Is genocide ever morally defensible?
Is genocide ever morally defensible?
on freaks like this, yes.
>Be bald as fuck
>decide to become a woman because you have little self esteem of baldness and decide you have no chance as a man
>grow hair long and put fake tits
This is called Epic Fail
Fuck you. It was the latest /r9k/ meet up. I must say it was quite nice but extremely awkward. Me in the back.
Absolute morality yes
Relative morality no
Almost always, yes
Absolutely. We will genocide the kike. It begins this year.
That's me in the corner
only if its on trannies
What is it about speedrunning pushes boys into this? The soft plastics of controllers?
That's me in the spot light
>did you call moi a dipshit?
This is good evidence of the ongoing white genocide, for which whites have nothing to blame but themselves. Yes time for a purge, knock out the dead wood so to speak. That purge will stop the genocide.
Wow, one photo summing up a big chunk of the problems with the US.
A table full of trannies and soyboys eating at a shitty franchise restaurant while in the back ground a tiny manlet black man eats with his giant fat white girlfriend with a dyke hair cut.
Everyday this country gets worse and worse.
a culling of the legitimately ill is fine
OH nononono
it is always defensible because it's the most natural thing in the world. humans have been genociding each other since the beginning of time, because if they didn't they would be genocided themselves. t
he only reason that one group did not kill another gruop historically is because they couldn't do it, or it was too risky or it wasn't worth the cost. but sure everybody wanted to destroy their enemies.
so yes genocide is always defensible. as long as you can do it, your enemies must always be destroyed.