Return of the Pajeet

With all this Aziz Ansari shit, turns out all that was needed to end the SJW crusade on men was to use their kryptonite a minority.

Try as they might, they cannot turn on a poo and it’s destroyed their momentum. #MePoo

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I love it !


Actually, it's even better what really happened.

Bitch was an uptight, socialite cunt who had buyer's remorse and thought because he didn't know what wine went with what entree he was some brute, but still sucked his dick because he's famous.

This is the exact abuse of the "movement" which will kill it.

Is he, dare I say it, /Ourguy/?

but its not reckless and hollow to accuse Trump of groping some nobody on a plane 30 years ago

This #Meetoo shit is starting to remind me of longest, shittiest relationship I ever had.

I fucked some girl when I was twenty, she claimed to all of our mutual friends that I raped her. I had 3 people wanting to beat my ass and my roommate was like "Nah, shit was consensual". Like an idiot, somehow I went back for more pussy after the shit died down and ended up dating this bitch for 3 years. We practically got into a competition on who could cheat on the other more. Don't ever try and "out cheat" a whore, you think you are winning one second and she just gets gangbanged and passes you up in one fucking night.... anyway, in recollection, the fact she tried to claim I raped her the first time we ever fucked shoulda been my red-flag (oh,and she was cheating on her boy friend at that time too... yea... I was much more naive back then)

molymeme did a pretty good analysis of this issue with another dude. You guys should listen to it while driving or something
Anyway, what do you call your special move with women, Sup Forums? I call mine "the striker" - I look at a woman, look away and get red.

Am I missing something? I read the account and it really came off as abuse. Who does the shit he did on a first date? They didn’t meet on Craig’s List. They met at an upscale event. Anybody who would pull that mouth finger fucking shit and bully behavior on someone they didn’t even know is an out of control sex addict who needs help. I wouldn’t call it rape true but it was clearly bullying and abuse.

Fuck that gross poo in the loo manlet freak. India’s main export in gang rape. They ain’t right. He also isn’t funny in the slightest and doesn’t deserve his career because he is a diversity hire.

Do people ask bullied kids why they didn’t just walk away? No. The account sounded a lot like that.

"The Crowbar" Fucking herwith her legs on your shoulder, you reach around from behind her with your hand in a "vulcan gesture"and use the wedge shape to press the bottom of your shaft upwards into her gspot..... I shoulda named it "The Vulcan" now that I think about it

I call it the Prisoner. It's where I find liberal girls who shout stuff like "there is no such thing as the friendzone!" and I fuck them plentifully, help them in their life, share my hobbies with them, then refuse to commit and move on to someone else. Did it by accident three times now and choose to laugh about it instead of drink about it.

what happened to "all women should be believed"

dont fucking victim blame just because you like someone who was accused

You sound like a 3x more retarded version of myself at that age.

Not really, since Aziz's situation isn't even harassment at all.

You're an imbecile.

More women are coming out on Aziz's side with comments like "A bad date isn't rape"

Also summary from Sup Forums.

remember when hollywood liberals were making fun of and insulting mike pence for never being alone with a woman unless his wife is there?

who is laughing now

Yea.... there is probably a picture of me in a book somewhere under the description "Potential Child Support Donor". Luckily I never got trapped

Mike pence is a fucking genius, can't get false accusations if your wife is there at all times

aziz is just a creep. not a rapist

>going against our indian king

lol nice try,drumpfkins

Name it "Vulcan 300"
Name it "The Scum"

Exactly but one ruins your career and the other makes you a bit odd.

So the people that hate the #metoo movement are stupid men that got burned because they fell in love with a whore? I already knew that m8.

I feel uncomfortable with White women getting Pooed by PooLoos and having a LooGasm. Once they go Poo they'll be too smelly to take back.

I think literally anything a Poo can do to a woman qualifies as rape.


>going against our indian king
>lol nice try,drumpfkins
The right wing media (NY Post and fox news) are on his side. it is an opportunity to deflate #metoo mania and rob the feminists of their momentum.

In a year #metoo won't even be remembered for the female victims, it will be remembered as "that time feminists went too far and the world told them to fuck off".

watch this if think aziz is not a TERRIBLE human.....
Owen Benjamin totals destroys him and his shitty comedy

shut up leaf

>Brown Man Accused of Rape. All women should be believed
>Accuser is a Privileged white women
This is gonna get good

>1 post by this ID
Do you just go through every thread looking for flags and posting random replies?

>I read the account and it really came off as abuse.
Because you're a faggot. If it was abuse, she should have left or gone to the police. He wasn't holding her down and it did not continue when she said no.

Your analogy shows you're retarded. We tell bullied kids to go to the authorities, which she did not do.

Did you forget to eat your daily norm of soy?

Owen ddid a charater called baziz, making of fun of the little manlet.....

fucking hilarious


Imagine being this much of a faggot.
Women enjoy being dominated nigger, get over it.
She wanted his dick because he's somewhat famous and has some money.


this is good

Reminder that

>Aziz actually did nothing wrong
>the only reason he's not going to get in trouble or have his career ruined is because he belongs to a protected group of people
>this will change absolutely nothing

In fact, you should expect to see the definitions of sexual harassment/assault to be widened even further and include things like asking her to split the check, not calling her back after a date, and being unattractive while being in the presence of a woman.

But hasn't #metoo only been the left eating their own? Why would we want this to die down, and why would I care about this Aziz guy?

Honestly you're the faggot here. Waah, Aziz dindu nuffin! He's my favorite leftist! I hope you're aware you're actually agreeing with nigger shills right now. Just look below.

This event isn't going to kill shit. Expect boat loads of articles in the next week or 2 saying that you can't just start questioning women now one of them has been outed as a lying gold digger and how you shitlords still need to #listenandbelieve.

>But hasn't #metoo only been the left eating their own?
Have you already forgotten Roy Moore? To date that is their greatest victory.

Feminists cannot have unlimited power. #metoo was turning into "woman points finger at random man and with no evidence he is socially and professionally destroyed".

You have exceptionally poor taste in monarchs

Didn’t that speech that initiated calls for Oprah to run for president entail a #meetoo speech?

I know this is bait, but take a peek at pic related. Also you're retarded if you think witch hunts like metoo are a step in the right direction.


So disgusting how they try'd to rail road Aziz dude looks like the most carebear harmless fucker in showbiz or comedy. They fucking treated him like hes Cosby roofying up white women for decades..

Jesus the shills are out in force today.

I'd sympathize with the guy if it was someone other than another '#woke male feminist" who brought it on themselves.

Let them self-cannibalize.

That wasn't #metoo shit. That was a democratic smear campaign with actual money behind it. But even if that's true, now it's lefties accusing lefties and we want it gone? Really makes me think.

The problem with this mentality is that it's a very slippery slope. The legal definition of rape in California is already almost the same as it is under Title IX in American colleges (i.e., regret sex) and movements like #methree are just going to spread that ideology even more. As people capitulate to avoid looking "anti-feminist" and others remain complacent or indifferent because they're not going after all of "our guys" yet, they slowly chip away at rights like due process. Not just on a legal level but on a social and professional level too- this is just how they go about effecting that change. When the Supreme Court or other bodies would block that kind of legal action, they turn to societal change instead through movements like this.

dont rush to his aid, one of his jokes was about "haha racists, I'm fucking white women, what are you gonna do about it?"

They can just accuse her as well. They dont care about shitting on republican women.

This. The progressive stack needs to be forced to display where white women sit in it so they can abandon that shit.

Yeah probably this desu.
I can already imagine it: "he [raped/groped/looked at] me in front of her, and she didn't even try to intervene!"
And then lots of tears for the camera, etc.

>I was much more naive back then
naive is not the word user, but we all make mistakes


Eh, good enough. So far we have the people being exposed as Jews, Gays and Shitskins.

Roy Moore didn't count, because the evidence was forged and the accuser got like 300k dollars paid for her story after the media found someone who could possibly accuse roy moore without anyone being able to check what happened 40 years ago. The others have no direct political gain to make from their accusations.

Were you raised by rabbits? What the fuck. You probably have ALL the STDs from fucking a bitch who does gangbangs on a regular basis.

No, we want to push it on and on for as long as we can with a maximum number of (leftist) casualties before it dies.

Meh my cut off is Negroids and spics/filipinos. Other Caucasoid/east asian races should be able to mate with whites.

Bad date? The guy got TWO blowjobs.

>That wasn't #metoo shit
The Internet was flooded with "We did it girls!" and political cartoons like pic related after Moore was defeated. I agree the dems smear campaign pushed it hard on tv, but online it was a #metoo thing.

Fuck off cuck.

Roy Moore is a small sacrifice for this massive weapon against the Left. "Accusers must always be believed" is a universal statement. If they don't uphold it, they're going to piss off the feminists. If they do, it means white women are racist or something.

Subjectivist morals are too complex for me.

Aziz din dunuffin wrong. Just a funny brown person that's horny is all.

What he did isn't/shouldn't be illegal but it wasn't the behavior of anyone who has any respect for wamen. And he needs to be called for the charleton he is.

The problem is exactly that: morals. This is a weapon for the left not against it because the morally corrupt have no problem tossing about false accusations to score a few political points. Likewise they also have no problem ignoring their own moral code when it suits them. For example, "he was accused but he is brown so it's okay." The problem arises when enough people accept that all accusers are to be believed and then nobody is safe. Except women and brown people.

The left created a tactical nuke and every female can use it. I'm waiting for a tranny to drop a metoo on kike.

Pandora box doesn't got shit on this.

I don't like the guy either. All I'm saying is that abandoning standards of proof for sensationalized moral "codes" like this one is not a prudent move. The guy is definitely an asshole, and I definitely don't agree with his political beliefs either (or evidently his social ones). That being said, bringing him down within the context of #metoo only gives that movement more power. And we need to recognize that feeding that movement is ultimately a bad thing.

>mouth finger fucking shit

Which only happened after she sucked his dick and they were walking around the apartment naked. She even jumped up and sat her ass on the counter playfully. She wanted a piece of the fame, realized he was awkward and that wasn't an act he put on, and regretted it later when she told her friends and was embarrassed. Literally nothing else.


>This is the exact abuse of the "movement" which will kill it.


Now they just need to start a movement where they all kill themselves.

How retarded are you?

"Accusers must always be believed" is a double edged sword though. Right after moore fell the #metoo girls went right back to targeting trump, but thankfully he is immune to their bullshit. There will be other targets on the right and those targets are not invincible like trump is.

Don't forget Bill O'Reilly and Roger Ailes were elite members of the foxnews team and both were fired in 2017 for harassing women. The right is not immune to this. Thankfully their scandals happened before #metoo got any traction or they would have taken credit for it.

The point is no no CEO or famous person is safe on the right because as you say "Accusers must always be believed" and they will be judged in the court of social media which is far less forgiving than a court of law.

Don’t have kids.

Kek, that's my screenie. I asked for the Claw and I got claws.

You dont fuck with hollywood $$$. Jews now are going to stop the tide.

This. Fucking exactly this. You're pretty based for a leaf, friendo.

Women should face punishment for these false rape accusations.

If you claimed that some dude raped you and the amount of time has passed since then that canned food is spoiling then you should face jail time.


I'm willing to lose one of our guys if it means taking out 10 of theirs.

>the Claw
Motorhead called it back in 1986 -

They dont want to expose this for what it really is because Ansari is brown and was 'helping' them. The media knows way more than what they're telling. When the truth comes out, everyone will be appalled for defending this guy.

I agree. I read an opinion piece I found in defense of Aziz, and god was it obnoxious. It smacked of feminism the whole way through and the conclusion was something along the lines of 'we went too far because he's a person of colour'. I feel like #metoo supporters absolutely wouldn't give a fuck if was it was a white man.

she didnt suck his dick

You have shit taste in women, hope you got aids

The thotcalypse is coming.

So the media draws the line when a minority is the victim of this hysteria, but white privilege!


Fuck no. That piece of shit needs to be waffle stomped.

But the left stands to lose entertainers and little else. It feels good to see them fal but it isn't making a difference. On the other hand the right stands to lose corporate leaders, the political elite, and even small buisness owners could be targeted if this shit moves from Hollywood to main street. Uber lost it's CEO Travis Kalanick over this kind of thing in 2017 and he was also a trump tech advisor. As #metoo expands they will be goign after smaller lower profile local targets.

Imagine being a small business owner and then one day a girl you don't recognize is claiming on facebook that you touched her bum once 11 years ago and now you are vilified and your business is boycotted. You lose literally everything because #metoo grew out of control.

You don't feel like it, you know it. Everything prior to this has shown it to be true. It's leftist feminist hypocrisy that's prevalent throughout the Western world.

This goes way beyond that. Imagine you're in tech sector, and your diversity hire feminazi coworker dislikes you and claims you pinched her ass in the stairwell five years ago. Or let's say you're corporate and you let slip your political beliefs in front of an admin assistant who can turn around and say you tried to make advances on her in the bathroom. This penetrates all levels of our society, and as the movement becomes more pervasive women will feel more and more emboldened (or "empowered") to use it for personal gain. Companies are constantly under more pressure from the left to adopt these kinds of policies too as movements like this give hem bad press they simply cannot afford. The endgame is that any man stands to lose everything.

Exactly, and this is why examples like "My bad date with Aziz" are so important in derailing this cancer. Expose the petty ones and embarrass #metoo in order to demonstrate "not all accusers are always right". Down the road I would love to see some serious lawsuits against women who stretch the truth too far.

I think there is some potential in terms of civil suits- legally the only real grounds is libel/slander and it's very difficult considering the existing case precedent involving social media. However, there are currently some promising moves being made by Betsy DeVos in stripping Title IX of its ability to ruin lives of falsely accused college students in the US.


High profile cases could get picked up on the grounds of damages and such, but it's really a tough sell until the movement dies. In the meantime we have to keep chipping away like you said. Popularize the ludicrous and frivolous accusations.

This aziz thing is working too. While the women are fighting each other over this red wine vs white wine debate and going on how creepy "the claw" was, they pretty much ignored Eliza Dushku coming forward about being molested by a stuntman when she was 12 year old while filming "True Lies".

Somehow Aziz was the bigger story and if what happened to Eliza was true it was a legit crime and yet it was ignored by these petty self serving women pushing their agenda. Attacking men is more important than looking after their fellow victims is what #metoo taught us this week.