Lactatia Exposure and Child Abuse

Alt-Media reports on (((drag kids))) story:

An 8 year old is being sexualised and abused publicly:
This is the original tweet. The account is now made private because of public outrage:

The kid was probably molested since he was a baby. Has degenerates as parents and is modelling for an erotic costume company.
This is a huge red pill for normies. Spread the info.

This is the pedo that runs the company:

He account is still public and he is in full damage control right now.
Be sure to let him know what you think.

Archived Twitter of Account: &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk

Another (((Drag Kid))):

Hollywood applauds child rapist:

Playboy Magazine involved in child pornography In the 70s:

Massive Pizzagate Dump

Keep it simple.

Expose, harass, put this shit down.

Other urls found in this thread:


FBI is that you?

Could we even spot mutated cultists and demons trying to infiltrate us at this rate?

Remember guys, spam the twitters, bring down hate on them, harass and expose, never let up to help out this kid.

Keep on the pressure and he will crack

Mainstream media pushing for the sexualisation of an 8 year old kid

we're living in the end times

I'm doing my part. Did we ever agree on the proper #?


Short, sweet, and to the point


>tfw ISIS were the good guys
what a plot twist

Perhaps the West really deserves to be fall.

yes we should discuss this more

You cant stop it if you refuse to go after the media that condones it.

Reminder to blast the Father as much as the producer for enabling this in the first place

*my ummah dawn playing softly in the background*

Thanks, just tweeted.
Do any of yall have a reddit account? Is r/T_D doing anything about this? I believe they can be helpful in certain situations...and this is one.

Remember to blast the producers as well, blast anyone profiting off of this disgusting shit

we need an ebin get for the energy to destroy this kid's "parents"


Be sure to tweet any and all imcriminating images and sources you can attach, throw-away twitter accounts are good too.

What was originally posted. Not that it's appropriate for the kid to be doing this at all, but all I see now is the kid in a sequin bodysuit with a hoodie. I DO NOT WANT TO SEE THE PHOTOGRAPHS. I would just like to know what the content was.

>the goyim know shut it down

twitter already locked out my account after 1 post

Include the 14 words when tweeting about this to redpill normies and convert them to our side.

Basically, 8 year old is being shown off as a drag queen kid, who cross dresses and flaunts around on runways watched by many many adults, with a heavy ton of sexualization, due to the kid being promoted by a BSDM and sexual community despite him being 8 years old.

Also it seems to heavily imply his father is forcing him to do this, and that he doesn't want to do this himself due to photos with "bike" bruises and the Webm I posted earlier of him staring and suggestively looking at his son before he does a sexual dance on a runway

Hell is far too good for that man.

I see. Time to rev up my Twitter accounts. Hopefully we can put him out of business at least.

i wonder how much hate for men this thing's mother had inside and on how many dicks did his father had to ride before that whore of a slut allowed him to cum inside her

Fuck off shill you won't derail this.

Yep. Me too.The twitter algorythm must have been updated specifically to protect this paedophile.

Try using other language, chaps, we're being autobanned.

Yeah, the only other tweets I see for ChildAbuse are the ones about the parents that chained their kids to the bed.
But I'm not giving up that easy.

Please tell me how to help. I don’t know how normie media works.

Find them in your neighbourhood and report them to police. Get a look in windows and see if you can spot any strange art or for example kids toys in the houses of single men.

Go on twitter, spam them with hate with the hashtag #ChildAbuse

Drop facts and proof of them abusing the kid, abuse them and get the normies to understand how fucking sick this is.

Another good way is to find out information about the whole subject and find more dirt to spread on this whole ordeal

#ChildAbuse #PedoAgenda

Oh hey that's Sasha Velour!!!!

>some kids never have a chance because they're born in africa and they life amid the mud and mosquitos and niggers til they die young
>some kids never have a chance because they're born in SE asia and work in a sweatshop til they lose some fingers and have to beg or whore themselves
>some kids never have a chance because they're born in a first world country to leftist parents who ruin their child's chance of having a normal life

the parents

I literally need my hand held, I don’t know what and where to post, I’ve never tweeted.
Anonymity shouldn’t really matter if I stick to normie-tier outrage, right?


Spread the hashtag around

Lets try something more targeted


what is wrong with this creature’s lip

Just tweet directly to this guy, create a sock puppet account and keep spamming him with hate

Is that hellraiser?

Twitter protects these people no matter what, no matter if it hurts children.

So as another user said we need a new set of words to string together for this or another platform because twitter catches on fast.

He always looks deathly pale

Maybe he is malnourished to keep up a "queen" figure

yknow what I don't get? Why push pedophilia acceptance when the elite is already doing it behind closed gates anyways? Whats there to gain?
Imo transgender shit is already pushing it with the average person, but pedophilia advocacy is too guttural of a disgust to get rid of in the average person. I just don't see the point, are they this arrogant that they have to overplay their cards yet again?

No it's the winner of RuPaul's Drag Race series 9

shifting the overton window. is good for throwaway emails unless you have other options

I feel like that would be a fun show to watch for laffs but I also feel like it would give me night terrors

Yeah but I think pedophilia is genuinely too far this time, all memes aside
or do you mean that other, more "mild" degeneracy will look better in comparison, and therefore it'll still pay off?

10 years ago you would have said 14 year old boys cutting their dicks off would never be accepted.

Is this the sex shop owner who hired the boy? Is there a hashtag I should use?

Nobody said no to them with transsexuality, and if somebody dared, he would be destroyed, so they just keep on pushing with new things

Satan is basicly sitting next too that child.

Fucking sickening. This is what politicaly correct people wants.

Theese Fucking sickos deserves to get necked.

It's fun to watch from the perspective of being a devastating deconstruction of the female psyche. It's incredibly misogynistic in that way. Basically black-face but it's women instead of blacks

that was uncomfortable to watch

This. They don't have to make pedophilia acceptable, just less disgusting.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

The world is ending.

Hit them where it hurts, I suggest finding phone numbers, addresses, as well as using some other hashtags to let them know
Find the source and cut off the head of the snake, I would suggest going to the parents facebook

this little faggot needs deprogrammed, quickly

oh man. the father is just the softest looking motherfucker I have ever seen. that he is trying to look tough makes my blood boil. thinly veiled pussy.

Also got some facebook links, use them wisely


>The world is ending.
it is not, it's just constantly changing and sadly the 'powers that be' are changing it in a negative way because retards would rather sit on their ass and pray then do something about it

Are you tired of society constantly sexualising anything and everything, including our kids?
Are you tired of being called a bigot for being against faggotry and LGBTQUEFNWEFUBWIFBWEF?
Do you want to see these people hanged?
Do you want shills to fuck off?
Do you want to see pedos burn?
Then join Operation LAZARUS now!

This is why muslims blow us up, I'm sure of it.

The hashtag is inundated with Pakistani and the 13 kids thing.
You need #nopedoor something I dunno. Is it good if the tag is being used for a bunch of other shit?

Instagram where adults ask for photos of the kid, real sick shit

Has the US finally gone full Weimar? Have we hit rock bottom yet or does our rock bottom still have a basement?

>Another (((Drag Kid))):
It seems highly improbably that this kid is the one actually running that twitter account.....

link (((removed)))

This is where I blow myself up.

I thought this had some promise so I'm linking it here.
Shit, we could make it fun and start shooping pedobear into these pics and tweeting them back at them.


I genuinely don't believe any of these kids are even actually like this. I think their parents, so caught up in their SJW bullshit, are pressuring these kids (may not even be aware they are doing it) to act this way. i'm so ready for the cleansing.

yes yes yes

They love it because their social value skyrockets. They kill themselves when people get board of their shit.

it's obvious child abuse, these children would have no idea these concepts even existed without a shit parent corrupting them, children like never existed in the 1950's

This thread inspired me to make fresh sanic OC.

why is it only white people doing this drag queen thing

You have no proof of any illegal activity.


Gas yourself

Follow the bloodmoney m8.

Also, they worship Saturn for god only knows what reasons. Part of that is flaunting it in front of normie's stupid unenlightened faces. I know it sounds ridiculous, that's part of the thrill for them. It's almost like Sup Forums dropping injokes into pranks, only their idea of a prank is mass rape of kids.

Does it matter?

Honestly, I am having a hard time understanding why a German would care. Haven't you discarded all morality and culture to embrace moral relativism at this point anyway?

Bugman mouth

I got banned for calling Brandon Hilton commie scum kek

My God lol look at all those FAGGOTS in the crowd!

WHY DO THEY ALL LOOK SO FUCKING SCARY? For fucks sake, they always make me jump out of my chair.


Okay so twitter is terrible and I can’t imagine this having any affect. What else can I do without going to jail?

Too bad there’s no legal way to revoke custody of these poor kids’ from their predatory parents considering child exploitation is supposed to be illegal. There has to be clear signs of sexual abuse too which we do not have and a kid in drag isn’t much to go by in terms of legality, child pageants aren’t illegal either so they’re going to want concrete evidence.

if it is being done in the name of progressive brownie points to little boys no one cares. These poor children, god only knows what they have been exposed to considering the crowds they hang around. Why can’t kids play dress up at home and call it a day?

Shut up, and get out of this thread. A fucking 11 old kid should not be sexualized.
kys you GOD damned queer!

at 8 or 9 years old you like what you were taught.. the rebellious phase starts with teenager hormones, which this sad human probably never feel, since the parents probably will make him gobble up hormones...

the problem is programming at early age... if he is lucky he will get disillusioned, get depressive and maybe escapes.. if not.. let us pray for him

source on that image?

>le 56% face is real

It's not. There are tonnes of blacks on RuPaul's Drag Race, and mexicans and puerto ricans aren't uncommon


Don't create infighting and divide and conquer drama. Besides, as the world capitol of porn production, abortions second only to China and Russia, and a drug epidemic that rivals the Chinese Opium wars, people in the US sound not be throwing stones in a glass house. Let's fix our shit then worry about everyone else.

pic related