capitalist country has most paid vacation days
>Getting a job handed to you on a plate
Legally enforced vacation days aren't proof of anything.
Pague respeto a tu general, chileno.
The fact that you bring up Russia shows your complete ineptitude when it comes to history and geography.
norway has 35 paid days
>browsing pol
>not wanting traditional family values
That's the minimum required by law though. A lot of places give you a good amount anyways to keep workers happy.
the idea behind it was more happy and relaxed people becoming more productive.
And as with most of these liberal ideas it probably came from the US in the first place but America went downhill from the 60's and onward. sux to be you.
Americans overall make far more even when considering 'paid vacations'.
That means our 'unpaid vacations' get us more than your 'paid vacations'. Congratulations on being tricked, dumbasses.
>tfw I get 19 days paid vacation and Ive only worked there a couple years
>Its another european who blames america for all their problems
You cant act like liberalism was invented in the USA...
unpaid vacations. so you go away for 3 weeks to yurop and you get paid zero.
and you win.
>american logic
you have to work for 2 years to make the average of what someone in my field makes in a year.
You've been tricked, idiot.
true, and i said probably. but its true that allot of ideas worked out in western societies where once liberal hippy ideas coming from the US.
i know where had to march and protests for months to get free days, even free weekends decades ago so it was enforced by ourselves but in general the ideas did come from when america was still a beacon of enlightenment and hope.
But user, how do you expect them to shit on America without a little misrepresentation?
Graph counts only what the government forces companies to do and heavily implies that it's the norm. It isn't, I got 30 days paid only after 2 years working on a blue collar job.
so you pick the field where america shines in, compare it with other countries whom don't have such infrastructures/culture/funding and then you win.
nice try.
too bad i'm too lazy to compare water management salaries between Dutchland and the US (because you don't have them and have to hire us to save your cities and coasts)
or how about working at mcdonalds in your country or mine, huge difference.
we can go back and forth endlessly.
btw, your awesome salary still says nothing about paid or unpaid vacations. so how am i tricked exactly?
>if the government doesn't force it, it won't happen
This is how you get people who confirm every bias about government you hear about, like literacy
you mean the Netherlands you botard?
How is going to happen then?
Invisible hand
>let me tell you about your country
How many paid days do you get? Including holidays?
yes Mr.Burger
I think it's talking about legally enforced paid vacation days
> The government didn't force my employer to pay me to do nothing and I signed my work contract without reading it like a retard. Now I can't skip work for almost a month and be paid to leech off. What do Sup Forums?
I could've worked at my father's+uncle's forklift business for a nice salary, but I went to the edible business (weed) instead. To be fair, a family has generations to prepare and provide prosperity to their progeny by doing pooling and savings, for decades before future holders of the family name are born. People hate on Jews all the time, but they had the discipline and foresight to accumulate wealth with generational pooling for centuries, to provide assets/property/funds for their unforeseeable kin. I admire that.
t.2nd-Gen Lebanese-Murican in Arkansas, currently in Los Angeles MX
28 days leave this year plus bought two more and carried five over. 35 days off boys. Sure is good not to live in a shithole country with zero statutory paid leave. Whoops, sorry Murrica!
>Yes, goy, you don't need vacation! Just slave away your life so me and my tribe can be even richer! If you work hard, i will throw you some more crumbs, goy. Now be a good goy and go to work
>expecting americans to spout arguments other then simple minded knee-jerks
I own a business, but my employees get 17 1st year and get 5 days extra per year worked, 2 days per year after 3 years
You negotiate for yourself with a company that offers you XXX amount of vacation time. These countries decided that everyone deserves XXX amount of vacation and mandated to companies that they must respect that. You can even have workers who are key personnel on projects electing to take their mandated vacation during a critical moment for your business and you can't say shit about it.
sometimes i wonder just how many american boys browsing Sup Forums develop depressions just by the sheer volume of shitposting about them.
and not just shitposting, its actually usually backed by facts.
> Yes, goy! The government needs more power to control lives of citizens. It doesn't matter that companies contribute most to the economy, the citizen is too dumb to read a work contract! Now be a good goy and just relax. You don't need to work. Just sit at home and relax. Next year, we will increase paid time off to 3 months so you can sit at home doing nothing more! You're welcome, goy!
doesn;t work lie that user. usually you have to plan in advance, get the boss' ok. and you can be denied because circumstances.
you can take free days but you can;t take them whenever the fuck.
and key personnel are key for a reason, there wont be many giving a company a hard time and visa versa.
Dad's a warehouse worker and he gets 4 weeks of Paid Time Off lmao
got that high seniority
Not to mention fresh air, land to call your own and a plot to grow a family!
And you get to always have your family close, I'm jealous of that user
Mexico is pretty damn commie
I get 25 paid days off (one of which I'm using today actually) straight out of college which doesn't include an extra two days for Thanksgiving and another six for Christmas and New Year's.
When you get a good enough job, government-mandated days off don't really apply to you anymore.
user, a lot of Americans have vacation and holidays. It's just not mandated by the government. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
shhh let the european keep thinking that big daddy government should be responsible for everything and take care of everyone
I have about 45 days of paid leave a year not counting sick days. What's even worse and unethical is that my employer can force me to take vacation time if I work over 70hrs a week for a month and they do to keep me from getting sweet triple overtime.
this is a lie.
you have minimum of 26 with a full time job.
and after 3 to 6 years it geos up to 36.
in germany
BritBong here.
We only get 20 days legal minimum (for all fulltime jobs).
Those extra 8 days are christmas, boxing day, easter, may day and 4 bank holidays I think. Those days we have to take off regardless.
PROTIP: Use 4 holiday days a year for each bank holiday (always on a monday) to have four 4 day breaks a year for 4 days holiday spent.
hey! pls no bully.
but it was an honest question, america-bashing has been the nr1 thing on Sup Forums since it launched. and its in just about every thread.
so much so anons have folders with 'evidence' just in case they need to chip in on any given subject.
doesn't it get depressing?
Check out postal workers, they get tons of paid vacation and paid sick days. like almost 3 months worth
China but these days only the government is communist.
When you on top you get alot of haters
The day america bashing stops is when ill start to worry
What? Actually its 24 min per law everything above is bonus.
t. leiharbeiter with 24 days atm
I'm not him, but can relate. My family has a house on 17 acres. I plan to experiment with building a semi underground earth home.
>inb4 it's called a 'dugout' dumbass
Lemme be me and do it, sheesh.
>blatant socialist nanny states
pick one faggot
Also people need to stop comparing Japan to other countries its fucking embarrassing. They actually have an honor system. Any time a country tries to compare themselves to Japan is just trying to prop themselves up statistically.
None of them are. America has always been mixed economy. It was capitalist-leaning before Federal Reserve, but now its socialist-leaning.
America is still more capitalist than any nation on the planet.
damn, we have been doing it wrong all along
>the government hasn’t made a law therefore thing doesn’t exist
most places give you a week payed after a year our so. and bonuses, and other money if you get a pretty ok job.
Yeah what the fuck. I'm on vacation and i still get paid a little bit every month. This graph was done by either a woman or a neet
America: the country where the government does absolutely nothing for you, except put you in jail.
No wonder amerilards are so scared of the government. Yeesh. Even in fucking BRAZIL the government manages to do a few good things for the people. Why can't the american government be anything more than a waiting room for lobbyists?
You want bigger or smaller government?
No wonder americans are on opoids
the catholic parts of Germany are the richest, most conservative and most developed ones
Protestant (northern) and atheist (eastern) Germany are both shitholes
^^^When your own data destroys your argument, the post.
Winning! I have even more than that. I work hard, I'm productive and I have a good life. Sorry burgerbros.
Well, we are not as evil as bongs to exterminate people we conquered, I am pretty sure there is some part of Bible that says we really should not slaughter people.
Catholics are vermin. Enjoy your “conservative” 1.8 million refugees.
"Paid" vacation is right. It's paid out of your salary dumbass!
>minimum paid vacation days
What the fuck sort of metric is that? And what is this graph implying? Those governments force companies to dole out vacation days? That's retarded.