Latest victim of the Fuentes Fury is a Jewish subversive Jacob Wohl.
>This video contains scenes of rape
Latest victim of the Fuentes Fury is a Jewish subversive Jacob Wohl.
>This video contains scenes of rape
Other urls found in this thread:
Absolute savage destroys this kike. This was the worst beating i have ever witnessed in my life.
Hope he stops hanging out with this Laura Loomer character.
i'm not watching one hour of this midget.
Nick Fuentes single handedly destroys the israel loving alt-kike.
Allow Nick and James to go their own way, this doesn't have to be any more damaging to their careers than it has to be. They're both good guys. As with Unite the Right, not everyone can adopt the same tactics, but we can have overlapping goals.
Fuck the Alt Right.
How do we stop the persecution of Catholics on Sup Forums?
No spics allowed
Ah, a Fuentes thread that isn't filled with stale copypasted talking points from IDs with 30+ posts. TRS shills must be on a smoke break.
kill yourself shill rat
Does nicky pay for his own spic defense force?
>TRS shills must be on a smoke break.
> They're both good guys
The only thing that Nick proved in this whole affair is that he is a piece of shit who needs to grow up. He doxxed his childhood friend as revenge for a business dispute.
Compare Nick's replacement (top) to Nick (bottom). Who do you think is easier to work with? Nick is smart but his autism and immaturity is a serious problem, especially in political movements which depend on cooperation, discretion, and leadership.
Fuck you.
He's talented for his age. But he seems to have a fatal flaw in that he can't play well with others. He is probably better off in his own fish bowl and I will support it when he says the right things and doesn't punch right too hard. I think he will look back when he is older and regret certain behaviors like most people.
I'm going to give nick another chance because he's young and maybe needs to work alone. He needs to drop the irony bros though.
Little Dick Fuentes is a mediocre debater at best. He's been BTFO by Destiny, Spencer and many more. Sad!
Ironybro spotted
>hangs out with kikes
>stirs infighting 24/7
>still has a blue checkmark
Wow, SPLC stepped up their game
He'll never do that, they feed his ego
Don't worry, the TRSIDF has now been alerted to this thread's existance. Our agents are on the way.
>TRS boogieman
Do you ironybros ever chill?
> He needs to drop the irony bros though
Who else does he have at this point - besides Laura Loomer? Nick got the overwhelming majority of his audience from James, who has roughly 20x more subscribers than him.
No hun, the thing he proven is that he has strong analytic skills while James is a spencer regurgitating black-pilled faggot who's more interested in towing whatever line TRS's talking heads throw out there than "rocking the boat" by telling the truth.
itt shills trying to attack this kid because he BTFO of the Jew and exposed Israel.
>defends kid whose only followers are autistic "le irony XDDD" nazbols
>calls people who call him out nazbols
Why is Matt on nicks side though? The irony bros shat on him. I hope he doesn't say he was wrong about them. He's not. They are poisonous. Nick is talented though.
HAHAHAHA yeah, now that nicky burned all his bridges he is on his own, all you can do now is astroturf on Sup Forums. Also funny how king opticuck fawns over nehlen
> doesn't address the post in any way
> "hun"
Huh, breaks over guys. All TRS anti-Fuentes shills back on duty.
>ROFL he's not part of the e-celeb club that I like so I can ignore that he's right and that james is delusional
Im not a TRS shill why did you tag me?
Extremely mad ironybro
> a widely disliked figure has become a lolcow after getting fired from his own company by his last remaining friend
Nice strawman, bitch. Have fun shilling for this cringy mutt
Fuentes irony bros can't take the constructive criticism of Fuentes. I said he was talented but that doesn't make him more important white nationalism itself and that's where we part ways
oh I found his parents address easier than I thought.
Fuck Nick and fuck James for letting this shit out in public. Stop spamming the board and sage these threads.
Why are you doxxing him? Because he BTFO of you?
absolutely based.
>Fuck Nick and fuck James for letting this shit out in public.
Why are you so triggered over Israel?
nah cuz of some sperg in the last thread about this spic
based nicky
>I Let Mike Enoch cram his shitty ideas into my head even though he's married to a jew but Nick has a brown friend so that means he's wrong (even though I know he's right)
The Alt Right is a fucking clown show because of people like
Why do you think I care about some spic. I'm sure his father William and mother Lauren will be on my side in this matter.
You wouldn't be in this thread if you didn't care.
>They are clowns
T. Scrawny spic manlet sycophant leaf
Lol, does he let you suck his little bean?
Moarpheus getting all jiggy with it, lol, yeah bannon bought 8ch xD
I just said this is because of some sperg in the last thread. I don't care about the spic.
Moarpheus is a jew pretending not to be. Im not Moarpheus.
what's an irony bro anyway
>7 posts by this ID
>2 posts by this ID
>5 posts by this ID
>5 posts by this ID
Pointing this out KILLS the TRS shill.
Should I read Sage by John Mayonaise?
The people who came to this board during the election and think the racism is satire
Funny how a thread about your spic eceleb totaly ignores him, lmao
I see the ate chan shills still haven't been purged yet
Fuck I mixed up the posts. But whatever. I'm sure brainlets can sort it out.
remember when based destiny BTFO this low IQ cuckboi lmao.
Why is the opticuck queen supporting paul nehlen? His sperg sessions about the JQ are awful optics
>a debate thread goes from 10 posts, mostly relevant, to 70 posts, mostly character assassination as soon as the TRS shills arrive
Why am I not surprised?
;* Go shill for your mexishit bro somewhere else
who fucking cares if TRS comes here faggot? go back to 8pol
>in before t. trs shill
ive been on TRS for a total of 1 hour in my whole life
>eight chin faggots accusing others of character assassination
I don't give a fuck about spic Fuentes, Twitter, and e-celeb drama. I'm just sick of this shilling polluting my fucking board. It's about as subtle as a nigger driveby shooting, and I KNOW where it's coming from.
The same threads are up on infinity chan too. You TRS faggots aren't fooling anybody with the kike tactics.
>The same threads are up on infinity chan too
go back to 8pol mentally ill weirdo
This isn't "your" board 8gagger. Go back and stay there
>my fucking board
how to spot a nonwhite 8 chener
>The same threads are up on infinity chan too
YOU DON'T FUCKING SAY! It's almost like that's where this D&C shit is coming from. Don't you have a nonwhite mod so suck off
Wew 8ch and their worship of (((trump))) is just laughable
Based Nick "The Spic" Fuentes savior of the white race
What's mentally ill is posting the same anti-Fuentes character assassination post every fucking day because he threatens your subscriber shekels.
Look at this shit. It's nothing but brazen organized shilling since the beginning of last November. Over what? Some retarded e-celeb drama? FUCK OFF.
shills. Shills everywhere
It's truly sad that these kikes spend more time character assassinating people than coming up with good ideas.
Hey whites will be a minority in 20 years, lets prevent that, Important stuff! Never criticize our "leaders" or you're hitting right! No matter how laughably unprofessional, no matter how much potential is squandered never criticize me or hold me accountable goy, the fate of western civilization is jussa game for lionizing my ego. The altright should never be meritocratic! OH look creating infighting?? Get immm!!! I don do nuttin wrong!!
nah whats mentally ill is thinking spencer is a jew plant or a duginist or whatever fucking retardation you brainlets come up with
I posted at most 10 times about it overall. not my fault if fuentes is objectively wrong here. its not the first time he acts in that fashion either
>Tranny loving faggot
>Jew Loving slob
>Married to chink crack addict
>Sub 901Q
>Paranoid Alex Jones-tier sperg
Johnny Monox
>Literally 4"11 tall
TSR bits
Check out this dank spic in a maga hat, fukkkin baste
Mutt detected
"Fuentes..." sounds like a real American like Hernandez, Lopez, Gonzales, Garcia...
Manlet probably doesn't even lift.
Pic related.
DESU I think Nick is pretty talented and articulate (of course, he's not full 1488 so i don't agree with him 100%), but he just made a few, admittidly large, mistakes and probably got distracted by his ego
He was probably a net benefit by redpilling a more normie t_D audience. But right now he's pretty much entirely in the wrong
>5 posts by this ID
>3 posts by this ID
>12 posts by this ID
Christ, you TRS shills don't give up, don't you? Where are the fucking janitors they just hired?
The sliding going on in this board has reached new peaks. The you are not white threads, the e-celeb threads, the blacked threads, the "why aren't you" threads, the Ukrainian who always posts shareblue articles, etc.
I don't give a shit about e-celeb drama. Idk what Dugin or Spencer have to do with anything here. Just fuck off with the shilling, alright? It's gotten to unjustifiable levels and its sliding good threads. Thank you.
HAHAHAHAHA spic sycophant is really desperate
Take your pick guys.
Mossad must be going all out because how dare people post more than one time
>8 posts by this ID
8ch nonwhites are really working overtime ITT
Never happened. Quite the opposite happened actually
Enoch spent an hour crying about how butthurt he is on the last shoah....
Half of those threads support him. Nick acted like an asshole to allies and it turned the opinion of him. Very disloyal. He can still fix it though.
>I don't give a shit about e-celeb drama.
we agree on something at least. i wish eceleb threads were insta pruned
>Idk what Dugin or Spencer have to do with anything here
i misstook you for another type of users i thought you were one of those since your posting here fits theirs my bad
>get flustered and drop Destiny out of the call
>say that Destiny ran away right after
what did he mean by this?
This castizo is alright by me. American as fuck w/ the hair cut, suit, voice.