No entry-level shit allowed!
Other urls found in this thread:
We don't constantly need your thinly veiled rec thread you faggot
This is the first time I've made a thread.
Replace "your" with "this" and you get the idea
Hello, here is my 3x3
>chibi maruko-chan not an entry level shit
>literally one of the most popular shit ever
>literally one of the longest running tv show ever
Who keeps making these?
>No entry-level shit allowed!
>posts an entr-level one
Surprisingly, I like all the 3x3s in this thread so far.
I'm new
dezaki is this you?
NO. This is mine.
Why do you never have HnK?
>implying that you didn't make another one
Because I never rewatch it.
and I haven't read the manga.
I didn't make that OP one, although it has some nice qualities.
BUT I absolutely hate Ocean Waves with a burning passion + I just started watching Maruko so there's no way I'd put it on my 3x3.
-KLK (I think?)
>browse these threads
>see something i want to watch
>source it and download it
>watch a few episodes
>forget about it
>see some minor character related to the series months later
>forget i downloaded it
end up with two different versions of the same show
>mfw the process keeps repeating itself
is the point of these threads supposed to be a dick measuring contest or educational purposes?
>is the point of these threads supposed to be a dick measuring contest or educational purposes?
That and much more. I use them for showing off, trying to provoke some discussion on things that usually get weak threads, shilling the things that I like, and fucking around with screenshots and editing.
++ RoV
+ YKK, Princess Arete, Abenobashi
+/- Ocean Tales
++ Eva, Casshern, Haibane, Mononoke
+ Monster, Tex
+/- Ryvius
++ Haibane, Lain
+ Madoka, KLK, Nichijou, Sailor Moon
+/- K-on, Azumanga
- Hidamari
++ Akira, Nausicaa, Eva, Utena, Tatami, FLCL, Punpun
+ Dennou Coil, Only Yesterday, Tokyo Story, Harakiri, Now and Then
+/- Yotsuba
+ Star Driver, Joshiraku, Patlabor, Hourou Musukou, Noein, Tanuki
+/- Shiki
++ Kaiba, TTGL
+ KLK, Panty
+/- UY, Ninja Slayer
++ 1001 Nights
+ Mazinger Z
+/- Zegapain, Death Note
- Mirai Nikki
++ Perfect Blue, Utena, EoE
+ SZS, Only Yesterday, Kare Kano, Cat Soup, Ping Pong
++ Utena, EoE, RoV, Katanagatari
+ Trust and Betreyal, Memories
+/- Gunsmith Cats, Escaflowne
i ended up with 3 different versions of escaflowne and i had to sit through the entire fucking movie because of you faggots
but someone put Prefectural Earth Defense Force and crusher joe so while your taste isnt bad, you all remain true to the spirit of shitposting
nice doubles loser
best in this thread desu
>++ RoV
s'actually oniisama e
You're basing that assumption on the fact that you keep having that problem? Because it seems like a really obsure and rare one.
nice pic
I like your style here; it's very consistent and pleasant to look at. No need to make these threads look worse than they already do with your scorn for "entry-level shit", though.
I like the color scheme here. It's good to see a solid focus on composition.
The white backgrounds work, but it's a bit of a mishmash. I'd start by removing the lingering subtitles.
The anime and live action sides are nice, but I think the manga one is somewhat messy.
Nice work, and some less common anime too.
Although, as always, the presence of cut-off text is unappealing, your bright neon theme is working really well here.
I think you've already heard my take on your cropping.
This one's really nice. The colors are striking.
Pretty good as well!
I don't recognize a handful of these at all, but I can still appreciate a nice-looking 3x3.
Ah, good to see some progress being made on the shitty 3x3 front. Your alignments are beautifully erratic. I'm particularly fond of the juxtaposition of the somewhat-lined-up images and the ones that are just shoved in. Plus, the empty space at right is a great touch. I think the next step would be experimenting with the content of your images, to see how far you can push the boundaries of this medium.
The colors balance each other well here. I like it.
>Your alignments are beautifully erratic. I'm particularly fond of the juxtaposition of the somewhat-lined-up images and the ones that are just shoved in. Plus, the empty space at right is a great touch. I think the next step would be experimenting with the content of your images, to see how far you can push the boundaries of this medium.
thank you for your masterful critique on my shitpost, i am glad someone appreciates my artistic integrity
Add me as friend
>Anything that is not about currently airing shit is now a rec thread.
You paranoid fags are worst than those "back to Sup Forums" idiots.
>I don't recognize a handful of these at all, but I can still appreciate a nice-looking 3x3.
It's because it's a general list, not just an anime list.
What's middle row center?
What's the middle one?
>le millenom girl
This person is responsible for the decline of the series.
What's middle right supposed to be?
Star Driver
is top middle Katsu! ??
>that greenhaired robot waifu shit
I dont get it. Its so damn boring that I almost died reading it
Domo sensei
End of Evangelion
+Arete, Maruko, Anne, YKK
+Eva, Casshern, Mononoke, Texhnolyze
+Utena, Tatami, Eva, Dennou Coil, FLCL, Only Yesterday, Whisper of the Heart, Red Colored Elegy, Punpun
+1001 Nights
+Eva, Utena, Cat Soup, Only Yesterday, KareKano, Perfect Blue, Ping Pong, Oniisama e
+Eva, Utena, RoV, Oniisama e, Magnetic Rose, Trust and Betrayal
+Angel's Egg, Gravity's Rainbow, Eva, Kaiba, Feherlofia
+Eva, Lain
+FLCL, Gosenzo-sama
.5 Lain
++SZS, Perfect Blue, Ping Pong
-Cat Soup
+Angel's Egg, EVA
++Aria(?), Ping Pong
++One Outs
+Lain, EVA
No Kyoani? No thanks.
8/8 but what's the one in the center?
>-50% affinity
It's Touch.
it's Touch
it must be Touch
what's top left?
It's Touch.
and you coudn't even be original with your first
I do love a cute romance.
Picture clue, riddles, nine reasonably popular anime, guess them all, etc.
These have one or more:
One of them is Shiki, yes.
Is it bottom right?
Also Haibane Renmei
Yes, bottom right is Sheik-E.
Haibane Renmei is not on the 3x3, though. Couldn't come up with a good pun for it.
Cereal Experiments? Nyan Genesis?
replace akari with satania and its meme/10
>experimental storyboard edits
[autistic screeching]
top spook/9
>muh version exclusive pokemon
if thats PMD i'll give you credit though
It's PMD2
Crystal is so much better than gold and silver, suicune best pokemon
A fellow patrician has finally appeared.
That guy doesn't hold kyoani in too high regard though.
Well then I retract my earlier statement.I also don't recognize the very most bottom right short, and I can't help but notice it's on both of your mosaics.
Muybridge's Strings, but it's not on any of my other mosaics.
Someone into that stuff can't recognize Yamamura?
They are top class with subtle character acting, detailed mechanical animation and photography though they can be suffocating at times with respect to the latter and their attempts at cartoonishness like in Nichijou lacks a certain looseness with the characters.
It's honestly embarrassing.
>someone who finally appreciates rintaro
am i dreaming? did you also happen to enjoy dagger of kamui?
Nichijou is probably one of the only shows of theirs that I respect. Though they're all conceptually dull and only some stand out in terms of visual design, their creativity in that respect actually died with nichijou though.
Nichijou is peak technical but K-On! was their artistic peak imo