Am I the only one who thinks that multicultural society is a nice thing, if White people are majority?
Am I the only one who thinks that multicultural society is a nice thing, if White people are majority?
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So like america at the moment? Looks nice indeed
if you don't have a consensus of actively oppressing and/or disenfranchising the minorities, they'll just vote as a dependant class and you'll be a parasite farmer
kill yourself you ugly, stupid fucking nigger
Why? What do you have to gain from having minorities?
>mmm I love some piss with my orange juice
>Diversity is our strength!
>Ummm, uh, ummm....good food!
But what if certain if those minorities required expensive social programs for their basic needs, which themselves are corrupt and full of fraud making them more expensive than natural, paid for by the white majority who have largely (magically!) figured out a way to supply those needs to themselves without forcing others?
Even if you actually feel like that, it is a unsunstable thing. They will evenetually mix with natives and they will reproduce faster than natives. Eventually natives will always become a minority
>brown eyes
As long as whites are over 90%, sure. Once they fall bellow (Western Europe right now) shit starts to happen.
2% nonwhite population at most.
Aggressive minorities will ALWAYS conquer majorities.
Yes, you are the only one here. Now leave
How do you know his race ?
Shustoke lokk at se eyez
>Britbong please
typical walloonian ahmed, worried about the gibs running out
it has benefits but the negatives outweigh it. the negatives include higher crime, higher poverty, less achievement overall, higher taxation necessary. resources have to be diverted away from worthwhile things just to feed, house and care for the poor minorities, including their criminals in prisons. there wiill be constant societal tensions and SJW campaigns to blame the white majority for all the problems of the minorities, hence pressure for people to be politically correct and also to open borders, because otherwise it would be racist. so basically you have a ton of problems.
the only advantage is a bit more variety in restaurants and music.
see Alterantive Hypothesis's video about this. the cost of multiculturalism and how it drains an economy and reduces scientific achievement.
>How do you know his race ?
>Shustoke lokk at se eyez
>>Britbong please
I don't understand what you are trying to say Mehmet.
>Am I the only one who thinks that multicultural society is a nice thing, if White people are majority?
Yes because such societies have a dynamic in them that is inherently unstable. So while you might like a snap shot of the society, the thing in itself is intrinsically a sinking ship.
Multicultural societies are less trusting, less community driven, entail more crime and are less likely to sustain any sense of civic duty. People in multi-cultural areas are less likely to go out, more likely to stay inside watching TV.
Political views in multicultural societies tend to fray to the edges.
I enjoy getting to know people from other countries. I am friends with a muslim gas station owner and enjoy most of his foreign muslim employees. I am in Texas and admit most hispanics are hard working family oriented people. That being said we need to secure our border and limit the number of those people comong in. USA is not here to support the third world. Its here to be a great white nation. We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
>1 post by this ID
wow really makes me think
If every society were "multicultural", ALL CULTURAL DIVERSITY WOULD BE WIPED OUT. "Multiculturalism" is just a term for the form of western liberalism in which minorities are objectified and championed.
silly burger :3
explain NYC then
You're allowed two Chinese restaurants per 100,000 people, that's it. And no "authentic" Chinese food - no dogs, cats, aborted babies or young children.
You're allowed 1 Mexican restaurant per 200,000 people because that many like to eat shit and die.
Thai food... Yeah, we put the sign out but it's not a restaurant.
European whites are 20%, other 36 are larping spics, arabs and mixeds.
We are slowly dying, only reason why it hasn't happened yet is because we are still rich af so we can pretend the problems don't exist
I don't mind a few Chinese restaurants or black shoeshine boys, but ideally I'd like our island to be 98% white, like it used to be. That's still over a million wogs, they've nothing to complain about.
Is it true that Islam is illegal in Angola?
>posts a pic of a guy with brown eyes
multiculturalism only """"works"""" if there is a cap on the amount of people coming into the country you silly waffle
based xd
Multiculturalism is nice when it's all white cultures. Look what canada used to be.
Even among white populations, multiculturalism is shit. Yankees and Southerners have entirely different values. Northern Europeans are different than slavshits (even in America). No one likes it at all and it doesn't work
I’m at a pub right now, 100% white (actually there’s one black chick on here) and while it’s full of males I don’t see any men. The absolute state of white males is fucking pathetic. If there was a nigger or Muslim in here the test levels would probably double.
Nope, just look at the U.S.. When you take all of the Jews, Arabs, Hispanics and other non-white ethnicities who are listed as "white" into account, the actual white population here is probably closer to 35%. I believe this is done intentionally so whites don't realize just how small their numbers are here. Just ask any old Baby Boomer how white America is, and they'll likely tell you that it's somewhere between 70 and 80 percent.
Farage us a nigger
Fuck off moule frite, in a multicultural society white majority will obligatory vanish since whites do far less children than 3rd world shitholes minorities.
In tiny belgium white will be minority in no time.
You're an absolute moron without reflexion or a fucking larper.
It is a shit thing no matter what is the majority.
Agreed, a world where everyone looks and acts the same would be kind of boring. Thats why God made people different after all.
>Like America at the moment
After some years of multiculturalism every one will look and act the same.
No I think that too but how will you make sure that they stay the majority?
If they intergrate and there are very, very little of them, sure
I hate what's happened to my city over the last fifteen years. Fucking kebab and curry takeaways everywhere, urine on the streets, gangs of south Asians loitering everywhere. It'd say it's over 50% Indians/Pakistanis in my area now. Fucking hate it
Your examples in America don't make any sense. Your comparison of northern Europeans to Slavs makes it clear that you mean "multicultural" in the sense of multiple ethnic groups. But the terms 'Yankees' and 'Southerners' do not refer to different ethnic groups; they refer to groups living in different geographic areas. I don't think there's a substantial difference in which European nationalities yankees and southerners are derived from, but even if there is, I wouldn't pin the cultural differences of white yankees and white southerners on the two groups having different ethnic make-ups.
The differences between yankees and southerners are due more to geography and the history of the respective regions.
I hate multiculturalism, but I don't think it's inherently problematic to have different European (white) ethnic groups living in those countries outside of Europe with high white populations (US, Canada, South Africa, Australia, etc.).
>Country must remain at least 95% White at all times
>The only non-whites allowed to live here are East & SE Asians, Christian Arabs and maybe some civilised mestizos
>They can't have more than 2 kids per family
>They can't breed with whites
>They'll enjoy all other rights and benefits
Only under these circumstances would I accept multiculturalism
Why even allow it to be 2%. What do non whites bring to the table that whites can't bring themselves? In the white ethnostate it's 100% white or bust
I don't understand the purpose of sustaining a non white population in the white ethnostate. Is it meant to be like a zoo or something?
just think about how great society will be if everyone is white?
What's the point of having latinas in your country if you can't bang them
It's all or nothing, meme country. Being at all supportive of any multiculturalism is a slippery slope straight to idiocracy and anarcho-tyranny.
if you mean 90+% White country that will stay that way for generations, maybe.
>2 child limit
Good luck with that, Nigel.
Fuck that girl is cute, I'm so lonely
The more an American likes diversity the more likely they live in all white part of town.
>be SWPL
>"Oh my gosh i love food fairs and diversity"
>i have to commute so i can live in a good shool district (read:white)
Feels bad man
I'd hate if everyone was white. I used to live in a small town called Whitewater. There were mostly white people with some Mexicans. It was a boring as fuck place.
Only in the West, the rest of the world will retain their identities. People are only flowing in one direction
Societies cannot survive with too much outsiders coming in
Artificial population change (non birth) is occurring at a rapid rate. Decimating the nationhood.
I think there are both good and bad things that come with it
multicultural doesnt have to mean different races
who is this semen demon?
Multicultural is great
It's multiracial this is an absolute disaster.
Is that uuuu selfposting, Erica?