Christianity prevailed because it made the most sense. As stupid as some stories in the bible are, it was not even close how ridiculous the stories of the pagan religions were. Science can debunk everything pretty much from like Egyptian or Greek mythology, but with Christianity it's harder because it's the closest what we can understand.
Christianity prevailed because it made the most sense. As stupid as some stories in the bible are...
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Do you actually believe the world was created when a big ice wall melted which released a ice giants which sweated and created more ice giants and a cow came from the ice too who licked more ice and that released the first god who then created more gods and killed the ice giants?
>because it made the most sense.
No because it used the same tactics Communist use to brainwash people today, like "equality".
It makes no sense that some rabbi created existence. It's zoroastrianism in a retarded form, just like Judiasm is.
That's not what anyone believed though. That's Christian folklore like Beauty and the Beast. All viking myths are from Christian times, told by your grandmother to scare you away from the old ways and get you to worship a demon from the Middle East, Rabbi Jesus.
The myths still hold esoteric and social truths, just like fairy tales do.
Egyptian, Greek, Sumerian, Mayan, Jewish, it all has at least a hint of remembered truth and encoded astronomical data via metaphor.
That's how it was everywhere in the pagan world, but you live in denial. Christ is the way and the truth.
Why do Paganists work with Atheists? Are Paganists just LARPing Atheists?
Absolutely false. The Norse believed in their Gods and monsters just as strongly as Christians believe in their faith
Most pagans can't even name like maybe 3 gods from their religion and even then they might mix them "i believe in Thor, Odin and Zeus".
Just my two cents guys. The bible is basically a testimony with multiple groups corroborating the same story more or less. History textbooks do the same thing. So why believe anything about ancient history and not the bible? There are holes and disagreements in the narrative of how ancient civilisations came and went just like the bible.
I don"t mention Science because that opens up a discussion on epistemology and rationalism.
Bible is also a good history book
>but with Christianity it's harder because it's the closest what we can understand.
I dunno, I put up a talking snake in the same category as a cow licking the world into existence.
Not any more unbelievable than a man born from a virgin. At least no one is cucked in the cow lick myth.
A REAL REDPILL THREAD >Judaism and Christianity are just bastardized Zoroastrianism -- with a few Egyptian/Babylonian memes. Every story, every meme, stolen.
"hebrew" = Aramaic for nomad (nomadic tribes moved around by Babylon and Persians, no real identity until they stole one around 300BC).
>The Norse believed in their Gods and monsters just as strongly as Christians believe in their faith
You don't know that. It's all from Christians who told those folk tales. The Norse religion was gone for 300yrs when Snorri was writing that stuff.
Christians are just fucking sick people who breed future Communists.
yes, but biblical stories also are untrue.
What's your point?
nobody does. Do you believe moses saw a burning bush and split the red sea open? Do you believe there were giants on the earth and noah's ark literally happened? No you don't. Why do you insist on literal interpretation of mythology for other religions but not for judaism?
>Why do Paganists work with Atheists?
because both hate christianity
>Are Paganists just LARPing Atheists?
The bible is untrue and christianity is a cuck religion, end of story
Christianity makes fuck all sense
>God has a son who is also him and this guy sacrificed himself for our sins even though he's also God so how does he have any connection to our sins if he's not human and how is this a sacrifice for God when his son is himself who is all powerful and will just return to heaven and this means that everyone born before Jesus went to hell and there's also something called the holy spirit or something
>Christianity is closest to science
Genesis says the there is an ocean above the sky. And also that the land in the cosmic ocean was gathered together forming what we call earth.
Nothing wrong with adopting new deities. The Romans and Greeks did it, and also combined similar deities from different pantheons.
>God created the universe with partiality towards human beings and planet earth
>Human beings are meant to be image-bearing stewards of the earth
>Humans fall short of their vocation and turn to idols and pride; sin is inherited into humanity
>God elects a meek and small people, Israel, for his intended purposes
>The Israelite / Jew is supposed to be the true image-bearer and thus the authentic human being, restoring humanity to it's true vocation in love and worship of the true God
>Israel fucks up over and over and over, they're as bad as the others, if not worse
>God is faithful to covenant, even if Israel aren't
>God sends the meta-David, the true Israelite, the true Jew, the true image-bearer, the true God-man to sort humanity out via Israel and get the show on the road
>Jews kill him and don't believe he's Messiah because he isn't worldly enough; not another "reed blowing in the wind."
>Jews are beyond saving
>Paul and others get saved and become true human beings, begin to share the Gospel of the true God with other non-Israelite fallen humans, seeing that the Jews are fucked
>Christianity grows, changes, develops, sectarians split apart, kill each other etc etc
>Now it's today
>The King (Jesus) promises to return to fully establish God's kingdom on a recreated earth free from sin and death
>Christians are meant to make preparations for the return of the King i.e. sharing the gospel, caring for the poor, remaining holy, being all-around good image-bearers
Dawkins I didn't know you went on to Sup Forums.
Satan just took snakes form, it wasn't a real snake
>Christianity prevailed because it made the most sense.
No, it prevailed because a roman emperor made it the state religion of the empire and banned all other religions from being practiced.
>muh pragmatist religion
Secular wannabe Christians, fedoras, and LARPagans are all the same. None of them believe. You all should move to California and fuck off.
>denying evolution
>god chooses the jews as his special people, this has nothing to do with the jews having their own tribal god just as every other tribe and nation at the time did, nono the one real god just happened to choose them
>god can foresee everything but he still wastes ~3000 years with these retards knowing it will fail
>god decides that the correct punishment for breaking the law is eternal torture
>after human beings have been born into suffering and died in suffering for hundreds of thousands of years, god sends his son to make his original decision entirely useless by letting everyone avoid the punishment that he himself decided was correct
yes this makes sense
>Christians are meant to make preparations for the return of the King
this means absolutely nothing. If the only logical and positive end goal is "not sinning" then all scientific and technological progress that isn't towards that is inherently satanic and evil. and everyone should move into caves instead since that makes you less likely to sin
Europeans are so far lost you should all just start sucking goat dick. Europe will be a new caliphate by 2050.
Christianity was laughed out of the Greek philosophical centers, it was only able to thrive amongst the poor in Rome.
It's about LOGOS
And now they don't exist. Just like fedoras won't exist in about two generations.
christianity prevailed through force and adaptation, pagan stories are mythologized social ritual and natural phenomena instead of metaphysical mental gymnastics, science can't debunk christianity precisely because of its contrived circular logic
>not addressing any points
>posts damp and uninteresting meme macros that he saved from Sup Forums that are completely unrelated to the topic
you are the lowest of the lows, breeding patterns dont determine the truth you absolute retard
also demographically speaking USA will reach civil war status decades before any european country, even germany
500 years ago people were killed for saying Christ was not the Son of God. Now it's being broadcast into your television shows and movies while you do nothing because these "religious people" are not willing to die over someone disagreeing with how they interpret their book anymore. The Muslims still are, but that probably won't last either. Christianity will likely exist in 10000 years in the same way that the Roman pagan holidays still exist. In America people are Christian because they are conformistic, not because they believe.
Also, I'm not an atheist or agnostic. I fight the same fight as Christ, but I see no reason to call myself a Christian.
>christian half-whites are swarming into a christian country
>implying this is comparable to sandnigger mudslimes raping and changing the entire law system
Oh no! Nothing will change!
What is "Logos"?
>i am special snowflake
>i do not call myself a christian
You'll fade into genetic extinction like the rest of your brethren. Christ is Lord, and His faithful will remain unto the end.
i get the feeling you're 70IQ or some shit, literally none of the shit you said has anything to do with the post you're responding to
this is the amerimutt evangelical brain at work
Are Jesus and Zeus the same dude? Their names sound p similar :3 or is Zeus Lucifer, i.e. the lightning rod, i.e. the light bringer? Is Pepe Jesus?
All the dead men in this thread
Weird how /pol "Christians" always center their analysis of Christianity on how it benefits culture or promotes/extends their political goals.
You guys are basically just using Christianity as a memetic weapon or mechanism to benefit your given cultural movement.
These threads are devoid of any earnest Christian discussion regarding moral principals.
Christianity isn't about protecting white cultures or promoting political control, it's about salvation.
Sandniggers are not white. Sandniggers are not atheist or Christian, they are mudslime. Sandniggers are flooding into Europe. Your governments do nothing but cuck you harder.
Mexicans are mestizos. They are Spanish rape babies. They are Christian. They are being deported. A wall is being built. We have guns. We have a president that works for our interests, and will have him for another 7 years.
You are a sub-60 snownigger. The mongols should have raped you harder so you could could get some of that Eastern IQ.
Every time.
>Sandniggers are not white.
>Sandniggers are not atheist or Christian, they are mudslime.
Lots of them convert to christianity after arriving, but this makes absolutely no difference to me, they are all enemies
>Sandniggers are flooding into Europe.
into europe in general sure, as for finland a few thousand per year, nothing life-threatening
>Mexicans are mestizos.
>They are Christian.
>They are being deported.
they are not being deported now or in the future. And even if they were, your country is already under 60% white, whereas even the disaster countries in europe (germany, france) are 85%+ white. Even if you closed the borders today and deported every illegal (not gonna happen), you will still be minority white within 2050.
>A wall is being built.
It is objectively not.
>We have guns.
when your country isnt filled with negroes and indios theres no need for guns
> We have a president that works for our interests
literally all he's done in the first year is suck Israel's dick, do nothing about migration, no wall, lower taxes for top percent (jewish capital)
>The mongols should have raped you harder so you could could get some of that Eastern IQ.
The mongols never went past novgorod and finland is another 1000km away from novgorod. Nice history you literal fucking amerimutt 50IQ freak
Both america and USA are gone, but usa will be gone by 2050, europe only by 2100.
Also pic related is your chrsitian bretheren, biblically they are your eternal brother
>under 60%
Stopped reading there. They are being deported, and they will keep being deported. It's been done before. It will be done again.
You have no concept of what religion does to a nation, or what God grants to a nation that obeys Him. Ask Spainards if they thought Al-Andalus was cool.
You are a cuck, and you hate Christ. You invite wrath, and it comes soon.
Christianity is clearly the best because it won by fire and sword and deceit
It also helps to have jews on your side
Last point: Sup Forums is for politics, not your imaginary friends who demand worship wanking. Go find another board, you damned normie
>the whole reason for existence has no effect on politics
A lot of smart people in this thread.
But the bible literally says God punished all snakes by making them crawl on their bellies after that.
No god, devil, angel, spirit, or entity otherwise has no right of say in any human made government.
>They are being deported, and they will keep being deported.
Why do you want your eternal bretheren in christ to be deported on the basis of race? What happened to love your neighbour as yourself?
>You have no concept of what religion does to a nation
I have perfect understanding
>or what God grants to a nation that obeys Him.
apparently jack fucking shit since the places that believe in jesus the most aren't being rewarded at all, they are just nations among the others and the success is determined by the genetics and competence of the population. Whether you believe or dont believe in jesus is irrelevant
compare Czech republic and Romania, czech is nice and safe and rich but supermajority atheist, Romania is supermajority christian but is a shithole. Nothing to do with the religion one way or the other.
>You are a cuck
No i hate cuckolds thats why i hate you and jesus who told you to submit to enemies and treat everyone as equal
>and you hate Christ.
>You invite wrath, and it comes soon.
The god of israel was made up by the jews, it never existed and doesnt exist now, ergo no wrath coming. Good luck you can keep promising and promising until the day you die and nothings gonna happen.
Which sect of Christianity? Catholics? Orthodox? Anglicans? Mormons? Baptists? Lutherans?
Ah yes the Bible even got talking donkeys right, when so few historical accounts mention them. Stupid Balaam faggot, can clearly tell his ass is avoiding an angel yet keeps pushing it forward anyway.