Only people who haven't suffered want to have children
Only people who haven't suffered want to have children
Nothing is more unenlightened than having children
of course people who have suffered know what life is. Life is suffering.
The absence of suffering is the absence of life.
Life is suffering and struggle.
Then explain all of Africa. You think they got so over populated by living such great lives?
Your people have lost the will to live. Someone needs to light a fire up under your ass and get you moving in the right direction.
they have just become a senescent nation. Like France or Italy.
its warm you get well build by west, you get food donations by west. what else you gonna do except fucking ?
If you havn't had kids by 35 it's time to kill yourself.
None of you people have children, obviously. Being a father is the most based, manly thing you could possibly ever do. Especially if you have a young son to mold in the ways of truth and light.
yeah. The eurocucks are weak as fuck. I cringe at their posts.
That's hilarous you weak, spoiled, brat.
Define "suffered."
I was molested as a child and I still want to have kids some day.
>molested as a child
It`s obvious.
At least I'm not a faggot like you user.
I would never voluntarily put somebody through life. Too sadistic.
Thats probably true. I have had quite a nice life and I want to have a large family. I look forward to showing them this wonderful world.
Every time they ask a stupid question about reality Ill sit them down and watch a documentary about something like space or volcanos with them. Fuck work. I am already easy back from that at age 30.
*jerks off into a sock
No, more like only faggots who want to be replaced in a few generations don'thave kids
It's passing the buck, basically. The mediocre have another chance to become great.
White bloodlines are doomed thanks to this generation
How much does S*ros pay you to post here?
this. fucking makes anyone feel accomplished. there isn't much else to do except fuck and receive gib.
existence is just pointless suffering and our ultimate goal in life should be to prevent more suffering therefore not having any children
who else /antinatalism/ here?
Only weak minded and weak willed failures choose to not have children. Raising strong intelligent well-mannered children to become influential and successful people is a true calling to the white race. Not having children is a discontinuation of your genes, and if you purposefully choose to take that path your genetics were weak anyway. Strong patriarchs raise healthy tight knit families who grow together and eventually provide a sense of belonging and accomplishment to you as you age. Basically, you're a fucking genetic cuck, letting stronger more biologically successful men stomp you out.
>the meaning of life is pleasure
wtf I'm a hedonist now
Molested how? Faggot shit? U a sheboon that got fucked by her daddy(or whichever strange man your mum told you to call daddy) or was it some giant fat landwhale negress that sucked your dick.
Molested/raped by an older sister throughout most of elementary school.
If you let "suffering" stop you from making a positive impact on the world it's because you're weak.