Does Sup Forums believe in love?

does Sup Forums believe in love?

yes, because to not believe in love leads to a pointless life

We believe in eugenics

Yes, but only to 2d

yes. Unironically. What is a proper definition of love though, I often get it mixed up with hope. I've seen a lot of webms on here which seem to point in the direction of morals being a human invention. But there is something which makes me get up in the morning and I refuse to believe it's something biological. I believe in a higher force that's grounded in morality, yes.

So you believed in something you know nothing about, save what past "authorities" have insisted as true using questionable sources.

Love is nothing more than lust and dominance, i believe in that.

Love is all you need to live. Music which is the final gift of the gods to mankind, a potent magic form, teaches us this lesson many times over. The sheer amount of information channeled from the infinite that teaches us the importance of love is staggering. Love is like everything man.

Yes love is also biological its basically a chemical combination in your brain that coses strong emotional feelings. Unlike "race" love actually exist

I believe in eternal struggle towards a higher ideal. There is no death for the honourable.

Raising a healthy white family is part of that. Needless to say, MGTOWs and thots aren't.

Yeah, but other then for your blood family it seems fleeting and temporary. It will fuck you up. I haven't decided if its worth it.

Yes, obviously.
I'm feeling it right now and sharing it with a woman I love luckily.
Hope that all the anons here find their special halves.

Yes, but I think most everyone mistakes it for lust or biologically motivated mating processes. Once we shed our meaty physical forms, human love will be able to flourish uncorrupted by meat. Until then, we're just a bunch of thirsty apes in a mad race to shit out more apes, propping ourselves up with pretense and ceremony.

t. nigger

Yes. But I also view it realistically, and realize it's limitations. It does not, in fact, conquer all. You must always remain aware of that.

If you find the right person love for her doesn't disappear, it just changes and becomes more mature and less based on pure lust.
Same way you don't stop loving your family or friends, after a certain point she becomes part of who you are.
That being said if you wouldn't communicate with her unless you were physically attracted to her the love will be fleeting.
The key is for her to be super hot to you and also competable as a person with you, as obvious as that sounds.

I won't but thank you

Love is overrated

A man can conquer many things if he is motivated and determined enough and love is one of the greatest motivators.
I think it's more accurate to say that love can help you conquer all that is at the peak of your ability.

Love is just an evolved form of familiarity.

How so?

Love is like a rocket engine. It can help you attain unprecedented heights or it can make you crash into the ground and explode into a ball of hell fire. Or it can just sit on the launchpad and sputter embarrassingly. I don't know where I'm going with this.

Love is just a drug, it's a natural chemical reaction. It does exist but it doesn't last long and it's the equivalent of doing drugs. The only true love is familiar love, even then it's in exchange for mutual benefit.

You don't need love. You need food, sex, happiness, and stimulation.

I believe that most people don't know what love is.

It's not the spark you feel at the beginning of a relationship. It's the familial bond you feel towards a partner after years of going through hardship together. It's something you build, together, something that can never be broken.

Today's society is so focused on the short term and the fleeting sensation of instant gratification, that we've forsaken true love and deep family connections, and it will destroy our society over the coming generations if it is not reversed

I just find in a relationship one is always chasing the other.

Yes but most people aren't smart enough to distinguish it from lust and infatuation.

Love for god, love for Fatherland, love for Family.

This is some stupid shit pal. What your basically said is what everyone knows.
At first you are super hyped and want to fuck all day with her, and if you develop a deeper bond and you two are generally competable people you will be happily raising kids together.
Why are people trying to be edgelords? There isn't much need to deconstruct human emotions, what you feel and do is what you get, there is no need to over complicate it.
That's the key, two right people have to match and your ego, jealousy etc. has to click. For example me and my girl are extremely jelous and self conscious but it works better that way because we actually feel how we should act not to annoy the other.

Do you believe in life after love?

I remember someone once saying that everything they loved is insured.

Love is an observable neurological phenomenon
Emergent =\= abstract

Only for doggos

What is the definition?
"To seek the improvement of another"
This is .97 the definition. I have yet to see a better one.

Yes, a man needs love in his life to accomplish great things. That love could be for art, music, for his nation, anything.
However it is also a fact that females are incapable of loving anyone but themselves and their children, and now we have the degenerate society where many females don't like the idea of being a mother, they hate children.
What a time to be alive

i don't know what love is, but i want to know

This is very true. Especially for our peers.

Yes, I love killing Kikes, because I hate kikes for corrupting the people I love.


It's pretty incredible how most of the comments only associate love with biology, very materialistc

none of these faggots understand love.
It's either lust or innate desire to preserve ones genetic heritage.
Love as a concept is bullshit.