Why didn't we listen? He could've saved western civilization. He already single handily took down the Soviet Union for the US, and yet we painted him as some sort of personification of evil.
Why didn't we listen? He could've saved western civilization...
Our society has so many brown people it will collapse soon anyway
did he really say that
too lazy to google it
If only he chose a more diplomatic rather than violent route and attempted to reach an accord with the right-wing.
He essentially wanted the same thing as Sup Forums, which was for people to be isolationist and stop intervening in each other's affairs, to stop immigration and give every people their own land.
Fuck you
>Jewish puppet detected
What's it like to fight for the special interest of Jews?
What he did was wrong but the US had been bombing him for years at that point.
He just wanted you guys to leave the Middle East and stop supporting Israel and Saudi Arabia, those were literally his only demands.
Muslims are just another jewish sect of a jewish religion, fuck off.
Pretty cool actually. I got to kill 5 people, got to get paid to go to university, I drive like an asshole and never get tickets because of my ZOG licence plate, I get hired for jobs I'm not even remotely qualified for, and my dick grew an extra inch. Serious question: does anybody actually believe you that jews were the reason you never fought, or is that just how you sleep at night being a coward and all?
Just literally take the tens of thousands of American ex pats working in Saudi Arabia and vacate, also get out of every single country in the middle east. Totally reasonable. You simpleton
He wanted American soldiers to leave Saudi Arabia foremost, but yes eventually he wanted the expats to go too. In exchange he wanted Muslims to leave Western countries and return to the Middle East.
Yeah? And how did that plan work out for him?
So I mean, it's up to you to work out which end of that deal would have been more beneficial.
Well of course it didn't work out, there are now more American soldiers than ever in the Middle East, and there are also more Muslims than ever in Europe and America. Is that what you're cheering, a globalist world?
Nah that nigger is a kike
Dude......... this shopping cart coloring book Sup Forums "babies first theology" is getting really old.
"Her derrrr Christians and Muslims are all just Jews lel BASED"
No dude...... no. I can't help you, you have to at least learn a LITTLE BIT about each of the religions you are attempting to refute in one sentence.
The fucking arrogance man..... a millennium of apologetics, and you refuted 3 religions in one sentence.... WOW
cuck detected
>Why didn't we listen?
Because his soul is an unflushed toilet.
Are Robert Fisk's books about bin Laden and this time any good?
Who did it then? Osama or the jew?
Yes his narrative was pretty much the current Russian shill narrative.
blah blah 'Merica is purely a kike puppet state blah blah poor Islamic "fundamentalists" dindu nothin' blah blah Sharia kill the infidels blah
Muslims being rabid dogs doesn't stop you being a total puppet state of The Tribe.
Dude I was 18, I really just joined for the violence...jesus for a bunch of "nazis" Sup Forums sure seems pretty sensative to the plight of subhuman cave niggers
Only because we have their co-religionists causing shit over here about the shit being caused by you over there.
Dude I can hear your massive nostrils vibrating from all the way over here
Thanks for Helmand province you fucking faggot
no one listened becz the right was cucked with support for Israel back then - fucking neo cons.
Being far-right doesn't mean you can't have compassion for other people, especially people that are ideologically similar except they have a different religion.
Follow the golden rule, do unto others as you would want done to you. Killing people for retarded geopolitical games is just cancerous.
How about killing people because it's fun? Seriously, nobody talks about this. It's fucking fun shooting some people. You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn't wear a veil. You know, guys like that ain't got no manhood left anyway. So it's a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them
LMAO. It’s thiz ZOGbot again. Get some popcorn lads.