Daily reminder...

Daily reminder, your cumskin huite ancestors that you take pride in cucked to the Gorkhas at every possible invasion and later had to call for their support when cumskins started losing war to Axis for victory

> Repelled Britshit invasion

> Repelled Chink invasion

> Repelled Mudslime invasion

> Repelled the Japs during WW2

> Hitler believed only Gorkhas can't be defeated by any military force in the world

Aayo Gorkhali !!

Other urls found in this thread:


India, the land of rape and poo. All you have given the world is an abundance of taxi drivers and low level coders. Take your brown, hairy fingers off of the keyboard and never again speak of the human race you mockery to our supposed shared ancestor

I am from Gorkha ancestry, not some muttskin pig lookalike bloodline like yours. And when you talk of taxi drivers, talk for the cumskin dropouts.
Your cumskin ancestors failed at every possible invasion. Take your mutt ass back to high school and get some degree to actually match the Indians living in your muttland.

You're just a pigskin huite nigger.

So basically what you're saying is you're a mongoloid looking rape baby? How fucking awkward to live in India and look like a chink, sad

And it's so sad that your cumskin ancestors failed to conquer the Mongoloid looking rape babies and cucked to em every time they tried.

Well at least you tried. You're always be inferior to us and be nothing more than a mutt jizzskin huite nigger. Now go make me a vegan sandwich at your nearest subway.

Pitiful India, just pitiful.

Don't British army even still recruit Gurkhas?

You literally have a caste system where the lighter poos that got bleached are elite to you brown plebs. But we're the cucked ones...


That's the 10000 years of selective breeding that your supremacist cumskin ancestors tried to achieve.

That's what the picture in the OP is about. India has Gurkha regiments too, but they're shittier just like everything else in India.

sry, can't read your post, too much bad smellings of poo, pls show bob & lasagna !

they're not indians they're azns

no. they left to fight a war

> Implying losing wars or running away mid way to every nation you invade makes you anything better.

> You guys lost to fuckin Mongoloid rice farmers kek.

>Romanian education

I know this is bait but gurkhas are formal members of the British military and assist U.S./Australian units formally

They're like a tribe of warriors who fought the white man, so the white man went "you guys are pretty impressive, would you like a job" and they accepted

Your Bongshits ancestors got cucked by Gorkhas.

Because literally every other civilization on the planet hasn't valued lighter skin tones over darker ones forever. You stupid nigger

We were given contracts to fight side by side with the forces that took our services. Every Gorkha infantry has the same rights as the other infantries.

lmao the street shitter forgot to put his meme flag on before he posted hahhahahah

Yea that is why every other cumskin civilization ceases to exist in it's original form and meanwhile cucks to every invader.

Cumskin niggers are more dumb than usual niggers kek.


You would get BTFO if you even looked at a gurkha

>he thinks this is indian

Still I am not shying away from it, unlike your cumskin mutt countrymen shying away from the cuckloadery like a usual cumskin nigger.

There is a majority of Gorkha community living in India in the state of West Bengal.
We are trying to get a separate state.

And don't consider yourself any better, you're a South African. Possibly a nigger or a cumskin huite nigger to be worst.

Some indians looks like that I don't know why you're talking so arrogantly when you're so wrong its funny. Don't you have some black cocks to guzzle? Black South Africa Best South Africa.


Check for yourself nigger.

We will serve whatever country we are living in as our national and intellectual duty, let it be the Gorkha brother living in USA or even your nigger country.

We like Gurkhas. The difference between us is that, as a planet conquering civilization whose culture will decisively shape the next thousand years of world history, we don't feel the need to denigrate plucky provincials like you. In fact, we tend to take a creator's pride in those of you who have learned something of civilized living from the west. We're more proud of Seoul than we are of Chicago. Resentment is unbecoming, and unworthy of a warrior people. Get your shit together by recognizing and emulating the better aspects of a truly great people. Do not attempt to prop up your self-image by flinging mud at your betters because you happened to ve one of the few specks of the globe we didn't utterly conquer. It's like a failed QB saying Tom Brady sucks because he once beat him in pop warner.

>indian taking credit for nepal's strides and implying nepal is majority indian, not asian

You can throw on as many VPNs as you want but your bait is still crap, you will never be a gurkha because you are afraid of toilets

he probably just shat everywhere. the grenades where most likely poo, and the mine was just his designated shitting area.

it's romanian googling, we don't learn the history of those regions rofl

Also he doesn't realize that SA soldiers are pretty damn high tier themselves... well at least the white ones.

gorkhas are used by the freemason mi5 pedophile british state
to defend the pedophile sultan of brunei

but none of them can match irish fighters

Would you rather be a cumskin or a shitskin?


gorkas in india want independence from the corrupt sexualised freemasons pedophile infested rss terrorist government of india

ghurkas will have support and supplies from the irish republican army

free ghurkaland



They sound pretty formidable. Are they agents of Melkor, or do they serve the White Hand?