Which version of the Bible is best to read?
Which version of the Bible is best to read?
Any one of them that this ugly slut hasn’t put on her vagina
Depends on why you are reading it.
ESV is the current best.
Or in your case the KHV version.
None. Pick up a science book. I suggest an elementary version to ease your blue pilled mind into reality.
That woman looks truly ripe for a black cock.
Don't read it.
Stop following semitic religions.
dude face
man hands
female midsection
i have given up
KJV is not bad but it's antiquated. ESV is both accurate (and updated) and readable.
The one that you'll read. But srsly the one that hasn't been mutilated by taking out the Deuterocanonical books.
>Lok mom! I love science so much! I'm so smart.
You mean the translation?
Don't read the new testament though. It's a filthy book full of blasphemy and lies.
Latin Vulgate
King James if you are old-school Protestant or just appreciate poetic language.
Standard English Version if you're reading it to simply understand what the narrative is and what's going on.
Douey-Rheims if you want the Catholic version of the King James.
In all cases, get one with commentary so you can understand what is happening and how it relates to other passages of Scripture.
>dyed hair
>pear shaped body
>Standard English Version
English Standard Version*
God doesn't exist.
>media, religion and politics completely owned by semites
>constantly fed jewish propaganda and encouraged to be degenerate.
>circumsized at birth
The original one, before they added the bullshit retcons like Jesus
>Having a belief that hasn't done almost zero fucking shit in history so you have to equate it with science and call it "redpilled".
The Message Bible by Eugene Peterson if you're looking for the most scholarly.
Just because I'm Christian doesn't mean I'm aware of the JQ, fag. Looking forward to Poland getting taken over by the Muzzies. Also, whiter than you, Mohammed.
Or before you guys rewrote the book?
>Which version of the Bible is best to read?
Religion - no matter how thin you slice it, it's still baloney.
>read loki
New American standard Bible.
It has very accurate, modern translations and is written in clear modern English.
>Also, whiter than you, Mohammed.
Your level of delusion is adequate to your flag.
>polish scum talking shit about superior western countries
meanwhile your country has achieved nothing and your women are flocking here en masse to receive big british cock
Are you aware that all of these say the same thing?
Are you also aware that the "th" suffix is a mistranslation of the "long S" that anglo-saxon had but lost during it's evolution to English?
Retcon doesn't mean what you think it means.
>recieving absolute worst of Polacks who can't live well in Poland
>90% thieves and whores
Thanks for taking our trash. They will probably upgrade your nosferatu looking, tea-drinking inbreds.
In Nigerian Pidgin:
>The Lord na my shepherd, I dey kampe. E make me sidon for where better dey flow yanfu yanfu. And come put me next to stream make my body thermocool.
Can I get an amen?
I've seen this picture on here dozens of times. Name? I love that tattoo
She goes by Disgusting Thot.
Those Poles are Catholics marching though.
it's only the men that are trash t b h and they live amongst the negros with 20 men per flat where I never have to see them
the women are alright overall
and I can assure you I have met many of them
Her name is Roberta Paulson
>if on her skin there is a doodle
Meh, catholicism in Poland is mostly our origin festivals and and myths with Jesus slapped on, I don't really mind them.
The Americans posting here are mostly protestants, separated from their roots.
The KJV is the ONLY Bible from 1700's onward that hasn't been strategically corrupted, altered, and changed, and it's the best Bible from before the 1700's. The elites altered and edited all the Bibles after the KJV (and even some KJVs).
Also, OP and others, discover the lie that is evolution and the frauds that are used to keep it alive: youtube.com
the fact you ask this question just shows how flawed your religion is. how can you have a religion where the holy book isn't even completed and has multiple revisions and discrepancies?
The bible didn't even cover her cunt
>I love that tattoo
Degenerate trash. Leave.
"""(updated)""" is not a feature you look for in a sacred text. If you're too stupid to read the KJV you belong south of the wall.
Read this first before you read KJV from the beginning. It's only like 56 pages.
>can't even locate her cunt
Maybe it's his half tucked penis
>Meh, catholicism in Poland is mostly our origin festivals and and myths with Jesus slapped on, I don't really mind them.
You can see that everywhere the universal church has sat up. So my spin on your statement would be, that it is actually Catholicism that has conserved your heritage.
You kikes deserve to die. Disgusting.
would smash
hey I matched with her on Tinder lol
None. I support America, not desert peasants and their rewrite of history.
Did you smash? Her face is pretty shit but her body is very nice
Catholic turned Protestant in the early 00's. My entire family (Mainly of German, Irish, and Polish ancestry) left the Catholic Church around the same time over the molestation scandles. Best decision I've ever made.
this is the truth, any (((updated))) or (((modernised))) version of the bible is straight out of the synagogue of satan
Damn, my family claimed the molestation scandal was a test from Satan and doubled down with the Church. Was pretty disappointing.
You can't handle this, soyboi
None. Or the "Kid's Bible". The full Bible is garbage. I did read hundreds of pages of it, and it is very dull and confusing, full of unnecessary plot lines and characters, not able to convey any clear or consistent message.
Latin Vulgate is the only official Bible of the Catholic Church it was transcribed by St. Jerome, best bible
Pretty sure the message is accept Jesus or go to hell
None of them. They're all Jewish fanfiction
Did you actually read it? Or do you repeat what was told to you in the church?
Jesus lived before the destruction of the Temple.
Look closer, user.
Old testament.
Read Sun Tzu's Art of War,
or Machiavelli's Il Principe,
that's worth reading.
This i think.
In fact he prophesied the destruction of the temple and was proven to have foreknowledge
You should install linux and use the software bibletime, you can get all the translations, commentaries, and dictionaries for free. I like Young's Literal Translation, it is a little harder to read you gain more in depth knowledge.
Does de Lord knoe de way?
I only read Bibles that have leather cured in the pussy juices of whorish white girls.
Depends on what you want.
You have to realize every language is hard to translate literally. So every translated text is translated through a certain viewpoint.
I'd say you'd be best reading the LXX (septuaginta), seeing how it's the book that was used by the apostles. And, tradition has it, it was translated by 70 people who all came out having the same translation. But, of course, that'd be in Greek.
Of course, you'd want a Catholic bible, else you'll be missing out on books Christs considers scripture (Cf: "You err because you do not know SCRIPTURE" ... "They will be as the angels". This latter quote that Jesus used is not found in the protestant bible, but is found in the Catholic one.)
Anyway... I could go on for a long time.
Use douay rheims.
King James, always.
nah I swipe right on everyone but nixed her
you should read whichever you want and compare to different version to decide which you think is best.
One version can be best in one instance while another version could be better for another
The bible is not the complete and infallible word of God. That's just some dumbshit policy of constantine which is stated in the Nicene creed, but nowhere in the bible. Remember that the bible is not a book, it's a collection of writings and some writings that were considered scripture before the nicene creed were rejected from the final version specifically because they addressed truths that the secret society that's today called the illuminati don't want you to know.
The illuminati are mentioned in the gospels. The three magi "from the East" that followed a star to Jesus were Amalekites/Hivite/shitstains. The star they were following was actually two stars, Venus and Mercury, which were so close to each other in August of 2 AD that, 45 minutes after sunset on the 15th, looked like one bright star.
The three magi visited Herod and told him the king of the Jews had just been born, knowing that Herod would see this as a challenge to his rule in Judea. They later met with Herod in secret and agreed to find Jesus.
When they found Jesus, they covered him in gold and anointed him in spices that are used in sacrifice. Then they fled because they understood that once Herod killed the Jewish Messiah, he would eliminate all evidence of his existence, which meant killing the magi.
Again, Jesus ran into the illuminati as money changers in the temple, and they conspired to have him murdered when he interrupted their business in the temple.
The book of Enoch provides a lot of insight into the illuminati as well as the importance of the movement of the planets as indicators of the times and plans of God, which is why it was rejected as scripture by the council of Nicaea.
John 3:16 isn't a complicated verse, are you stupid?
>whiter than poland
Poland is literally the whitest country in the world you tard
No, the ESV is a garbage translation compared to the KJV. Firstly, look up every time the KJV mentions fornication, how the ESV translated the word: "sexual immorality". It's just another dumbed down Message-tier translation, that's based on the (((Alexandrian))) manuscripts and the (((Critical))) edition.
book confuses book trash no book no
None. Read Mein Kampf instead.
This. Go with KJV or GNV for the fascinating notes. Modern critical textual methods and modern translation sensibilities are bad (stuff like "only begotten Son" changed to "only unique Son", gender neutral pronouns, etc.)
The English language has degenerated. We ought to try to understand it in an older, purer form than that in which it now exists anyways.
or you can be like me and read both, you illiterate pagannigger