>I should just play with tanuki instead messing with big boys
I should just play with tanuki instead messing with big boys
How can she ever recover?
I've forgave the author & PA for what they did in S1 with this Benten bullying fest.
Oh man, I hope Nindaime stay forever.
>Nindaime is the only man who can get me this wet.
>I've forgave the author & PA for what they did in S1
>people actually chose not to believe novel readers who said season 2 would be the suffering of Benten
I feel bad for you fags that didn't believe us. Then again you idiots are still holding out hope that fagboy at the bottom of the well will get with Kaisei.
>tfw you will never be as cool as Nidaime
Why even live?
But S1 was fine
Don't steal someone's else sofa : that the lesson to be learnt.
>But S1 was fine
It's really not.
Benten is total mary sue with behavior like spoiled little brat.
Yaichirou x Gyokuran
Yajirou x Kaisei
Yashirou - still a shota, will have some loli tanuki or perverted older women soon
At this point Yasaburou should just offer himself to be eaten by Benten, that's the closest he will be to female lips
>Yajirou x Kaisei
The delusion.
So what exactly happened in London?
>that's the closest he will be to female lips
Benten french kissed Yasabro in the very first episode of season 1, idiot.
Hope Benten learns some humility. I like her character but she really needs to face the consequences of her actions.
Oh like there's any bloody difference
Choose one
What fine lady like Gyokuran see in lame tanuki like Yaichirou?
Yaichirou is a fucking politician running for office, he's alpha as fuck.
Yajiro x Seiran
is there a new season or something?
Yes. Where have you been?
>not liking Yaichirou
Shit taste, hes best brother
is the new season the one that ends with the boat fights? i thought that was still s1 lol
>mary sue
>behavior like spoiled little brat
so they're not a marry sue then
Holy shit, is Benten actually getting BTFO'd this season? I didn't watch it because of more benten acting like a total cunt but might pick it up if that's true.
She stand no chance against NIDAIME POWER
Pussy and sweet eyes don't work on him
The Nindaime is making her look like the spoiled and petty child she is.
That's because he's gay now.
>People feel bad for this cunt.
>wannabe tengu
That's it then, time to give it an another chance.
Man, all these people who got mad at Benten for being a bitch.
Akadama needs some divine retribution, how the fuck does he get away with kidnapping someone?
Sure he lost most of his stuff and powers but how come everyone threats him as nicely as they do? If I were Benten I'd have tortured the fuck out of him.
And in the first season it's just infuriating how no one at all seems to take action towards solving anything. Literally open your mouth and that's it.
I'm with Benten, these animals are just retards, no wonder she takes advantage of them.
Could you give some extra spoilers?
Just stuff in general regarding the relationships.
Scroll through the most recent thread for some spoilers.
>How come everyone treats him nicely
He's a Tengu, and only the Tanuki really treat him nicely, and a lot of that is due to the whole social class thing and that he's an old family friend and teacher to a bunch of them. And even then a lot of the tanuki are treating him like crap now that he's lost his status among Tengu, nearly all of whom treat him like shit (Even his own former subordinates).
If everyone treated him super nicely he wouldn't be living in a shitty run down apartment/former tanuki clubhouse in a shitty part of town.
Tengu ARE divine retribution.
>Then again you idiots are still holding out hope that fagboy at the bottom of the well will get with Kaisei.
Never understood this. Have these two even shared a scene together?
Nope, he just had a one sided infatuation with her which he never acted on because it would have been a scandal at the time and doesn't do anything now because it became tied to his dad's death.
She goes to the well to talk to his frog self sometimes. But that's it and I'm glad the 'Kaisei is for frogbro only' user will get btfo soon.
I think he's still doing well for pulling shit like that, but that's my human perspective.
Also, like you said, it's more due to losing status rather than from his shitty actions, which is what doesn't sit well with me but whatever, again my human perspective on it.
So Benten was kidnapped as retribution to someone? Her family?
Legit question: Are the viewers seriously supposed to root for Benten or something?
Because Nidaime did literally nothing to warrant the agression directed toward him; he only came for his chaise/defended himself.
Benten is acting like some animal trying to chase another one off her territory and he's the only character having none of her shit. At least that's how it appears right now, doubt the potential L O N D O N flashbacks'll change things dramatically and somehow make it so she's in the right.
Even motherfucking Benten cry at frog well from time to time.
I mean that's what Tengu effectively are, so don't expect divine retribution happening to them.
Kidnapping women and children is just something Tengu do in mythology. It's part of being a Tengu. And Benten hasn't killed him or anything due to this weird love/hate thing she has for him. On the one hand she hates him for kidnapping her, on the other hand she loves/respects him for showing her a world of mystery and magic and giving her a higher status than she could have achieved before. That and he really did used to be a great Tengu worthy of respecting.
are tengu and tanuki the only mythological creatures in their world or are there a bunch of kappas eating ass somewhere?
>Legit question: Are the viewers seriously supposed to root for Benten or something?
I don't think the author or director are actually concerned with whether or not viewers root for Benten. They're just making her a character who isn't necessarily black/white that is part of Yasaburo's story. I'm a Kaiseifag but I won't deny that Benten is interesting to watch. I don't have to root for her or against her to enjoy what she brings to the show.
Should also mention Soun.
He kidnapped his brother, the leader of the Tanuki and one of the most famous and well respected Tanuki ever, and sold him to a bunch of humans who killed and ate him. Then he went on to harass the dead mans wife and kids for years before finally trying to kidnap and sell them to the same people who ate their dad.
And what was his punishment when this was found out? He went touring hotsprings for a few months while the heat died down and then snuck back disguised as his eldest son to plot some more.
This, can't believe people still don't get it
There are oni, gods, and wizards confirmed. Probably others as well. Tengu and tanuki just get focus because of the region.
Where does the idea you're supposed to root for anyone come from in the first place?
I've been mildly annoyed by the amount of people in these threads who see that conflict as something the viewer has to take a side on rather than just another way for the writer to explore his characters.
Because one of the objectives of fiction is to have people invested? To make them judge and think? You know you can hate a character and appreciate their role within the work at the same time?
Otherwise, what's even the point of this thread if not for discussing this shit? To say "that was cool, looking forward to next week", you wannabe critic?
You can judge and think about a conflict without taking the side for either party.
You can have more nuanced feelings and opinions than love and hate and those opinions are discussable too.
I'm not stopping you from forming your own opinions and hating whoever you want but you might want to consider that the writer of the story doesn't necessarily intend to you to root for anyone and that a conflict doesn't necessarily need a "right" and a "wrong" party.
Benten gets btfo again, but does she every get the upper hand at some point? does she best him?
The author so far has been good with the story and characters, so I feel he wouldn't resort to something like that, but still, does it happen?
I agree with you. It'd be like reading, say Frankenstein for example, and thinking you have to side with Frankenstein just because he's the narrator, or the monster because he's sympathetic, despite both having flaws.
But I think it's wrong to think the author doesn't want you to root for anybody. For the most part he wants you to root for Yasaburo and his family, which makes sense. But likewise, Yasaburo is mostly neutral in regards to the tengu issues. He's avoiding taking sides. So rather fittingly, the side you normally root for is the one also not taking sides.
He sets her hair on fire and she has to cut it off.
Sorry, that's what I mean with gets btfo again, as in will get it in the future again. After that does she best him in some way or something to regain the status quo?
That is her final confrontation with Nidaime in the 2nd novel. She fleds after the fire and later Yasaburo goes to see her and she has short hair.
he got mad that she aborted his child
>expect some DBZ kind of fight
>she was BTFO instantly
Nidaime power level must be OVER9000 tengus
can someone give me a quick rundown of wtf s1 even meant im too retarded to piece it together myself
Nidaime was sailing on the Ebisugawa liner in the novel, but that got changed.
Now imagine how strong sensei was in his prime considering he beat Nidaime and made him run off with his tail between his legs.
looks like a good change.
Oh fuck off. No one ever said Benten would not suffer, it's not a problem, that's all. And there are plenty of people claiming to have read it who post fake spoilers.
Its a bunch of stuff revolving around their dad and what happened in the past converging on the present.
The family is moving on from the dad being eaten, and as the series goes on, a little more about the dad, what happened to him, and what REALLY happened to him is revealed while the eldest brother runs for office, the uncle plots against them, the old tengu deals with an identity crisis, the humans get humanized, and the main character deals with it all.
>I don't have to root for her or against her to enjoy what she brings to the show.
Exactly. Plenty of viewers are retarded. I am a Bentenfag and I am enjoying this.
>post fake spoilers.
If you know which are fake why don't you point them out.
> unironically watching this shit
>Oh man, I hope Nindaime stay forever.
They will marry.
S2 is supposed to be a novel adaption right? Was Kumeta involved in the story at all or is it all some other guy? S2 has been way better than S1 so far, I almost regret watching it if S2 was going to be so much better, watching S1 before almost ruins it a little than if you didn't watch it at all before.
I forgot everything about the season 1
is the season 2 good? I would watch 1 again
Nothing has changed between S2 and S1.
they've mention hotpots like one, maybe two times, and the professor isn't as annoying as shit now who only has the same thing to say every time he opens his mouth, when he first showed up he said his usual stuff but then that was it, if S1 had that kind of ability to not be so repetitive I would have liked it more
Do the humans knows that they exist?
That's just your opinion, but facts are that the author and staff didn't change.
Maybe you'll find S2 repetitive by the end too, but that would just be your opinion.
like, when he first shows up again in this scene the first thing I thought, oh god not this idiot again this is literally his entire character, how much he fucking loves Tanuki and wants to eat them, but then proceeds to actually have him to other shit, it was amazing and it only reaffirms my realization that S1 just sucked.
Why doth thy lady cryeth?
>and it only reaffirms my realization that S1 just sucked.
Why? You'd have to be an idiot to not like his character and the development he got during S1.
You wouldn't care that much about him if he was just a guy who liked Tanuki, never ate one and wasn't part of the Friday Fellows. He would have no reason to be part of the plot.
I would care about him significantly more
I don't think so. He wouldn't bring much to the story.
I get the events of S1 were important to the story, but actually sitting through it the way it was told was something I could have done without, I would rather have just jumped into S2 without having had to watch the original, I don't know what it was if Kumeta was just doing whatever in the original and just didn't care and it only manage to be good this time around because the new author really liked the show and wanted to give it a good plot this time around.
He only did the character designs. He has nothing to do with the story.
that's good, the story seemed like something he'd think up but the execution was way off of anything he'd done before and I was wondering what was up.
Why are Uchouten threads suddenly getting flooded by retards who don't even understand what they are watching jesus christ.