What does he know about terrorism?
What does he know about terrorism?
How to carry it out. For example, that statement.
Jokes on him I already don't leave the house.
>For example, that statement.
Indeed. What a dumb piece of shit.
>Hurr Durr don't leave the house! It's ok if the ecomony crashes right before 2018
Thus a democrat landslide was born...
That it's largely manufactured by FBI and CIA.
That it's done by our government.
It is so bad that the FBI barely has time to set up entrapment schemes to stop potential terrorists. If you knew how close to being radicalized by the FBI our troubled youth are, you'd never leave the house!
It provides him job security
That your own government, military, and police are the perpetrators.
Literally came here to same this exact same thing.
That it's created and allowed by our government to justify over bloated government funds?
That its all government sponsored.
cigarettes are bad! here pay a tax so they can learn better, the people who sell them.
Corporations are BAD
Assualt drones domestic
he meant we have 3 million mudslimes and they can chimpout at any time
Oh god, it's gone airborne! There's no cure! Ruuuuunnnnn
he means NEETs are the master race
hurry up, get back to the work wagie, try not to get blown up by Mohammed on the way to your shift
>there are terrible threats out there, literal Mujahideen waiting to blow you up
>we need to increase your taxes to combat this vicious threat
>pay up goym
>most mutss will belive it
That they fund terrorism and they track everyone, so they could easily have someone run you over with a truck from your nearest Home Depot, and that's why you should ever leave the house.
Meaning that spooky "alt-righters" or "white supremacists" are in every city in America, right?
Or this.
That its done by greatest ally and therefore will never stop because they never actually go to war with the people that do it?