Krautgate general /kg/ - strange URLs edition

Warski says:

Sargon Dont Know What He Is Anymore

Centrists Death Squad

Styx Vs Greg Johnson

Aydin Now Wants Polish Cock

Sargon Is Black
Liberalist Debunked
Academic Agent vs David Cedarwood

Sargons new homepage

Sargon and Metokur talks about Doxing

Sargon the Liberalist




>Tales of Trout Part 1: Rage Before The Storm

>Tales of Trout Part 2: Academy of Discord

>Tales of Trout Part 3: Ballpits Closed

>Tales of Trout Part 4: Dox, and Doxxes, and Doxxxing Oh my

>Could it get any worse? (It could)

>The Fall Of Kraut Explained in Under 6 Minutes

Kraut was a Jewish youtube skeptic (fedora athiest) who led the witchhunt against alt-right youtube girl RageAfterStorm & got her fired from her job. He then attempts a skeptic "debunk" of Race Realism by snarky pilpul Youtube vids.
Kraut gets BTFO'd when it comes out that he is trying to Doxx race-realist, now he is dead (see Metokurs videos)

Other urls found in this thread:


that picture's pretty damn smart.

t. east asian

Don't forget to post cute aydins

Guys I'm listening to the latest Daily Shoah and Mike Enoch keeps saying he's legally bound from discussing something (to do with his wife?) that he can't talk about.

What the fuck is he talking about?

Scratch that, Aydin-June shitposters can fuck off

Alright youtube
I'm not in anyones side
Lamestream media is our enemy
What about italians not being white
It's quite funny
*Show's hairy nipple*
That's about all peace out

Legal proceedings regarding divorce while its still in court

some user in the previous thread has posted this mysterious message that he later deleted: if you follow the link you'll find a text file about a secret discord server, too bad that the text ends abruptly.
I don't know if it was bait or not, maybe someone else here will figure it out

here's the URL in the screenshot

Missed Racewarski's stream yesterday, is it worth watching?

poor guy

>when you're *literally* so much of a faggot that you're too scared to debate a nigger

It's no wonder Destiny wiped the floor with this degenerate - who has since been too scared to debate Destiny again.

>buh she drove 500 miles
>buh she wuz high functioning
>buh she wuz 19
>buh she wuz a nice girl

Based Ryan putting that nigger in his place

And yet....

Are you black or are you simply unaware as to how in particular African Americans """""debate""""?

You said niggers were animals, do you debate animals?

Lmao the fucking hypocrites

Ask him

Kek, when your hero is such a faggot that you have to shill for him. Have you ever tried debating a nigger? It's pointless, one of them tries to tell me that there weren't wars in Africa before white people and another told me that Africa was a country. I wonder if you're a nigger or just some cuck whose been indoctrinated to hate himself and thus ignores what niggers are doing to whites

Reminder that you shouldn't respond to Density cultists

Quote a single time Ryan advocated for the one-drop rule

>"b-but muh racists"
It's pretty ironic how race denialists all of a sudden become in favour of racial classifications, in fact even very specific ones, whenever someone in the slightest hints towards race. If somene is less than 99.9% white, then they are "in denial" but if someone is 100% white well then the're just "a fucking white male".

Would be a shame if someone reported that faggot

>UH, the nigger, UH, IS, UH

somone should look up to this I've been lucky that I left the page open without refreshing (I went out for a bit and looking at the thread on my phone I've noticed that the post was deleted)

This is dumb because non-whites produce non-white kids, and their kids aren't necessarily going to have the same point of view as the parents. It's like willingly inviting a potential fifth column into your domain.

It's called "speed debating". No longer is debating about bringing interesting points, now it's just about throwing as many written down points at the opponent as possible and throwing back just as many written down rebuttals. Noone on either side learns anything because they don't even have to listen to each other, all they have to do is shout out points in the correct order so that it sounds like they listened. That way even the most retarded can win simply because they can speak quickly.


>Why does the left refuse to debate us
>What's up budy want to debate?
>OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH NO NO NO NO NO when I say left I mean blue haired 1st year college girl

Quick, someone send Sargon this winning strategy!

i could have sword it was called shotgun debating or something but i can't find anything

based Ryan

All you Americans need to watch his latest video on the MLK/negro question

sworn, not sure how i typo'd that

yeah, the formal name is Gish Gallop

Did you guys hear that clip of Sargon basically sucking off Andrew Anglin? I think we've broken his brain

Stepfather now claiming attacking him is attacking liberalists. It's all about me isn't it Sargon. "An attack on one is an attack on ones"

There are no liberalist individuals, only the liberalist collective

>people can't understand it because we speak so quickly
>if they could understand it they'd figure out what we're saying

should this not just be a Destiny thread?

He has already won against everyone... he deserves the spotlight. He is basically centre right anyway.

"Liberalistism" is just a euphemism for Sargonism

why does destiny and co send their fan clubs to Sup Forums?
or are you just that much of a cuck that you advertise them for nothing in return?

I'll support him if you can show him supporting ethno-nationalism

that wont happen because ethno-nationalism is low IQ, sorry dude.

>He has already won against everyone
He's ran away from the alt-hype and now he's moral fagging his way out of a debate with JF.

we need to eradicate all niggers from the earth, friend

Here is Ryan decimating an Ivy league nigger.

The funniest part about the Liberalist debacle is Sargon and the rest implying that everyone are scared which is why they're bashing and making fun of the Liberalists. Every time I hear them say this I cringe a little in real life.

It's basically the centrist equivalent of "they're just jealous".

I know you are just trolling for fun but some people actually believe stuff like that.
I guess they never even watched the debates, which i guess is reasonable as it would hurt their feelings a bit. Its just sad this place has becomes about feels over reals.

A debate is a dialogue between the two people interacting, the audience is only there as impartial observers to make objective rulings on the debaters. Speed debates on the other hand are just research and reading fast- you research your own views and then research rebuttals to your views- you effectively eliminate convincing the other person and go for rules lawyering instead by using the audience as judges rather than impartial observers. You are retarded if you think this is any form of debate, it's just theatrics for the audience to enjoy and blank out half of the points raised.


how can anyone enjoy it? half of the time their words are so garbled you can barely make out what they're saying and its interspersed with retarded grasps for breath that overshadow anything they're actually saying.

but seriously is he retarded
I though he was just taking about statistics but it seems like he can't differentiate between a statistic and an individual
what the fuck was going through his head?

doesn't sargon realize that the reason we make fun of him is because its hilarious to make fun of him? We shit on spencer all the time. There is scarcely a single person I haven't heard somebody shit on.


>offer him one finger and he takes the whole hand
s m h t b h

he's right
arguing with niggers is pointless, like arguing with children or women, they just go straight to emotions and crying victim the second they can't use facts or common sense
I too have learned that the hard way.


>I though he was just taking about statistics but it seems like he can't differentiate between a statistic and an individual
>what the fuck was going through his head?
You're the one that sounds retarded kiddo. It seems he's saying from prior experience, it's a waste of time and energy to debate niggers on the topic. The audience is going to be niggers, the person you're debating is going to either not be able to grasp the concept, be incredibly difficult to have a discussion with, or will just argue in bad faith. There's nothing to gain besides frustration when debating niggers. Drop the meme flag, shitskin.


Also if you raise any bullshit point or any bullshit source, neither the opponent nor the audience will in the slightest doubt it, since your opponent will be debating points you never even mentioned against sources you never mentioned. I can most definitely bet there is just one guy winning shitloads of debates simply because nobody can fight against his arguments due to shitty sources nobody has ever heard of, while his opponents always end up using predictable arguments. End-result ends up being that the guy making bullshit points walks away without a single criticism against him, while his opponent just has endless amounts of shit thrown at his side.

>if even one of them is dishonest
So he expects everyone to become cucks and lower their head in shame, but he himself plans to act morally righteous. Reminds me of a certain group of blue-haired individuals.


what a fucking joke
if you are afraid of your worldview being shattered at least be honest about it
if not to anyone else then at least to yourself

"Bake the cake, bigots."

- John Loki, renowned English moral philosopher

I didn't look at it that way
also I'm whiter than you 56% nigger

>This isn't 300BC

the autodidact doesn't know history either. imagine muh shock.

No, liberalistism in britain is low iq because as soon as muslims get a majority they are going to shit down the liberalist's throats and make their own laws, and the laws they make won't be liberalist. Muslims don't care about locke believe it or not. Any plan that doesn't involve the ultimate goal of white people in britain organizing with the eventual goal of killing all the muslims in britain and burning all of the mosques to the ground is a waste of time.

he used to think he was 1/16 coon because his family told him so, but turns out it was a myth after he did a dna test and looked into his family tree

I'm pretty sure he has a degree in History, where did he say 300BC?

did he share the results

>Thanks Tiny southafrican dickrider
Every thread you are here to shill for tiny.

My goodness. And they say the liberalists are Fedora wielding neckbeards. This is awesome, actually it means this shit will remain a meme just like communism.

No, but he's definitely Eastern European.

Tiny dickriders are delusional.

Probably getting $10 from Tiny, which most likely makes him the richest person on the entire continent of Africa.

>Sargon makes a video addressing a tranny's meme image "criticism"
>doesn't address any of the actual criticisms from JF, Braving Ruin, Alt-Hype, the Distributist, etc.

>There is scarcely a single person I haven't heard somebody shit on.
I can only think of Murdoch and E;R, even Jim get's shit for boiling rice

I don't think that's how the fedora meme works
also is this the year 2013

The real question is how much meters is 5.4 feet and why do yanks still use retarded Britbong units of measurement ?

Honestly I don't get why Tiny is doing it other than for his own ego because at this rate he is going to get rekt like Kraut.

He also deleted many comments giving valid criticism, he somehow seems to think people won't take notice of it. You know, kinda like how /leftypol/ used to not delete blatant bait but would delete sincere points, making it look to their own community as if all the right can do is spout memes and make self-defeating arguments.

Well it's factually correct. It's just rarely possible today.

E;R is too pure for this world

1.65 m

I love these csi tier manlet exposure pictures

Sargon is literally an SJW-lite.

The weird think about this Liberalist debate, is that really have already had this debate years ago right here on Sup Forums. The board used to be far more openly libertarian (amidst all the NatSoc, white nationalism, reactionary, and other fringe political camps) in 2012 during the second Ron Paul run. After that ship sunk, many libertarians went more radical towards hard ancap and voluntarianist, since the minarchist/The Founders style-classical liberal approach didn't work with Ron Paul. The others veered further towards the white nationalism side as the facts surrounding the issues of gender, race, and the JQ became more apparent. Overtime we see what we have today with the Alt-right where these loose right wing factions, divorced of the cancerous conservatism that defines the mainstream right, banding together in acknowledgement of deeply controversial truths that greatly challenge the current political system built up by liberal democracies.

It becomes tedious to have to do it all over again with this other band of people who understand there is a problem with the mainstream political zeitgeist, but stubbornly latch onto this moderate classical liberal position that is, in truth, the root of the problem.

in the tweet. 300BC is just before the Punic war, so North Africa was mainly inhabited by Phoenicians and North African berbers with a fucking impenetrable Sahara separating it from sub-Saharan countries, it was also before the transaharan slavery so North africans back then were less likely to be black than they are now.

Does he think North African somehow became white overtime?

ah yes i see you are a crazy person.
you cannot deny the truth forever, one day you might even understand complex issues enough to comment about them.

seems he has boomer thin skin, despite being involved in gamergate. Maybe he thinks he's one of us, which is why our shitposting hurts? idk mate

All E;R does is talk about how shit Star Wars and Legend of Korra are, is there really much criticism you can gather from that beyond the fact that he unironically watches both?

He isn't SJW-lite, he is just SJW but against how they bring their goal about. For example, you could describe antifa to be Communists but you wouldn't call Communists that hate antifa as being "antifa-lite".

i love that faggot (n-no homo)

well if the end results will be the same is just a mater of patience to see our ranks grow, isn't it?


Square up, fuccboi

Geez you sound like the reddit version of kevin logan.

>Want a murdoch murdoch hoody but don't want to get punched
Delet this

Why do you even bother? these are the same people who clipped that part and thought AH made a compelling argument :

>Study show that black are less likely to have get jobs because people employers pre-assume..

Alt-hype thinking he's bright
>no no I think I figured this one out, it's not discrimination based on their race, if you control for crime committed by black people..

>You realize you are making my point? blacks do get employed less because people assume they must have criminal background since they are black

>well it's true


why stupid people complicate things to feel smart? if you're a individualist, then the baker's individual rights trumps whatever right of someone buying his cake.

>if you want me to lose a debate you have to fall to your knees and implore me

He is the kind of person i hate most. Makes fun of others but others making fun of him is unforgivable